Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-master' into update-shaderc

5e634c89 Enable generation of compile_commands.json (#1938)
f57feff7 Fix the exports of glslang-default-resource-limits (#1942)
e7db8f40 Merge pull request #1941 from ehsannas/bazel_build
d3f3f01c Run tests on Windows too.
2398b216 Fix build scripts.
af7991e0 More cleanups for Windows.
8b11dfe1 Add Kokoro bots for building using Bazel.
dccaa59c Make it work on Windows.
834ee546 Merge pull request #1937 from jeffbolznv/volatile_atomics
016ddee8 Only apply volatile semantics to atomics when using Vulkan Memory Model
0608b9d6 Add Bazel build configuration files.
a959deb0 Merge pull request #1933 from dj2/runtest
3290d380 Use commandline options instead of ENV variables
9e4f6d03 Merge pull request #1932 from zoddicus/anotherSemiColonFix
62202427 Keep code style improvements
e3dd69b8 Merge pull request #1934 from durswd/master
7d623e1c Indenting
0f98465f Update CMakeLists.txt
3f072e15 Move TARGETDIR as well
16720143 Make runtests configurable.
1aeceaea Fix config issues and revert previous fixes for semi-colon issues
05398232 Added an option to make pch enabled in Cmake
b03e4fc4 Merge pull request #1866 from rumblehhh/master
8ba49b86 Merge pull request #1930 from ux3d/fix/CMakeOptionalExternalBuild
03be018a find Python and add External subdir only if BUILD_EXTERNAL option was set (on by default) and /External dir exists
765cee84 GLSL/SPV: Pre SPIR-V 1.5, subgroupQuadBroadcast index must be constant
101ca388 Merge pull request #1880 from georgeouzou/master
469d27f2 Merge pull request #1928 from Xottab-DUTY/patch-1
01a50473 remove redundant check
3c8b4daa Fixed typo in
a1002588 Merge pull request #1926 from zoddicus/fixChromiumRoll
41261d95 Forgot that GCC doesn't recognize this flag
7c9accb6 Remove unnecessary semi-colons and add warning about them
69670380 Merge pull request #1888 from Roy-AMD/Adjusting-code-interface
f99beb50 Merge pull request #1925 from greg-lunarg/kg107
ee8e9c15 Fix #1924: Promote SPV_EXT_physical_storage_buffer to KHR when required.
39ced690 Update spirv-tools known good.
1ff0c181 Fix #1924: Emit SPV_EXT_physical_storage_buffer, not the KHR form.
4b97a110 Merge pull request #1919 from dj2/install_spirv
78ba2510 single line
c13e0f1e Update appveyor and travis files
7b0e2363 Move install directory for SPIRV/ folder.
135e3e35 Merge pull request #1918 from KhronosGroup/format-attributes
8a97d389 HLSL: Fix #1912: add attribute syntax for nonreadable/nonwritable
2d9b0a35 HLSL: Fix #1912: add attribute syntax for overriding image formats.
7bc04732 Merge pull request #1906 from ShchchowAMD/master
973d0e53 Merge pull request #1910 from KhronosGroup/fix-1900-const-nonuniform
c2fafea9 GLSL/SPV: Fix #1900: Drop const on literal when doing an object copy.
f7a48b15 Merge pull request #1907 from kainino0x/separate-web-and-emscripten
caca1d1c Merge pull request #1905 from KhronosGroup/GL_EXT_buffer_reference_uvec2
90e402f4 SPV_KHR_physical_storage_buffer/SPV: Add GL_EXT_buffer_reference_uvec2
4b5159ea Merge pull request #1908 from digit-google/fuchsia-fixes
9d43c7f3 Fix Fuchsia build.
d0848b72 Merge branch 'master' into separate-web-and-emscripten
230117a0 use custom es6 modularization instead of MODULARIZE=1
4391924a Separate GLSLANG_WEB (min-size build) and Emscripten options
e0932f67 README: Fix WASM typos.
54c72c6d HLSL: Fix #1903 Catch 0-argument case to constructors.
f4b2ba2c Reflection will crash when the VS input symbol defines the same name with FS output symbol
e4e56bcf Merge pull request #1902 from jeffbolznv/extended_types
c5b669e0 Add GL_EXT_shader_subgroup_extended_types support
be467db7 Merge pull request #1899 from KhronosGroup/SPIR-V_1.5
f766faba GLSL: Only require constant for subgroupBroadcast when SPV < 1.5.
8317e6c6 SPV: Support SPIR-V 1.5; five extensions no longer need OpExtension.
8b8adf79 Merge pull request #1894 from ShchchowAMD/master
352e668a Add flags for local size values ( compute shader )
aaff6cdd SPV 1.5: Switch to the 1.5 header, for SPIR-V 1.5.
fe0b2bd6 Merge pull request #1897 from dj2/unused
fdd13ca1 Merge pull request #1895 from amdrexu/bugfix
23e9f5ca Comment out params instead of removing
24a5d23d Remove unused params
3b1b9e29 Fix incorrect function prototypes of 64-bit findLSB/findMSB
35dabea7 Fix code style issue and remove setXfbBufferStride new paramte
b69e8f3a Adjusting code interface
d2b24ae5 Add support for GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location
c6f7294c Handle install vs build include directories
ab6d1499 Export glslang targets on installation

Change-Id: I88c0a68c022f83120a5ca4ce5cc4352939185e75
Testing: on Linux; unit tests on Windows
(cherry picked from commit c263ce53d9b3918067c92ed97f1930159e34c3f9)
113 files changed