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// Copyright (c) 2016 The vulkano developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
//> or the MIT
// license <LICENSE-MIT or>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.
//! Description of a single descriptor.
//! This module contains traits and structs related to describing a single descriptor. A descriptor
//! is a slot where you can bind a buffer or an image so that it can be accessed from your shaders.
//! In order to specify which buffer or image to bind to a descriptor, see the `descriptor_set`
//! module.
//! There are four different kinds of descriptors that give access to buffers:
//! - Uniform texel buffers. Gives read-only access to the content of a buffer. Only supports
//! certain buffer formats.
//! - Storage texel buffers. Gives read and/or write access to the content of a buffer. Only
//! supports certain buffer formats. Less restrictive but sometimes slower than uniform texel
//! buffers.
//! - Uniform buffers. Gives read-only access to the content of a buffer. Less restrictive but
//! sometimes slower than uniform texel buffers.
//! - Storage buffers. Gives read and/or write access to the content of a buffer. Less restrictive
//! but sometimes slower than uniform buffers and storage texel buffers.
//! There are five different kinds of descriptors related to images:
//! - Storage images. Gives read and/or write access to individual pixels in an image. The image
//! cannot be sampled. In other words, you have exactly specify which pixel to read or write.
//! - Sampled images. Gives read-only access to an image. Before you can use a sampled image in a
//! a shader, you have to combine it with a sampler (see below). The sampler describes how
//! reading the image will behave.
//! - Samplers. Doesn't contain an image but a sampler object that describes how an image will be
//! accessed. This is meant to be combined with a sampled image (see above).
//! - Combined image and sampler. Similar to a sampled image, but also directly includes the
//! sampler which indicates how the sampling is done.
//! - Input attachments. The fastest but also most restrictive access to images. Must be integrated
//! in a render pass. Can only give access to the same pixel as the one you're processing.
use crate::format::Format;
use crate::image::view::ImageViewType;
use crate::pipeline::shader::ShaderStages;
use crate::pipeline::shader::ShaderStagesSupersetError;
use crate::sync::AccessFlags;
use crate::sync::PipelineStages;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::cmp;
use std::error;
use std::fmt;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct DescriptorSetDesc {
descriptors: SmallVec<[Option<DescriptorDesc>; 32]>,
impl DescriptorSetDesc {
/// Builds a new `DescriptorSetDesc` with the given descriptors.
/// The descriptors must be passed in the order of the bindings. In order words, descriptor
/// at bind point 0 first, then descriptor at bind point 1, and so on. If a binding must remain
/// empty, you can make the iterator yield `None` for an element.
pub fn new<I>(descriptors: I) -> DescriptorSetDesc
I: IntoIterator<Item = Option<DescriptorDesc>>,
DescriptorSetDesc {
descriptors: descriptors.into_iter().collect(),
/// Builds a new empty `DescriptorSetDesc`.
pub fn empty() -> DescriptorSetDesc {
DescriptorSetDesc {
descriptors: SmallVec::new(),
/// Returns the descriptors in the set.
pub fn bindings(&self) -> &[Option<DescriptorDesc>] {
/// Returns the descriptor with the given binding number, or `None` if the binding is empty.
pub fn descriptor(&self, num: usize) -> Option<&DescriptorDesc> {
self.descriptors.get(num).and_then(|b| b.as_ref())
/// Builds the union of this layout description and another.
pub fn union(
first: &DescriptorSetDesc,
second: &DescriptorSetDesc,
) -> Result<DescriptorSetDesc, ()> {
let num_bindings = cmp::max(first.descriptors.len(), second.descriptors.len());
let descriptors = (0..num_bindings)
.map(|binding_num| {
.map(|desc| desc.as_ref())
.map(|desc| desc.as_ref())
.collect::<Result<_, ()>>()?;
Ok(DescriptorSetDesc { descriptors })
/// Builds the union of multiple descriptor sets.
pub fn union_multiple(
first: &[DescriptorSetDesc],
second: &[DescriptorSetDesc],
) -> Result<Vec<DescriptorSetDesc>, ()> {
// Ewwwwwww
let empty = DescriptorSetDesc::empty();
let num_sets = cmp::max(first.len(), second.len());
.map(|set_num| {
first.get(set_num).unwrap_or_else(|| &empty),
second.get(set_num).unwrap_or_else(|| &empty),
/// Transforms a `DescriptorSetDesc`.
/// Used to adjust automatically inferred `DescriptorSetDesc`s with information that cannot be inferred.
pub fn tweak<I>(&mut self, dynamic_buffers: I)
I: IntoIterator<Item = usize>,
for binding_num in dynamic_buffers {
.map_or(false, |desc| match desc.ty {
DescriptorDescTy::Buffer(_) => true,
_ => false,
"tried to make the non-buffer descriptor at binding {} a dynamic buffer",
let binding = self
.and_then(|b| b.as_mut());
if let Some(desc) = binding {
if let DescriptorDescTy::Buffer(ref buffer_desc) = desc.ty {
desc.ty = DescriptorDescTy::Buffer(DescriptorBufferDesc {
dynamic: Some(true),
pub fn tweak_multiple<I>(sets: &mut [DescriptorSetDesc], dynamic_buffers: I)
I: IntoIterator<Item = (usize, usize)>,
for (set_num, binding_num) in dynamic_buffers {
set_num < sets.len(),
"tried to make a dynamic buffer in the nonexistent set {}",
sets.get_mut(set_num).map(|set| set.tweak([binding_num]));
/// Returns whether `self` is a superset of `other`.
pub fn ensure_superset_of(
other: &DescriptorSetDesc,
) -> Result<(), DescriptorSetDescSupersetError> {
if self.descriptors.len() < other.descriptors.len() {
return Err(DescriptorSetDescSupersetError::DescriptorsCountMismatch {
self_num: self.descriptors.len() as u32,
other_num: other.descriptors.len() as u32,
for binding_num in 0..other.descriptors.len() {
let self_desc = self.descriptor(binding_num);
let other_desc = self.descriptor(binding_num);
match (self_desc, other_desc) {
(Some(mine), Some(other)) => {
if let Err(err) = mine.ensure_superset_of(&other) {
return Err(DescriptorSetDescSupersetError::IncompatibleDescriptors {
error: err,
binding_num: binding_num as u32,
(None, Some(_)) => {
return Err(DescriptorSetDescSupersetError::ExpectedEmptyDescriptor {
binding_num: binding_num as u32,
_ => (),
impl<I> From<I> for DescriptorSetDesc
I: IntoIterator<Item = Option<DescriptorDesc>>,
fn from(val: I) -> Self {
DescriptorSetDesc {
descriptors: val.into_iter().collect(),
/// Contains the exact description of a single descriptor.
/// > **Note**: You are free to fill a `DescriptorDesc` struct the way you want, but its validity
/// > will be checked when you create a pipeline layout, a descriptor set, or when you try to bind
/// > a descriptor set.
// TODO: add example
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct DescriptorDesc {
/// Describes the content and layout of each array element of a descriptor.
pub ty: DescriptorDescTy,
/// How many array elements this descriptor is made of. The value 0 is invalid and may trigger
/// a panic depending on the situation.
pub array_count: u32,
/// Which shader stages are going to access this descriptor.
pub stages: ShaderStages,
/// True if the attachment is only ever read by the shader. False if it is also written.
pub readonly: bool,
impl DescriptorDesc {
/// Checks whether we are a superset of another descriptor.
/// Returns true if `self` is the same descriptor as `other`, or if `self` is the same as
/// `other` but with a larger array elements count and/or more shader stages.
///# Example
///use vulkano::descriptor_set::layout::DescriptorDesc;
///use vulkano::descriptor_set::layout::DescriptorDescTy::*;
///use vulkano::pipeline::shader::ShaderStages;
///let desc_super = DescriptorDesc{ ty: Sampler, array_count: 2, stages: ShaderStages{
/// vertex: true,
/// tessellation_control: true,
/// tessellation_evaluation: true,
/// geometry: true,
/// fragment: true,
/// compute: true
///}, readonly: false };
///let desc_sub = DescriptorDesc{ ty: Sampler, array_count: 1, stages: ShaderStages{
/// vertex: true,
/// tessellation_control: false,
/// tessellation_evaluation: false,
/// geometry: false,
/// fragment: true,
/// compute: false
///}, readonly: true };
///assert_eq!(desc_super.ensure_superset_of(&desc_sub).unwrap(), ());
pub fn ensure_superset_of(
other: &DescriptorDesc,
) -> Result<(), DescriptorDescSupersetError> {
if self.array_count < other.array_count {
return Err(DescriptorDescSupersetError::ArrayTooSmall {
len: self.array_count,
required: other.array_count,
if self.readonly && !other.readonly {
return Err(DescriptorDescSupersetError::MutabilityRequired);
/// Builds a `DescriptorDesc` that is the union of `self` and `other`, if possible.
/// The returned value will be a superset of both `self` and `other`, or `None` if both were
/// `None`.
/// `Err` is returned if the descriptors are not compatible.
///# Example
///use vulkano::descriptor_set::layout::DescriptorDesc;
///use vulkano::descriptor_set::layout::DescriptorDescTy::*;
///use vulkano::pipeline::shader::ShaderStages;
///let desc_part1 = DescriptorDesc{ ty: Sampler, array_count: 2, stages: ShaderStages{
/// vertex: true,
/// tessellation_control: true,
/// tessellation_evaluation: false,
/// geometry: true,
/// fragment: false,
/// compute: true
///}, readonly: false };
///let desc_part2 = DescriptorDesc{ ty: Sampler, array_count: 1, stages: ShaderStages{
/// vertex: true,
/// tessellation_control: false,
/// tessellation_evaluation: true,
/// geometry: false,
/// fragment: true,
/// compute: true
///}, readonly: true };
///let desc_union = DescriptorDesc{ ty: Sampler, array_count: 2, stages: ShaderStages{
/// vertex: true,
/// tessellation_control: true,
/// tessellation_evaluation: true,
/// geometry: true,
/// fragment: true,
/// compute: true
///}, readonly: false };
///assert_eq!(DescriptorDesc::union(Some(&desc_part1), Some(&desc_part2)), Ok(Some(desc_union)));
pub fn union(
first: Option<&DescriptorDesc>,
second: Option<&DescriptorDesc>,
) -> Result<Option<DescriptorDesc>, ()> {
if let (Some(first), Some(second)) = (first, second) {
if first.ty != second.ty {
return Err(());
Ok(Some(DescriptorDesc {
ty: first.ty.clone(),
array_count: cmp::max(first.array_count, second.array_count),
stages: first.stages | second.stages,
readonly: first.readonly && second.readonly,
} else {
/// Returns the pipeline stages and access flags corresponding to the usage of this descriptor.
/// # Panic
/// Panics if the type is `Sampler`.
pub fn pipeline_stages_and_access(&self) -> (PipelineStages, AccessFlags) {
let stages: PipelineStages = self.stages.into();
let access = match self.ty {
DescriptorDescTy::Sampler => panic!(),
DescriptorDescTy::CombinedImageSampler(_) | DescriptorDescTy::Image(_) => AccessFlags {
shader_read: true,
shader_write: !self.readonly,
DescriptorDescTy::TexelBuffer { .. } => AccessFlags {
shader_read: true,
shader_write: !self.readonly,
DescriptorDescTy::InputAttachment { .. } => AccessFlags {
input_attachment_read: true,
DescriptorDescTy::Buffer(ref buf) => {
if {
AccessFlags {
shader_read: true,
shader_write: !self.readonly,
} else {
AccessFlags {
uniform_read: true,
(stages, access)
/// Describes the content and layout of each array element of a descriptor.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum DescriptorDescTy {
Sampler, // TODO: the sampler has some restrictions as well
CombinedImageSampler(DescriptorImageDesc), // TODO: the sampler has some restrictions as well
TexelBuffer {
/// If `true`, this describes a storage texel buffer.
storage: bool,
/// The format of the content, or `None` if the format is unknown. Depending on the
/// context, it may be invalid to have a `None` value here. If the format is `Some`, only
/// buffer views that have this exact format can be attached to this descriptor.
format: Option<Format>,
InputAttachment {
/// If `true`, the input attachment is multisampled. Only multisampled images can be
/// attached to this descriptor. If `false`, only single-sampled images can be attached.
multisampled: bool,
array_layers: DescriptorImageDescArray,
impl DescriptorDescTy {
/// Returns the type of descriptor.
// TODO: add example
pub fn ty(&self) -> DescriptorType {
match *self {
DescriptorDescTy::Sampler => DescriptorType::Sampler,
DescriptorDescTy::CombinedImageSampler(_) => DescriptorType::CombinedImageSampler,
DescriptorDescTy::Image(ref desc) => {
if desc.sampled {
} else {
DescriptorDescTy::InputAttachment { .. } => DescriptorType::InputAttachment,
DescriptorDescTy::Buffer(ref desc) => {
let dynamic = desc.dynamic.unwrap_or(false);
match (, dynamic) {
(false, false) => DescriptorType::UniformBuffer,
(true, false) => DescriptorType::StorageBuffer,
(false, true) => DescriptorType::UniformBufferDynamic,
(true, true) => DescriptorType::StorageBufferDynamic,
DescriptorDescTy::TexelBuffer { storage, .. } => {
if storage {
} else {
/// Checks whether we are a superset of another descriptor type.
// TODO: add example
pub fn ensure_superset_of(
other: &DescriptorDescTy,
) -> Result<(), DescriptorDescSupersetError> {
match (self, other) {
(&DescriptorDescTy::Sampler, &DescriptorDescTy::Sampler) => Ok(()),
&DescriptorDescTy::CombinedImageSampler(ref me),
&DescriptorDescTy::CombinedImageSampler(ref other),
) => me.ensure_superset_of(other),
(&DescriptorDescTy::Image(ref me), &DescriptorDescTy::Image(ref other)) => {
&DescriptorDescTy::InputAttachment {
multisampled: me_multisampled,
array_layers: me_array_layers,
&DescriptorDescTy::InputAttachment {
multisampled: other_multisampled,
array_layers: other_array_layers,
) => {
if me_multisampled != other_multisampled {
return Err(DescriptorDescSupersetError::MultisampledMismatch {
provided: me_multisampled,
expected: other_multisampled,
if me_array_layers != other_array_layers {
return Err(DescriptorDescSupersetError::IncompatibleArrayLayers {
provided: me_array_layers,
required: other_array_layers,
(&DescriptorDescTy::Buffer(ref me), &DescriptorDescTy::Buffer(ref other)) => {
if != {
return Err(DescriptorDescSupersetError::TypeMismatch);
match (me.dynamic, other.dynamic) {
(Some(_), None) => Ok(()),
(Some(m), Some(o)) => {
if m == o {
} else {
(None, None) => Ok(()),
(None, Some(_)) => Err(DescriptorDescSupersetError::TypeMismatch),
&DescriptorDescTy::TexelBuffer {
storage: me_storage,
format: me_format,
&DescriptorDescTy::TexelBuffer {
storage: other_storage,
format: other_format,
) => {
if me_storage != other_storage {
return Err(DescriptorDescSupersetError::TypeMismatch);
match (me_format, other_format) {
(Some(_), None) => Ok(()),
(Some(m), Some(o)) => {
if m == o {
} else {
Err(DescriptorDescSupersetError::FormatMismatch {
provided: Some(m),
expected: o,
(None, None) => Ok(()),
(None, Some(a)) => Err(DescriptorDescSupersetError::FormatMismatch {
provided: Some(a),
expected: a,
// Any other combination is invalid.
_ => Err(DescriptorDescSupersetError::TypeMismatch),
/// Additional description for descriptors that contain images.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct DescriptorImageDesc {
/// If `true`, the image can be sampled by the shader. Only images that were created with the
/// `sampled` usage can be attached to the descriptor.
pub sampled: bool,
/// The kind of image: one-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional, or cube.
pub dimensions: DescriptorImageDescDimensions,
/// The format of the image, or `None` if the format is unknown. If `Some`, only images with
/// exactly that format can be attached.
pub format: Option<Format>,
/// True if the image is multisampled.
pub multisampled: bool,
/// Whether the descriptor contains one or more array layers of an image.
pub array_layers: DescriptorImageDescArray,
impl DescriptorImageDesc {
/// Checks whether we are a superset of another image.
// TODO: add example
pub fn ensure_superset_of(
other: &DescriptorImageDesc,
) -> Result<(), DescriptorDescSupersetError> {
if self.dimensions != other.dimensions {
return Err(DescriptorDescSupersetError::DimensionsMismatch {
provided: self.dimensions,
expected: other.dimensions,
if self.multisampled != other.multisampled {
return Err(DescriptorDescSupersetError::MultisampledMismatch {
provided: self.multisampled,
expected: other.multisampled,
match (self.format, other.format) {
(Some(a), Some(b)) => {
if a != b {
return Err(DescriptorDescSupersetError::FormatMismatch {
provided: Some(a),
expected: b,
(Some(_), None) => (),
(None, None) => (),
(None, Some(a)) => {
return Err(DescriptorDescSupersetError::FormatMismatch {
provided: None,
expected: a,
match (self.array_layers, other.array_layers) {
(DescriptorImageDescArray::NonArrayed, DescriptorImageDescArray::NonArrayed) => (),
DescriptorImageDescArray::Arrayed { max_layers: my_max },
DescriptorImageDescArray::Arrayed {
max_layers: other_max,
) => {
match (my_max, other_max) {
(Some(m), Some(o)) => {
if m < o {
return Err(DescriptorDescSupersetError::IncompatibleArrayLayers {
provided: DescriptorImageDescArray::Arrayed { max_layers: my_max },
required: DescriptorImageDescArray::Arrayed {
max_layers: other_max,
(Some(_), None) => (),
(None, Some(m)) => {
return Err(DescriptorDescSupersetError::IncompatibleArrayLayers {
provided: DescriptorImageDescArray::Arrayed { max_layers: my_max },
required: DescriptorImageDescArray::Arrayed {
max_layers: other_max,
(None, None) => (), // TODO: is this correct?
(a, b) => {
return Err(DescriptorDescSupersetError::IncompatibleArrayLayers {
provided: a,
required: b,
// TODO: documentation
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum DescriptorImageDescArray {
Arrayed { max_layers: Option<u32> },
// TODO: documentation
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum DescriptorImageDescDimensions {
impl DescriptorImageDescDimensions {
/// Builds the `DescriptorImageDescDimensions` that corresponds to the view type.
pub fn from_image_view_type(ty: ImageViewType) -> DescriptorImageDescDimensions {
match ty {
ImageViewType::Dim1d => DescriptorImageDescDimensions::OneDimensional,
ImageViewType::Dim1dArray => DescriptorImageDescDimensions::OneDimensional,
ImageViewType::Dim2d => DescriptorImageDescDimensions::TwoDimensional,
ImageViewType::Dim2dArray => DescriptorImageDescDimensions::TwoDimensional,
ImageViewType::Dim3d => DescriptorImageDescDimensions::ThreeDimensional,
ImageViewType::Cubemap => DescriptorImageDescDimensions::Cube,
ImageViewType::CubemapArray => DescriptorImageDescDimensions::Cube,
/// Additional description for descriptors that contain buffers.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct DescriptorBufferDesc {
/// If `true`, this buffer is a dynamic buffer. Assumes false if `None`.
pub dynamic: Option<bool>,
/// If `true`, this buffer is a storage buffer.
pub storage: bool,
/// Describes what kind of resource may later be bound to a descriptor.
/// This is mostly the same as a `DescriptorDescTy` but with less precise information.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum DescriptorType {
Sampler = ash::vk::DescriptorType::SAMPLER.as_raw(),
CombinedImageSampler = ash::vk::DescriptorType::COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER.as_raw(),
SampledImage = ash::vk::DescriptorType::SAMPLED_IMAGE.as_raw(),
StorageImage = ash::vk::DescriptorType::STORAGE_IMAGE.as_raw(),
UniformTexelBuffer = ash::vk::DescriptorType::UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER.as_raw(),
StorageTexelBuffer = ash::vk::DescriptorType::STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER.as_raw(),
UniformBuffer = ash::vk::DescriptorType::UNIFORM_BUFFER.as_raw(),
StorageBuffer = ash::vk::DescriptorType::STORAGE_BUFFER.as_raw(),
UniformBufferDynamic = ash::vk::DescriptorType::UNIFORM_BUFFER_DYNAMIC.as_raw(),
StorageBufferDynamic = ash::vk::DescriptorType::STORAGE_BUFFER_DYNAMIC.as_raw(),
InputAttachment = ash::vk::DescriptorType::INPUT_ATTACHMENT.as_raw(),
impl From<DescriptorType> for ash::vk::DescriptorType {
fn from(val: DescriptorType) -> Self {
Self::from_raw(val as i32)
/// Error when checking whether a descriptor set is a superset of another one.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum DescriptorSetDescSupersetError {
/// There are more descriptors in the child than in the parent layout.
DescriptorsCountMismatch { self_num: u32, other_num: u32 },
/// Expected an empty descriptor, but got something instead.
ExpectedEmptyDescriptor { binding_num: u32 },
/// Two descriptors are incompatible.
IncompatibleDescriptors {
error: DescriptorDescSupersetError,
binding_num: u32,
impl error::Error for DescriptorSetDescSupersetError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {
match *self {
DescriptorSetDescSupersetError::IncompatibleDescriptors { ref error, .. } => {
_ => None,
impl fmt::Display for DescriptorSetDescSupersetError {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
match *self {
DescriptorSetDescSupersetError::DescriptorsCountMismatch { .. } => {
"there are more descriptors in the child than in the parent layout"
DescriptorSetDescSupersetError::ExpectedEmptyDescriptor { .. } => {
"expected an empty descriptor, but got something instead"
DescriptorSetDescSupersetError::IncompatibleDescriptors { .. } => {
"two descriptors are incompatible"
/// Error when checking whether a descriptor is a superset of another one.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum DescriptorDescSupersetError {
/// The number of array elements of the descriptor is smaller than expected.
ArrayTooSmall {
len: u32,
required: u32,
DimensionsMismatch {
provided: DescriptorImageDescDimensions,
expected: DescriptorImageDescDimensions,
FormatMismatch {
provided: Option<Format>,
expected: Format,
IncompatibleArrayLayers {
provided: DescriptorImageDescArray,
required: DescriptorImageDescArray,
MultisampledMismatch {
provided: bool,
expected: bool,
/// The descriptor is marked as read-only, but the other is not.
/// The shader stages are not a superset of one another.
/// The descriptor type doesn't match the type of the other descriptor.
impl error::Error for DescriptorDescSupersetError {}
impl fmt::Display for DescriptorDescSupersetError {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
match *self {
DescriptorDescSupersetError::ArrayTooSmall { .. } => {
"the number of array elements of the descriptor is smaller than expected"
DescriptorDescSupersetError::TypeMismatch => {
"the descriptor type doesn't match the type of the other descriptor"
DescriptorDescSupersetError::MutabilityRequired => {
"the descriptor is marked as read-only, but the other is not"
DescriptorDescSupersetError::ShaderStagesNotSuperset => {
"the shader stages are not a superset of one another"
DescriptorDescSupersetError::DimensionsMismatch { .. } => {
"mismatch between the dimensions of the two descriptors"
DescriptorDescSupersetError::FormatMismatch { .. } => {
"mismatch between the format of the two descriptors"
DescriptorDescSupersetError::MultisampledMismatch { .. } => {
"mismatch between whether the descriptors are multisampled"
DescriptorDescSupersetError::IncompatibleArrayLayers { .. } => {
"the array layers of the descriptors aren't compatible"
impl From<ShaderStagesSupersetError> for DescriptorDescSupersetError {
fn from(err: ShaderStagesSupersetError) -> DescriptorDescSupersetError {
match err {
ShaderStagesSupersetError::NotSuperset => {