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// Copyright (c) 2016 The vulkano developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
//> or the MIT
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//! Depth and stencil operations description.
//! After the fragment shader has finished running, each fragment goes through the depth
//! and stencil tests.
//! The depth test passes of fails depending on how the depth value of each fragment compares
//! to the existing depth value in the depth buffer at that fragment's location. Depth values
//! are always between 0.0 and 1.0.
//! The stencil test passes or fails depending on how a reference value compares to the existing
//! value in the stencil buffer at each fragment's location. Depending on the outcome of the
//! depth and stencil tests, the value of the stencil buffer at that location can be updated.
use std::ops::Range;
use std::u32;
/// Configuration of the depth and stencil tests.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct DepthStencil {
/// Comparison to use between the depth value of each fragment and the depth value currently
/// in the depth buffer.
pub depth_compare: Compare,
/// If `true`, then the value in the depth buffer will be updated when the depth test succeeds.
pub depth_write: bool,
/// Allows you to ask the GPU to exclude fragments that are outside of a certain range. This is
/// done in addition to the regular depth test.
pub depth_bounds_test: DepthBounds,
/// Stencil operations to use for points, lines and triangles whose front is facing the user.
pub stencil_front: Stencil,
/// Stencil operations to use for triangles whose back is facing the user.
pub stencil_back: Stencil,
impl DepthStencil {
/// Creates a `DepthStencil` where both the depth and stencil tests are disabled and have
/// no effect.
pub fn disabled() -> DepthStencil {
DepthStencil {
depth_write: false,
depth_compare: Compare::Always,
depth_bounds_test: DepthBounds::Disabled,
stencil_front: Default::default(),
stencil_back: Default::default(),
/// Creates a `DepthStencil` with a `Less` depth test, `depth_write` set to true, and stencil
/// testing disabled.
pub fn simple_depth_test() -> DepthStencil {
DepthStencil {
depth_write: true,
depth_compare: Compare::Less,
depth_bounds_test: DepthBounds::Disabled,
stencil_front: Default::default(),
stencil_back: Default::default(),
impl Default for DepthStencil {
fn default() -> DepthStencil {
/// Configuration of a stencil test.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Stencil {
/// The comparison to perform between the existing stencil value in the stencil buffer, and
/// the reference value (given by `reference`).
pub compare: Compare,
/// The operation to perform when both the depth test and the stencil test passed.
pub pass_op: StencilOp,
/// The operation to perform when the stencil test failed.
pub fail_op: StencilOp,
/// The operation to perform when the stencil test passed but the depth test failed.
pub depth_fail_op: StencilOp,
/// Selects the bits of the unsigned integer stencil values participating in the stencil test.
/// Ignored if `compare` is `Never` or `Always`.
/// If `None`, then this value is dynamic and will need to be set when drawing. Doesn't apply
/// if `compare` is `Never` or `Always`.
/// Note that if this value is `Some` in `stencil_front`, it must also be `Some` in
/// `stencil_back` (but the content can be different). If this value is `None` in
/// `stencil_front`, then it must also be `None` in `stencil_back`. This rule doesn't apply
/// if `compare` is `Never` or `Always`.
pub compare_mask: Option<u32>,
/// Selects the bits of the unsigned integer stencil values updated by the stencil test in the
/// stencil framebuffer attachment.
/// If `None`, then this value is dynamic and will need to be set when drawing.
/// Note that if this value is `Some` in `stencil_front`, it must also be `Some` in
/// `stencil_back` (but the content can be different). If this value is `None` in
/// `stencil_front`, then it must also be `None` in `stencil_back`.
pub write_mask: Option<u32>,
/// Reference value that is used in the unsigned stencil comparison.
/// If `None`, then this value is dynamic and will need to be set when drawing.
/// Note that if this value is `Some` in `stencil_front`, it must also be `Some` in
/// `stencil_back` (but the content can be different). If this value is `None` in
/// `stencil_front`, then it must also be `None` in `stencil_back`.
pub reference: Option<u32>,
impl Stencil {
/// Returns true if the stencil operation will always result in `Keep`.
pub fn always_keep(&self) -> bool {
match {
Compare::Always => {
self.pass_op == StencilOp::Keep && self.depth_fail_op == StencilOp::Keep
Compare::Never => self.fail_op == StencilOp::Keep,
_ => {
self.pass_op == StencilOp::Keep
&& self.fail_op == StencilOp::Keep
&& self.depth_fail_op == StencilOp::Keep
impl Default for Stencil {
fn default() -> Stencil {
Stencil {
compare: Compare::Never,
pass_op: StencilOp::Keep,
fail_op: StencilOp::Keep,
depth_fail_op: StencilOp::Keep,
compare_mask: Some(u32::MAX),
write_mask: Some(u32::MAX),
reference: Some(u32::MAX),
/// Operation to perform after the depth and stencil tests.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum StencilOp {
Keep = ash::vk::StencilOp::KEEP.as_raw(),
Zero = ash::vk::StencilOp::ZERO.as_raw(),
Replace = ash::vk::StencilOp::REPLACE.as_raw(),
IncrementAndClamp = ash::vk::StencilOp::INCREMENT_AND_CLAMP.as_raw(),
DecrementAndClamp = ash::vk::StencilOp::DECREMENT_AND_CLAMP.as_raw(),
Invert = ash::vk::StencilOp::INVERT.as_raw(),
IncrementAndWrap = ash::vk::StencilOp::INCREMENT_AND_WRAP.as_raw(),
DecrementAndWrap = ash::vk::StencilOp::DECREMENT_AND_WRAP.as_raw(),
impl From<StencilOp> for ash::vk::StencilOp {
fn from(val: StencilOp) -> Self {
Self::from_raw(val as i32)
/// Specifies a face for stencil operations.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum StencilFaces {
Front = ash::vk::StencilFaceFlags::FRONT.as_raw(),
Back = ash::vk::StencilFaceFlags::BACK.as_raw(),
FrontAndBack = ash::vk::StencilFaceFlags::FRONT_AND_BACK.as_raw(),
impl From<StencilFaces> for ash::vk::StencilFaceFlags {
fn from(val: StencilFaces) -> Self {
Self::from_raw(val as u32)
/// Specifies a dynamic state value for the front and back faces.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct DynamicStencilValue {
pub front: u32,
pub back: u32,
/// Allows you to ask the GPU to exclude fragments that are outside of a certain range.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum DepthBounds {
/// The test is disabled. All fragments pass the depth bounds test.
/// Fragments that are within the given range do pass the test. Values are depth values
/// between 0.0 and 1.0.
/// The depth bounds test is enabled, but the range will need to specified when you submit
/// a draw command.
impl DepthBounds {
/// Returns true if equal to `DepthBounds::Dynamic`.
pub fn is_dynamic(&self) -> bool {
match self {
&DepthBounds::Dynamic => true,
_ => false,
/// Specifies how two values should be compared to decide whether a test passes or fails.
/// Used for both depth testing and stencil testing.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Compare {
/// The test never passes.
Never = ash::vk::CompareOp::NEVER.as_raw(),
/// The test passes if `value < reference_value`.
Less = ash::vk::CompareOp::LESS.as_raw(),
/// The test passes if `value == reference_value`.
Equal = ash::vk::CompareOp::EQUAL.as_raw(),
/// The test passes if `value <= reference_value`.
LessOrEqual = ash::vk::CompareOp::LESS_OR_EQUAL.as_raw(),
/// The test passes if `value > reference_value`.
Greater = ash::vk::CompareOp::GREATER.as_raw(),
/// The test passes if `value != reference_value`.
NotEqual = ash::vk::CompareOp::NOT_EQUAL.as_raw(),
/// The test passes if `value >= reference_value`.
GreaterOrEqual = ash::vk::CompareOp::GREATER_OR_EQUAL.as_raw(),
/// The test always passes.
Always = ash::vk::CompareOp::ALWAYS.as_raw(),
impl From<Compare> for ash::vk::CompareOp {
fn from(val: Compare) -> Self {
Self::from_raw(val as i32)