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// Copyright 2019 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
//! Structure and wrapper functions for working with
//! [`eventfd`](
use std::fs::File;
use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, RawFd};
use std::{io, mem, result};
use libc::{c_void, dup, eventfd, read, write};
// Reexport commonly used flags from libc.
/// A safe wrapper around Linux
/// [`eventfd`](
pub struct EventFd {
eventfd: File,
impl EventFd {
/// Create a new EventFd with an initial value.
/// # Arguments
/// * `flag`: The initial value used for creating the `EventFd`.
/// Refer to Linux [`eventfd`](
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// extern crate vmm_sys_util;
/// use vmm_sys_util::eventfd::{EventFd, EFD_NONBLOCK};
/// EventFd::new(EFD_NONBLOCK).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn new(flag: i32) -> result::Result<EventFd, io::Error> {
// SAFETY: This is safe because eventfd merely allocated an eventfd for
// our process and we handle the error case.
let ret = unsafe { eventfd(0, flag) };
if ret < 0 {
} else {
Ok(EventFd {
// SAFETY: This is safe because we checked ret for success and know
// the kernel gave us an fd that we own.
eventfd: unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(ret) },
/// Add a value to the eventfd's counter.
/// When the addition causes the counter overflow, this would either block
/// until a [`read`]( is
/// performed on the file descriptor, or fail with the
/// error EAGAIN if the file descriptor has been made nonblocking.
/// # Arguments
/// * `v`: the value to be added to the eventfd's counter.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// extern crate vmm_sys_util;
/// use vmm_sys_util::eventfd::{EventFd, EFD_NONBLOCK};
/// let evt = EventFd::new(EFD_NONBLOCK).unwrap();
/// evt.write(55).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn write(&self, v: u64) -> result::Result<(), io::Error> {
// SAFETY: This is safe because we made this fd and the pointer we pass
// can not overflow because we give the syscall's size parameter properly.
let ret = unsafe {
&v as *const u64 as *const c_void,
if ret <= 0 {
} else {
/// Read a value from the eventfd.
/// If the counter is zero, this would either block
/// until the counter becomes nonzero, or fail with the
/// error EAGAIN if the file descriptor has been made nonblocking.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// extern crate vmm_sys_util;
/// use vmm_sys_util::eventfd::{EventFd, EFD_NONBLOCK};
/// let evt = EventFd::new(EFD_NONBLOCK).unwrap();
/// evt.write(55).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(, 55);
/// ```
pub fn read(&self) -> result::Result<u64, io::Error> {
let mut buf: u64 = 0;
// SAFETY: This is safe because we made this fd and the pointer we
// pass can not overflow because we give the syscall's size parameter properly.
let ret = unsafe {
&mut buf as *mut u64 as *mut c_void,
if ret < 0 {
} else {
/// Clone this EventFd.
/// This internally creates a new file descriptor and it will share the same
/// underlying count within the kernel.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// extern crate vmm_sys_util;
/// use vmm_sys_util::eventfd::{EventFd, EFD_NONBLOCK};
/// let evt = EventFd::new(EFD_NONBLOCK).unwrap();
/// let evt_clone = evt.try_clone().unwrap();
/// evt.write(923).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(, 923);
/// ```
pub fn try_clone(&self) -> result::Result<EventFd, io::Error> {
// SAFETY: This is safe because we made this fd and properly check that it returns
// without error.
let ret = unsafe { dup(self.as_raw_fd()) };
if ret < 0 {
} else {
Ok(EventFd {
// SAFETY: This is safe because we checked ret for success and know the kernel
// gave us an fd that we own.
eventfd: unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(ret) },
impl AsRawFd for EventFd {
fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {
impl FromRawFd for EventFd {
unsafe fn from_raw_fd(fd: RawFd) -> Self {
EventFd {
eventfd: File::from_raw_fd(fd),
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_new() {
fn test_read_write() {
let evt = EventFd::new(EFD_NONBLOCK).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, 55);
fn test_write_overflow() {
let evt = EventFd::new(EFD_NONBLOCK).unwrap();
evt.write(std::u64::MAX - 1).unwrap();
let r = evt.write(1);
match r {
Err(ref inner) if inner.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => (),
_ => panic!("Unexpected"),
fn test_read_nothing() {
let evt = EventFd::new(EFD_NONBLOCK).unwrap();
let r =;
match r {
Err(ref inner) if inner.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => (),
_ => panic!("Unexpected"),
fn test_clone() {
let evt = EventFd::new(EFD_NONBLOCK).unwrap();
let evt_clone = evt.try_clone().unwrap();
assert_eq!(, 923);