Verify that tests in errors/ actually generate the expected errors.

Error expectations are embedded in the source with a special *%%*
marker, like this:

     expected 'foo', but found 'bar'
     'baz' is not a valid identifier

This unit test compiles every effect in errors/ and verifies that it
makes an error. It also verifies that the errors returned include the
expectations from the *%%* marker section, in the listed order, if any
expectations have been listed. (Error expectations are not meant to be
exhaustive; additional errors are allowed.)

In this CL, I've manually attached error expectations to the first few
error tests. A followup CL will (mechanically) add expectations to every
error test, based on their current error reports.

Change-Id: I4add30fef6419c4d3f8d2a221c5aeb53eee35ae7
Bug: skia:12665
Auto-Submit: John Stiles <>
Reviewed-by: Brian Osman <>
Commit-Queue: Brian Osman <>
15 files changed