Produce better instructions for capacity and ownMemory

Having fOwnMemory and fCapacity swap places produces better code.

Currently, with fCapacity first, produces the following code.
* fCapacity: andl #7fff, fCapacity(p)
* fOwnMemory: cmp #00, fOwnMemory(p)

With them swapped it produces:
* fOwnMemory: test #1, fOwnMemory(p)
* fCapacity: lsrl #1 fCapacity(p)

This should result in a smaller binary.

Bug: b/260713649
Change-Id: I81de49a7b20765acedaf15b0cac4dcf8fc2efa04
Commit-Queue: Herb Derby <>
Reviewed-by: John Stiles <>
1 file changed