Refactor context files definitions

The loading of context files is similar between the different backends.
Refactor their definitions and loading. The trade-off is that each
backend context configuration will be a 6x2 pointer array vs exact size
previously. This is negligible as the majority of backends are defined
for almost all partitions (with vndservice being the exception). Having
these constant-size arrays greatly simplifies the processing.

The only difference in behaviour is that each file_context being loaded
is also being reported to the logs (similarly to service and
keystore2_key backend).

Test: build and boot, verify logcat messages from SELinux
Change-Id: I71954b624ce5ca7cca68a18d7e81c462359a4330
4 files changed
tree: 262c261127e9f888d195e7d8df99dcdbf4ebccff
  1. .circleci/
  2. .github/
  3. checkpolicy/
  4. dbus/
  5. gui/
  6. libselinux/
  7. libsemanage/
  8. libsepol/
  9. mcstrans/
  10. policycoreutils/
  11. python/
  12. restorecond/
  13. sandbox/
  14. scripts/
  15. secilc/
  16. semodule-utils/
  17. .gitignore
  18. .travis.yml
  19. Android.bp
  22. lgtm.yml
  23. Makefile
  26. NOTICE
  27. OWNERS

SELinux Userspace

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SELinux libraries and tools are packaged in several Linux distributions:

Building and testing

Build dependencies on Fedora:

# For C libraries and programs
dnf install \
    audit-libs-devel \
    bison \
    bzip2-devel \
    CUnit-devel \
    diffutils \
    flex \
    gcc \
    gettext \
    glib2-devel \
    make \
    libcap-devel \
    libcap-ng-devel \
    pam-devel \
    pcre2-devel \

# For Python and Ruby bindings
dnf install \
    python3-devel \
    ruby-devel \

Build dependencies on Debian:

# For C libraries and programs
apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests \
    bison \
    flex \
    gawk \
    gcc \
    gettext \
    make \
    libaudit-dev \
    libbz2-dev \
    libcap-dev \
    libcap-ng-dev \
    libcunit1-dev \
    libglib2.0-dev \
    libpcre2-dev \
    pkgconf \
    python3 \
    python3-distutils \
    systemd \

# For Python and Ruby bindings
apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests \
    python3-dev \
    ruby-dev \

To build and install everything under a private directory, run:

make clean distclean

make DESTDIR=~/obj install install-rubywrap install-pywrap

On Debian PYTHON_SETUP_ARGS=--install-layout=deb needs to be set when installing the python wrappers in order to create the correct python directory structure.

To run tests with the built libraries and programs, several paths (relative to $DESTDIR) need to be added to variables $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, $PATH and $PYTHONPATH. This can be done using ./scripts/env_use_destdir:

DESTDIR=~/obj ./scripts/env_use_destdir make test

Some tests require the reference policy to be installed (for example in python/sepolgen). In order to run these ones, instructions similar to the ones in section install of ./.travis.yml can be executed.

To install as the default system libraries and binaries (overwriting any previously installed ones - dangerous!), on x86_64, run:

make LIBDIR=/usr/lib64 SHLIBDIR=/lib64 install install-pywrap relabel

or on x86 (32-bit), run:

make install install-pywrap relabel

This may render your system unusable if the upstream SELinux userspace lacks library functions or other dependencies relied upon by your distribution. If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.

Setting CFLAGS

Setting CFLAGS during the make process will cause the omission of many defaults. While the project strives to provide a reasonable set of default flags, custom CFLAGS could break the build, or have other undesired changes on the build output. Thus, be very careful when setting CFLAGS. CFLAGS that are encouraged to be set when overriding are:

  • -fno-semantic-interposition for gcc or compilers that do not do this. clang does this by default. clang-10 and up will support passing this flag, but ignore it. Previous clang versions fail.


To install libsepol on macOS (mainly for policy analysis):

cd libsepol; make PREFIX=/usr/local install

This requires GNU coreutils:

brew install coreutils