(re)declare versioned attributes in mapping file

Public types get versioned for Treble compatibility. The versioned
attribute is declared in vendor policy. Then a mapping between the
newer system policy occurs on the system partition. This causes
on-device compilation to fail in AOSP because the vendor image stays
static and thus the mapping file references undeclared typeattributes.

This can be solved by declaring, or redeclaring all versioned types
in the mapping file. Support for this was added to secilc in commit
fafe4c212bf6c32c3021d7b69bcc0cf219e71608 'libsepol: cil: Add ability
to redeclare types[attributes]'

Bug: 67092827
Bug: 37915794
Test: build and boot aosp_sailfish with new type declared in public
Change-Id: I04a884db6d0eaf42ee189b0669833dd0860b626f
1 file changed