Simplify symbol table setup.

Previously, `setupSymbolTable` would add a bunch of non-ES2 type aliases
to the program's symbol table if ES2 restrictions were disabled. As it
turns out, this was largely unnecessary ever since we restructured how
non-ES2 types are restricted. Nowadays, the root symbol table has all
types in it, and Type::isAllowedInES2 is used to disallow non-ES2 types
when strict ES2 mode is on. (See

The only missing piece here was that `add_glsl_type_aliases` was never
updated to add the non-square GLSL matrix alias types, and
`setupSymbolTable` papered over this. Now, `add_glsl_type_aliases` adds
these types directly.

Commit-Queue: John Stiles <>
Auto-Submit: John Stiles <>
Reviewed-by: Ethan Nicholas <>
Commit-Queue: Ethan Nicholas <>
Change-Id: I4a38509c9a235b93136c4afc24b300074a749182
2 files changed