blob: 30a0e026f4011c273167e66c2235588d8640ae71 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Shaderc Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import expect
from environment import File, Directory
from glslc_test_framework import inside_glslc_testsuite
from placeholder import FileShader
def shader_source_with_tex_offset(offset):
"""Returns a vertex shader using a texture access with the given offset."""
return """#version 450
layout (binding=0) uniform sampler1D tex;
void main() { vec4 x = textureOffset(tex, 1.0, """ + str(offset) + "); }"
def shader_with_tex_offset(offset):
"""Returns a vertex FileShader using a texture access with the given offset."""
return FileShader(shader_source_with_tex_offset(offset), ".vert")
class TestFLimitNoEqual(expect.ErrorMessage):
"""Tests -flimit without equal."""
glslc_args = ['-flimit']
expected_error = ["glslc: error: unknown argument: '-flimit'\n"]
class TestFLimitJustEqual(expect.ValidObjectFile):
"""Tests -flimit= with no argument."""
shader = shader_with_tex_offset(0);
glslc_args = ['-c', shader, '-flimit=']
class TestFLimitJustEqualMaxOffset(expect.ValidObjectFile):
"""Tests -flimit= with no argument. The shader uses max offset."""
shader = shader_with_tex_offset(7);
glslc_args = ['-c', shader, '-flimit=']
class TestFLimitJustEqualMinOffset(expect.ValidObjectFile):
"""Tests -flimit= with no argument. The shader uses min offset."""
shader = shader_with_tex_offset(-8);
glslc_args = ['-c', shader, '-flimit=']
class TestFLimitJustEqualBelowMinOffset(expect.ErrorMessageSubstr):
"""Tests -flimit= with no argument. The shader uses below min default offset."""
shader = shader_with_tex_offset(-9);
glslc_args = ['-c', shader, '-flimit=']
expected_error_substr = ["'texel offset' : value is out of range"]
class TestFLimitLowerThanDefaultMinOffset(expect.ValidObjectFile):
"""Tests -flimit= with lower than default argument. The shader uses below min offset."""
shader = shader_with_tex_offset(-9);
glslc_args = ['-c', shader, '-flimit= MinProgramTexelOffset -9 ']
class TestFLimitIgnoredLangFeatureSettingSample(expect.ValidObjectFile):
"""Tests -flimit= an ignored option."""
shader = FileShader("#version 150\nvoid main() { while(true); }", '.vert')
glslc_args = ['-c', shader, '-flimit=whileLoops 0']
class TestFLimitLowerThanDefaultMinOffset(expect.ValidObjectFile):
"""Tests -flimit= with lower than default argument. The shader uses that offset."""
shader = shader_with_tex_offset(-9);
glslc_args = ['-c', shader, '-flimit= MinProgramTexelOffset -9 ']
class TestFLimitFileNoArg(expect.ErrorMessage):
"""Tests -flimit-file without an argument"""
shader = shader_with_tex_offset(-9);
glslc_args = ['-c', shader, '-flimit-file']
expected_error = "glslc: error: argument to '-flimit-file' is missing\n"
class TestFLimitFileMissingFile(expect.ErrorMessageSubstr):
"""Tests -flimit-file without an argument"""
shader = shader_with_tex_offset(-9);
glslc_args = ['-c', shader, '-flimit-file', 'i do not exist']
expected_error_substr = "glslc: error: cannot open input file: 'i do not exist'";
class TestFLimitFileSetsLowerMinTexelOffset(expect.ValidObjectFile):
"""Tests -flimit-file with lower than default argument. The shader uses that offset."""
limits_file = File('limits.txt', 'MinProgramTexelOffset -9')
shader = File('shader.vert', shader_source_with_tex_offset(-9));
environment = Directory('.', [limits_file, shader])
glslc_args = ['-c',, '-flimit-file',]
class TestFLimitFileInvalidContents(expect.ErrorMessage):
"""Tests -flimit-file bad file contents."""
limits_file = File('limits.txt', 'thisIsBad')
shader = File('shader.vert', shader_source_with_tex_offset(-9));
environment = Directory('.', [limits_file, shader])
glslc_args = ['-c',, '-flimit-file',]
expected_error = 'glslc: error: -flimit-file error: invalid resource limit: thisIsBad\n'