Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-master' into update-shaderc

ef2b7a6 Avoid C-style cast for constants definitions (#760)
c1af9a7 SetBeforeHlslLegalization to use more relaxed validation rules (#676)
72988e4 Explicitly use python3 for git-sync-deps (#759)
1f2dec1 Remove app_dummy call in Android test (#756)
e9bb8f2 Add verbose flag to (#753)
f396afa Rolling 4 dependencies and update known_failures (#755)
77d7b65 Rolling 4 dependencies and updating known_failures (#754)
23bbb32 Add --target-spv option to set target SPIR-V version (#750)
8de4816 Remove old logging infra from (#749)
30d8262 Enable implicit fallthrough warning and fix examples of (#747)
7781794 Rolling 2 dependencies (#748)
48e07b5 Rolling 4 dependencies and update known_failures (#745)
cff2a56 Catch low level exceptions instead of crash (#744)
11cf0a3 Add jobs flag to spirv cross tests script (#743)
0ce3725 Extract common test environment bits out into a class (#738)
c4ba097 Fix for Chromium build. (#741)
ab08017 fixes for Fuchsia. (#733)
b9a1021 Remove Appveyor artifacts link. (#739)
16f6e6a Remove SetShaderModel from API (#734)
b3523d5 Move script fixes from other SPIRV related repos (#732)
a731ee3 Import improvements to DEPS roll script (#729)
213a2a8 Update CHANGES (#730)
2cbf790 Add -fnan-clamp (#725)
6c4c6ed Add script to generate manual roll patch (#727)
4714ba1 Rolling 4 dependencies (#728)
2a888de Roll third_party/glslang def9662348b0..9db72785beb3 (1 commits) (#721)
daf804a Roll third_party/spirv-cross 4104e363005a..146dc453bcec (2 commits) (#722)
9164aea Manually roll DEPS to get past test failure (#717)
8b2600f Roll third_party/googletest fd20d1eccef6..176eccfb8f42 (1 commits) (#718)
f40bcf8 Roll third_party/googletest e110929a7b49..fd20d1eccef6 (5 commits) (#715)
8fbd7e0 Roll third_party/re2 0c95bcce2f1f..848dfb7e1d7b (2 commits) (#712)
a0bfa18 Roll third_party/googletest f7c178ecb33c..e110929a7b49 (2 commits) (#709)
7b84ab7 Roll third_party/googletest 26afdba792e5..f7c178ecb33c (2 commits) (#707)
828e3a5 Roll third_party/spirv-cross 00a8539d1ddf..4104e363005a (3 commits) (#698)
9745f0e Roll third_party/googletest af4c2cb098a3..26afdba792e5 (1 commits) (#703)
c21dd10 Update glslc tests for -finvert-y option (#704)
ceff3dd Pass InvertY to glslang (#695)
b988e6b Roll third_party/googletest 89656ddbe62f..af4c2cb098a3 (2 commits) (#702)
c6cb20d Roll third_party/spirv-headers 9cf7c3a7d2d2..de99d4d834ae (1 commits) (#697)
bd60de4 Roll third_party/googletest 076b7f778883..89656ddbe62f (1 commits) (#694)
dcfa9d0 Roll third_party/spirv-cross fccf1d046204..00a8539d1ddf (1 commits) (#691)
ef6b960 Roll third_party/spirv-cross 5e9e8918f9a2..fccf1d046204 (1 commits) (#690)
206a069 Roll third_party/spirv-headers 9242862c84fe..9cf7c3a7d2d2 (1 commits) (#689)
2f42850 Roll all DEPS to HEAD (#685)
facd092 Roll third_party/effcee 8f0a61dc95e0..b83b58d177b7 (2 commits) (#677)
3c76b8a Re-introduce SetShaderModel for backwards compatibility (#675)
8738101 Refactor dup'd arg handling functions into a single location (#660)
f21bd30 Update Dockerfile to use Python 3 (#668)
d0298a3  Add details of spvc to (#661)
78c188d Change TODO(name) to TODO(bug issue#) for spvc files (#658)
dc67137 Fixing duplicate absolute install paths when using Visual Studio generators (#639)
568cf20 Add in missing flags to pass more of the spirv-cross tests (#664)
acf7d24 Convert vars['foo'] to Var('foo') (#663)

Testing: on Linux; unit tests on Windows

Change-Id: Ic91997e8266c6f53239373657fb1f566a0223bf9
tree: 03e4efed3cce3240461686c37a5ad97ca07e17f1
  1. android_test/
  2. build_overrides/
  3. cmake/
  4. examples/
  5. glslc/
  6. kokoro/
  7. libshaderc/
  8. libshaderc_spvc/
  9. libshaderc_util/
  10. spvc/
  11. third_party/
  12. utils/
  13. .clang-format
  14. .gitignore
  19. CMakeLists.txt
  22. DEPS
  24. Dockerfile


A collection of tools, libraries and tests for shader compilation. At the moment it includes:

  • glslc, a command line compiler for GLSL/HLSL to SPIR-V, and
  • libshaderc, a library API for accessing glslc functionality.
  • spvc, a command line wrapper around the SPIR-V to GLSL/HLSL/MSL compiler SPIRV-Cross, and
  • libshaderc_spvc, a library API for accessing spvc functionality.

Note: The fact that that libshaderc is not named libshaderc_glslc is a quirk of history, and a known inconsistancy. Changing it would require a significant amount of renaming and breaking of downstream projects, so it is being left as is.

glslc wraps around core functionality in glslang and SPIRV-Tools. glslc and its library aims to to provide:

  • a command line compiler with GCC- and Clang-like usage, for better integration with build systems
  • an API where functionality can be added without breaking existing clients
  • an API supporting standard concurrency patterns across multiple operating systems
  • increased functionality such as file #include support

spvc wraps around core functionality in spirv-cross and SPIRV-Tools. spirv and its library aims to provide:

  • validation and transformation of inputs before cross-compiling
  • an API designed around integration with specific projects like Dawn

Note: spvc and its library are WIP and optional artifacts that are by default disabled in the build. How to enabled is detailed below.


Linux Build Status MacOS Build Status Windows Build Status

More downloads


Shaderc has maintained backward compatibility for quite some time, and we don't anticipate any breaking changes. Ongoing enhancements are described in the CHANGES file.

Shaderc has been shipping in the Android NDK since version r12b. (The NDK build uses sources from Those repos are downstream from GitHub.) We currently require r18b.

For licensing terms, please see the LICENSE file. If interested in contributing to this project, please see

This is not an official Google product (experimental or otherwise), it is just code that happens to be owned by Google. That may change if Shaderc gains contributions from others. See the file for more information. See also the AUTHORS and CONTRIBUTORS files.

File organization

  • android_test/ : a small Android application to verify compilation
  • cmake/: CMake utility functions and configuration for Shaderc
  • examples/: Example programs
  • glslc/: an executable to compile GLSL to SPIR-V
  • libshaderc/: a library for compiling shader strings into SPIR-V
  • libshaderc_util/: a utility library used by multiple shaderc components
  • third_party/: third party open source packages; see below
  • utils/: utility scripts for Shaderc

Shaderc depends on glslang, the Khronos reference compiler for GLSL.

Shaderc depends on SPIRV-Tools for assembling, disassembling, and transforming SPIR-V binaries.

Shaderc depends on the Google Test testing framework.

In the following sections, $SOURCE_DIR is the directory you intend to clone Shaderc into.

Getting and building Shaderc

If you only want prebuilt executables or libraries, see the Downloads section.

The rest of this section describes how to build Shaderc from sources.

  1. Check out the source code:
git clone $SOURCE_DIR

Note: The known-good branch of the repository contains a known_good.json file describing a set of repo URLs and specific commits that have been tested together. This information is updated periodically, and typically matches the latest update of these sources in the development branch of the Android NDK. The known-good branch also contains a script that will read the JSON file and checkout those specific commits for you.

  1. Ensure you have the requisite tools -- see the tools subsection below.

  2. Decide where to place the build output. In the following steps, we'll call it $BUILD_DIR. Any new directory should work. We recommend building outside the source tree, but it is also common to build in a (new) subdirectory of $SOURCE_DIR, such as $SOURCE_DIR/build.

4a) Build (and test) with Ninja on Linux or Windows:

cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={Debug|Release|RelWithDebInfo} $SOURCE_DIR
ctest # optional

4b) Or build (and test) with MSVC on Windows:

cmake --build . --config {Release|Debug|MinSizeRel|RelWithDebInfo}
ctest -C {Release|Debug|MinSizeRel|RelWithDebInfo}

4c) Or build with MinGW on Linux for Windows: (Skip building threaded unit tests due to Googletest bug 606)

cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={Debug|Release|RelWithDebInfo} $SOURCE_DIR \
   -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$SOURCE_DIR/cmake/linux-mingw-toolchain.cmake \

After a successful build, you should have a glslc executable somewhere under the $BUILD_DIR/glslc/ directory, as well as a libshaderc library somewhere under the $BUILD_DIR/libshaderc/ directory.

The default behavior on MSVC is to link with the static CRT. If you would like to change this behavior -DSHADERC_ENABLE_SHARED_CRT may be passed on the cmake configure line.

See the libshaderc README for more on using the library API in your project.

Tools you'll need

For building, testing, and profiling Shaderc, the following tools should be installed regardless of your OS:

  • CMake: for generating compilation targets.
  • Python 3: for utility scripts and running the test suite.

On Linux, the following tools should be installed:

  • gcov: for testing code coverage, provided by the gcc package on Ubuntu.
  • lcov: a graphical frontend for gcov, provided by the lcov package on Ubuntu.
  • genhtml: for creating reports in html format from lcov output, provided by the lcov package on Ubuntu.

On Linux, if cross compiling to Windows:

  • mingw: A GCC-based cross compiler targeting Windows so that generated executables use the Micrsoft C runtime libraries.

On Windows, the following tools should be installed and available on your path:

  • Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 or later. Previous versions of Visual Studio will likely work but are untested.
  • Git - including the associated tools, Bash, diff.

Optionally, the following tools may be installed on any OS:

Building and running Shaderc using Docker

Please make sure you have the Docker engine installed on your machine.

To create a Docker image containing Shaderc command line tools, issue the following command in ${SOURCE_DIR}: docker build -t <IMAGE-NAME> .. The created image will have all the command line tools installed at /usr/local internally, and a data volume mounted at /code.

Assume <IMAGE-NAME> is shaderc/shaderc from now on.

To invoke a tool from the above created image in a Docker container:

docker run shaderc/shaderc glslc --version

Alternatively, you can mount a host directory (e.g., example) containing the shaders you want to manipulate and run different kinds of tools via an interactive shell in the container:

$ docker run -i -t -v `pwd`/example:/code shaderc/shaderc
/code $ ls
/code $ glslc -c -o - test.vert | spirv-dis

Building spvc

The value SHADERC_ENABLE_SPVC in CMakeLists.txt must be set to ON to enable building spvc.

This can be achieved by either editing the file in your checkout, or passing -DSHADERC_ENABLE_SPVC=ON to cmake to set the value.

Bug tracking

We track bugs using GitHub -- click on the “Issues” button on the project's GitHub page.

Test coverage

On Linux, you can obtain test coverage as follows:

ninja report-coverage

Then the coverage report can be found under the $BUILD_DIR/coverage-report directory.


Bindings are maintained by third parties, may contain content offered under a different license, and may reference or contain older versions of Shaderc and its dependencies.