Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-master' into update-shaderc

Includes the following:
	5d45ead HLSL: Turn on tests for groupshared.
	b50fd17 HLSL: Support SV_Coverage and SV_DispatchThreadId; catch SV_GroupIndex.
	4a34679 Build: Fix unsigned/signed warning.
	1fabc0f Merge pull request #548 from baldurk/vs2010-compile-fixes
	bf8a6ef Merge pull request #551 from steve-lunarg/rwbuffers-fmt
	c658497 Merge pull request #539 from schwa423/linux_global_lock
	1b6daa0 Merge pull request #550 from amdrexu/bugfix
	062b239 Merge pull request #549 from steve-lunarg/multidim-array
	425af5f Use a recursive mutex.
	cce8d48 HLSL: phase 3c: add option to use Unknown storage format
	8b0227c HLSL: phase 3b: Texture methods remember and return vector size.
	4f2da27 HLSL: phase 3a: Add sub-vec4 rwtexture formats (qualifier.layoutFormat)
	17ff343 SPV: Add missing extension declarations for certain AMD extensions.
	f042e40 Merge pull request #542 from steve-lunarg/rwbuffers
	e4ad1bb Merge pull request #538 from steve-lunarg/iomap-binding-range-err
	7b211a3 HLSL: allow multi-dimensional arrays
	486d9e4 Update HexFloat tests to use non-enum class enum values
	021dbb4 Change negatable_left_shift and negatable_right_shift to inline funcs
	cabba60 Change {} constructor brackets to ()
	7cac9e7 Change "using x = y;" to "typedef y x;" statements
	a227d27 Explicitly implement default constructors
	1a65fc2 Add std::isnan and std::isinf wrappers for VS2010 that doesn't have them
	033d3ef Change enum class to plain enum
	31d5d48 Change constructor to use ()s instead of {}s
	ff160f1 Add #include <cstdint> for std::uint32_t usage
	75c3bf6 Add strtoull wrapper for VS2010, pointing to MS implementation
	54a28de Give all complex lambdas an explicit return type
	b3da8a9 HLSL: phase 2e: introduce lower level addBinaryNode/UnaryNode fns
	07830e8 HLSL: phase 2d: minor cleanup, & allow operator[] on non-rw textures
	0de16da HLSL: phase 2c: use lValueErrorCheck in HLSL FE
	9070796 HLSL: phase 2b: add l-value operator[] for RWTexture/RWBuffer
	6b43d27 HLSL: phase 2a: add r-value operator[] for RWTexture/RWBuffer
	e3aa654 Merge pull request #546 from yavn/OpImageQueryLod-with-SampledImage
	7208a97 SPV: Use SampledImage with OpImageQueryLod
	87a83d6 Use pthread_mutex for global lock on Linux.
	9ae3474 Check for out-of-range bindings during IO mapping.

Test: for Linux, Windows; ran unit tests on Windows
Change-Id: I226a48cb970e037e5906150618c1d08ea3a5701b