[skottie] Fix glyph comp auto sizing

We currently have two issues when auto-resizing glyph comps:

1) glyph comps are not scaled to reflect the effective font size

2) glyph comps are represented as empty paths in the custom SkTypeface
   (their rendering is not handled via usual Skia text APIs), so their
   visual bounds are empty => they are not taken into account when
   fitting to the paragraph box.

#1 is easy to fix: just apply the text shaping scale to the glyph comp

For #2, plumb the explicit glyph composition size ('w'/'h' props) and
use a dummy WxH rect path as a placeholder in the custom SkTypeface.
This ensures comp glyph bounds are computed accurately, but since we
don't want Skia to actually render these rects, we also need to remove
the placeholders from the glyph list after shaping.

Bug: b/266592513
Change-Id: I4d125414b0130cf289f9cc0068d0ac6e238c565b
Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/c/skia/+/653097
Reviewed-by: Jorge Betancourt <jmbetancourt@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Florin Malita <fmalita@google.com>
6 files changed