blob: 7a61d035efe23741091f3f26b1b970193e1bc339 [file] [log] [blame]
// state_machine.cpp
// Author: Lutz Bichler <>
// This file is part of the BMW Some/IP implementation.
// Copyright © 2013, 2014 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW).
// All rights reserved.
#include <boost/msm/front/state_machine_def.hpp>
#include <boost/msm/back/state_machine.hpp>
#include <vsomeip/service_discovery/internal/events.hpp>
#include <vsomeip/service_discovery/internal/service_registration.hpp>
namespace vsomeip {
namespace service_discovery {
namespace msm = boost::msm;
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
using namespace boost::msm::front;
/////////// Implementation of statechart /////////
// Top-level state machine
struct service_registration_state_machine_def
: public msm::front::state_machine_def<service_registration_state_machine_def> {
// States
struct initial: public msm::front::entry_pseudo_state<0> {
template <class Event, class Fsm>
void on_entry(Event const &, Fsm &fsm)
{ std::cout << "Entering Initial" << std::endl; }
template <class Event, class Fsm>
void on_exit(Event const &, Fsm &fsm)
{ std::cout << "Exiting Initial" << std::endl; }
struct not_ready: public msm::front::state<> {
template <class Event, class Fsm>
void on_entry(Event const &, Fsm &fsm)
{ std::cout << "Entering NotReady" << std::endl; }
template <class Event, class Fsm>
void on_exit(Event const &, Fsm &fsm)
{ std::cout << "Exiting NotReady" << std::endl; }
struct ready: public msm::front::state_machine_def<ready> {
template <class Event, class Fsm>
void on_entry(Event const &, Fsm &fsm)
{ std::cout << "Entering Ready" << std::endl; }
template <class Event, class Fsm>
void on_exit(Event const &, Fsm &fsm)
{ std::cout << "Exiting Ready" << std::endl; }
// States
struct initial: public msm::front::entry_pseudo_state<0> {
struct waiting: public msm::front::state<> {
struct repeating: public msm::front::state<> {
struct announcing: public msm::front::state<> {
// Determine initial state
typedef initial initial_state;
// Members
uint32_t repetitions_max_;
// Guards
bool is_repeating(ev_timer_expired const &_event) {
return repetitions_max_ > 0;
bool is_not_repeating(ev_timer_expired const &_event) {
return repetitions_max_ == 0;
// Actions
void send_offer_service(ev_timer_expired const &_event) {
// TODO: send message
void send_delayed_offer_service(ev_find_service const &_event) {
// TODO: check timing and schedule sending of message
// Transitions
struct transition_table: mpl::vector<
row<waiting, ev_timer_expired, announcing,
&ready::send_offer_service, &ready::is_not_repeating>,
row<waiting, ev_timer_expired, repeating,
&ready::send_offer_service, &ready::is_repeating>,
a_row<repeating, ev_find_service, repeating,
row<repeating, ev_timer_expired, repeating,
&ready::send_offer_service, &ready::is_repeating>,
g_row<repeating, ev_timer_expired, announcing,
a_row<announcing, ev_timer_expired, announcing,
a_row<announcing, ev_find_service, announcing,
&ready::send_delayed_offer_service> > {
// Determine initial state
typedef initial initial_state;
// Members
bool is_daemon_up_;
bool is_service_up_;
bool is_requested_;
// Guards
bool is_not_ready(none const &_no_event) {
return (!is_daemon_up_ || !is_service_up_);
bool is_ready(none const &_no_event) {
return !(is_not_ready(_no_event));
bool is_not_ready(ev_service_status_change const &_event) {
is_service_up_ = _event.is_up_;
return (!is_daemon_up_ || !is_service_up_);
bool is_ready(ev_service_status_change const &_event) {
return !(is_not_ready(_event));
bool is_not_ready(ev_daemon_status_change const &_event) {
is_daemon_up_ = _event.is_up_;
return (!is_daemon_up_ || !is_service_up_);
bool is_ready(ev_daemon_status_change const &_event) {
return !(is_not_ready(_event));
// Actions
void handle_service_down(ev_daemon_status_change const &_event) {
// TODO: clear_all_timers();
void handle_service_down(ev_service_status_change const &_event) {
if (!is_service_up_) {
// TODO: send "StopOfferService" message!
// TODO: clear_all_timers();
// Transitions
struct transition_table: mpl::vector<
g_row<initial, none, ready,
g_row<initial, none, not_ready,
g_row<not_ready, ev_daemon_status_change, ready,
g_row<not_ready, ev_service_status_change, ready,
row<ready, ev_daemon_status_change, not_ready,
row<ready, ev_service_status_change, not_ready,
&service_registration_state_machine_def::is_not_ready> > {
template <class Fsm, class Event>
void no_transition(Event const &_event, Fsm &_machine, int state) {
std::cout << "No transition from state " << state << " on event " << typeid(_event).name() << std::endl;
struct service_registration::state_machine
: msm::back::state_machine< service_registration_state_machine_def > {
/////////// Implementation of member functions /////////
: state_machine_(new state_machine) {
state_machine_->is_daemon_up_ = false;
state_machine_->is_service_up_ = false;
void service_registration::start() {
void service_registration::stop() {
void service_registration::process() {
} // namespace service_discovery
} // namespace vsomeip