blob: 4c6a5c81e6863fd32c3dda46e57ae33148e789fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The vulkano developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
//> or the MIT
// license <LICENSE-MIT or>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.
use crate::format::ClearValue;
use crate::format::Format;
use crate::format::FormatTy;
use crate::image::sys::UnsafeImage;
use crate::image::ImageDescriptorLayouts;
use crate::image::ImageDimensions;
use crate::image::ImageLayout;
use crate::image::SampleCount;
use crate::sync::AccessError;
use crate::SafeDeref;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::hash::Hasher;
/// Trait for types that represent the way a GPU can access an image.
pub unsafe trait ImageAccess {
/// Returns the inner unsafe image object used by this image.
fn inner(&self) -> ImageInner;
/// Returns the format of this image.
fn format(&self) -> Format {
/// Returns true if the image is a color image.
fn has_color(&self) -> bool {
FormatTy::Float | FormatTy::Uint | FormatTy::Sint | FormatTy::Compressed
/// Returns true if the image has a depth component. In other words, if it is a depth or a
/// depth-stencil format.
fn has_depth(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.format().ty(), FormatTy::Depth | FormatTy::DepthStencil)
/// Returns true if the image has a stencil component. In other words, if it is a stencil or a
/// depth-stencil format.
fn has_stencil(&self) -> bool {
FormatTy::Stencil | FormatTy::DepthStencil
/// Returns the number of mipmap levels of this image.
fn mipmap_levels(&self) -> u32 {
// TODO: not necessarily correct because of the new inner() design?
/// Returns the number of samples of this image.
fn samples(&self) -> SampleCount {
/// Returns the dimensions of the image.
fn dimensions(&self) -> ImageDimensions {
// TODO: not necessarily correct because of the new inner() design?
/// Returns true if the image can be used as a source for blits.
fn supports_blit_source(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns true if the image can be used as a destination for blits.
fn supports_blit_destination(&self) -> bool {
/// When images are created their memory layout is initially `Undefined` or `Preinitialized`.
/// This method allows the image memory barrier creation process to signal when an image
/// has been transitioned out of its initial `Undefined` or `Preinitialized` state. This
/// allows vulkano to avoid creating unnecessary image memory barriers between future
/// uses of the image.
/// ## Unsafe
/// If a user calls this method outside of the intended context and signals that the layout
/// is no longer `Undefined` or `Preinitialized` when it is still in an `Undefined` or
/// `Preinitialized` state, this may result in the vulkan implementation attempting to use
/// an image in an invalid layout. The same problem must be considered by the implementer
/// of the method.
unsafe fn layout_initialized(&self) {}
fn is_layout_initialized(&self) -> bool {
unsafe fn preinitialized_layout(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns the layout that the image has when it is first used in a primary command buffer.
/// The first time you use an image in an `AutoCommandBufferBuilder`, vulkano will suppose that
/// the image is in the layout returned by this function. Later when the command buffer is
/// submitted vulkano will check whether the image is actually in this layout, and if it is not
/// the case then an error will be returned.
/// TODO: ^ that check is not yet implemented
fn initial_layout_requirement(&self) -> ImageLayout;
/// Returns the layout that the image must be returned to before the end of the command buffer.
/// When an image is used in an `AutoCommandBufferBuilder` vulkano will automatically
/// transition this image to the layout returned by this function at the end of the command
/// buffer, if necessary.
/// Except for special cases, this value should likely be the same as the one returned by
/// `initial_layout_requirement` so that the user can submit multiple command buffers that use
/// this image one after the other.
fn final_layout_requirement(&self) -> ImageLayout;
/// Wraps around this `ImageAccess` and returns an identical `ImageAccess` but whose initial
/// layout requirement is either `Undefined` or `Preinitialized`.
unsafe fn forced_undefined_initial_layout(
preinitialized: bool,
) -> ImageAccessFromUndefinedLayout<Self>
Self: Sized,
ImageAccessFromUndefinedLayout {
image: self,
/// Returns an [`ImageDescriptorLayouts`] structure specifying the image layout to use
/// in descriptors of various kinds.
/// This must return `Some` if the image is to be used to create an image view.
fn descriptor_layouts(&self) -> Option<ImageDescriptorLayouts>;
/// Returns a key that uniquely identifies the memory content of the image.
/// Two ranges that potentially overlap in memory must return the same key.
/// The key is shared amongst all buffers and images, which means that you can make several
/// different image objects share the same memory, or make some image objects share memory
/// with buffers, as long as they return the same key.
/// Since it is possible to accidentally return the same key for memory ranges that don't
/// overlap, the `conflicts_image` or `conflicts_buffer` function should always be called to
/// verify whether they actually overlap.
fn conflict_key(&self) -> u64;
/// Returns the current mip level that is accessed by the gpu
fn current_miplevels_access(&self) -> std::ops::Range<u32>;
/// Returns the current layer level that is accessed by the gpu
fn current_layer_levels_access(&self) -> std::ops::Range<u32>;
/// Locks the resource for usage on the GPU. Returns an error if the lock can't be acquired.
/// After this function returns `Ok`, you are authorized to use the image on the GPU. If the
/// GPU operation requires an exclusive access to the image (which includes image layout
/// transitions) then `exclusive_access` should be true.
/// The `expected_layout` is the layout we expect the image to be in when we lock it. If the
/// actual layout doesn't match this expected layout, then an error should be returned. If
/// `Undefined` is passed, that means that the caller doesn't care about the actual layout,
/// and that a layout mismatch shouldn't return an error.
/// This function exists to prevent the user from causing a data race by reading and writing
/// to the same resource at the same time.
/// If you call this function, you should call `unlock()` once the resource is no longer in use
/// by the GPU. The implementation is not expected to automatically perform any unlocking and
/// can rely on the fact that `unlock()` is going to be called.
fn try_gpu_lock(
exclusive_access: bool,
uninitialized_safe: bool,
expected_layout: ImageLayout,
) -> Result<(), AccessError>;
/// Locks the resource for usage on the GPU. Supposes that the resource is already locked, and
/// simply increases the lock by one.
/// Must only be called after `try_gpu_lock()` succeeded.
/// If you call this function, you should call `unlock()` once the resource is no longer in use
/// by the GPU. The implementation is not expected to automatically perform any unlocking and
/// can rely on the fact that `unlock()` is going to be called.
unsafe fn increase_gpu_lock(&self);
/// Unlocks the resource previously acquired with `try_gpu_lock` or `increase_gpu_lock`.
/// If the GPU operation that we unlock from transitioned the image to another layout, then
/// it should be passed as parameter.
/// A layout transition requires exclusive access to the image, which means two things:
/// - The implementation can panic if it finds out that the layout is not the same as it
/// currently is and that it is not locked in exclusive mode.
/// - There shouldn't be any possible race between `unlock` and `try_gpu_lock`, since
/// `try_gpu_lock` should fail if the image is already locked in exclusive mode.
/// # Safety
/// - Must only be called once per previous lock.
/// - The transitioned layout must be supported by the image (eg. the layout shouldn't be
/// `ColorAttachmentOptimal` if the image wasn't created with the `color_attachment` usage).
/// - The transitioned layout must not be `Undefined`.
unsafe fn unlock(&self, transitioned_layout: Option<ImageLayout>);
/// Inner information about an image.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct ImageInner<'a> {
/// The underlying image object.
pub image: &'a UnsafeImage,
/// The first layer of `image` to consider.
pub first_layer: usize,
/// The number of layers of `image` to consider.
pub num_layers: usize,
/// The first mipmap level of `image` to consider.
pub first_mipmap_level: usize,
/// The number of mipmap levels of `image` to consider.
pub num_mipmap_levels: usize,
unsafe impl<T> ImageAccess for T
T: SafeDeref,
T::Target: ImageAccess,
fn inner(&self) -> ImageInner {
fn initial_layout_requirement(&self) -> ImageLayout {
fn final_layout_requirement(&self) -> ImageLayout {
fn descriptor_layouts(&self) -> Option<ImageDescriptorLayouts> {
fn conflict_key(&self) -> u64 {
fn try_gpu_lock(
exclusive_access: bool,
uninitialized_safe: bool,
expected_layout: ImageLayout,
) -> Result<(), AccessError> {
(**self).try_gpu_lock(exclusive_access, uninitialized_safe, expected_layout)
unsafe fn increase_gpu_lock(&self) {
unsafe fn unlock(&self, transitioned_layout: Option<ImageLayout>) {
unsafe fn layout_initialized(&self) {
fn is_layout_initialized(&self) -> bool {
fn current_miplevels_access(&self) -> std::ops::Range<u32> {
fn current_layer_levels_access(&self) -> std::ops::Range<u32> {
impl PartialEq for dyn ImageAccess + Send + Sync {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.inner() == other.inner()
impl Eq for dyn ImageAccess + Send + Sync {}
impl Hash for dyn ImageAccess + Send + Sync {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
/// Wraps around an object that implements `ImageAccess` and modifies the initial layout
/// requirement to be either `Undefined` or `Preinitialized`.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ImageAccessFromUndefinedLayout<I> {
image: I,
preinitialized: bool,
unsafe impl<I> ImageAccess for ImageAccessFromUndefinedLayout<I>
I: ImageAccess,
fn inner(&self) -> ImageInner {
fn initial_layout_requirement(&self) -> ImageLayout {
if self.preinitialized {
} else {
fn final_layout_requirement(&self) -> ImageLayout {
fn descriptor_layouts(&self) -> Option<ImageDescriptorLayouts> {
fn conflict_key(&self) -> u64 {
fn try_gpu_lock(
exclusive_access: bool,
uninitialized_safe: bool,
expected_layout: ImageLayout,
) -> Result<(), AccessError> {
.try_gpu_lock(exclusive_access, uninitialized_safe, expected_layout)
unsafe fn increase_gpu_lock(&self) {
unsafe fn unlock(&self, new_layout: Option<ImageLayout>) {
fn current_miplevels_access(&self) -> std::ops::Range<u32> {
fn current_layer_levels_access(&self) -> std::ops::Range<u32> {
impl<I> PartialEq for ImageAccessFromUndefinedLayout<I>
I: ImageAccess,
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.inner() == other.inner()
impl<I> Eq for ImageAccessFromUndefinedLayout<I> where I: ImageAccess {}
impl<I> Hash for ImageAccessFromUndefinedLayout<I>
I: ImageAccess,
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
/// Extension trait for images. Checks whether the value `T` can be used as a clear value for the
/// given image.
// TODO: isn't that for image views instead?
pub unsafe trait ImageClearValue<T>: ImageAccess {
fn decode(&self, value: T) -> Option<ClearValue>;
pub unsafe trait ImageContent<P>: ImageAccess {
/// Checks whether pixels of type `P` match the format of the image.
fn matches_format(&self) -> bool;