Revert "begin caching Programs in SkVMBlitter"

This reverts commit d1d4cbf2e42db786bef0bd0d526e06dbd5e6870e.

Reason for revert: static initializers broken checks in Chrome Roll

e.g. gProgramCache{8}

Original change's description:
> begin caching Programs in SkVMBlitter
> My first drafts put caching inside SkVM.cpp, which I rejected for
> feeling a little too magic, and then in SkVMBuilder.cpp using a
> fingerprint of the skvm::Builder to skip Builder::done().
> This version makes an explicit Key structure holding all the parameters
> that currently matter to the Blitter, and caches using that.  This is
> nice because it can be done much more cheaply than running the JIT, and
> much more cheaply even than running the Builder.  It also makes the
> parameterization of the Blitter explicit, which I like.
> This does sometimes create programs that are equivalent but have
> different keys, but that's not that common, and it's pretty harmless.
> E.g. today if the device colorType() is opaque or premul, we'll think
> those are different programs, but actually end up making the exact
> same calls to Builder.  No big deal, and maybe even gives us a
> suggestion to do something when the destination is opaque to skip work.
> I've left that as a TODO followup.
> We really only need a small cache to get a good hit rate.  Running all
> GMs in one process serially, we're now down to 22 calls to done() from
> >100K at head (and >500K yesterday).  (Would be 13 if we treated opaque
> and premul the same.)
> There are two places I'd like to have used tryAcquire() on an SkSpinlock
> but the thread safety static analysis is wrong and prevents me.  Left
> some TODOs.
> Change-Id: I83a365fc895720c76b56b0e5a78f4c673fcd9d64
> Reviewed-on:
> Commit-Queue: Mike Klein <>
> Reviewed-by: Herb Derby <>,

Change-Id: I9a32f24b79054f7174d82bb8e6aca2a9f65894e8
No-Presubmit: true
No-Tree-Checks: true
No-Try: true
Reviewed-by: Mike Reed <>
Commit-Queue: Mike Reed <>
1 file changed