blob: fc2209ad4b0a65aac3781eb5ee691972cd678200 [file] [log] [blame]
#![cfg(all(feature = "full", not(tokio_wasi)))]
use std::error::Error;
use tokio::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use tokio::runtime::{Builder, Runtime};
mod support {
pub mod panic;
use support::panic::test_panic;
fn udp_socket_from_std_panic_caller() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use tokio::net::UdpSocket;
let addr = "".parse::<SocketAddr>().unwrap();
let std_sock = std::net::UdpSocket::bind(addr).unwrap();
let panic_location_file = test_panic(|| {
let rt = runtime_without_io();
rt.block_on(async {
let _sock = UdpSocket::from_std(std_sock);
// The panic location should be in this file
assert_eq!(&panic_location_file.unwrap(), file!());
fn tcp_listener_from_std_panic_caller() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let std_listener = std::net::TcpListener::bind("").unwrap();
let panic_location_file = test_panic(|| {
let rt = runtime_without_io();
rt.block_on(async {
let _ = TcpListener::from_std(std_listener);
// The panic location should be in this file
assert_eq!(&panic_location_file.unwrap(), file!());
fn tcp_stream_from_std_panic_caller() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let std_listener = std::net::TcpListener::bind("").unwrap();
let std_stream = std::net::TcpStream::connect(std_listener.local_addr().unwrap()).unwrap();
let panic_location_file = test_panic(|| {
let rt = runtime_without_io();
rt.block_on(async {
let _ = TcpStream::from_std(std_stream);
// The panic location should be in this file
assert_eq!(&panic_location_file.unwrap(), file!());
fn unix_listener_bind_panic_caller() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
use tokio::net::UnixListener;
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let sock_path = dir.path().join("socket");
let panic_location_file = test_panic(|| {
let rt = runtime_without_io();
rt.block_on(async {
let _ = UnixListener::bind(&sock_path);
// The panic location should be in this file
assert_eq!(&panic_location_file.unwrap(), file!());
fn unix_listener_from_std_panic_caller() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
use tokio::net::UnixListener;
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let sock_path = dir.path().join("socket");
let std_listener = std::os::unix::net::UnixListener::bind(&sock_path).unwrap();
let panic_location_file = test_panic(|| {
let rt = runtime_without_io();
rt.block_on(async {
let _ = UnixListener::from_std(std_listener);
// The panic location should be in this file
assert_eq!(&panic_location_file.unwrap(), file!());
fn unix_stream_from_std_panic_caller() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
use tokio::net::UnixStream;
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let sock_path = dir.path().join("socket");
let _std_listener = std::os::unix::net::UnixListener::bind(&sock_path).unwrap();
let std_stream = std::os::unix::net::UnixStream::connect(&sock_path).unwrap();
let panic_location_file = test_panic(|| {
let rt = runtime_without_io();
rt.block_on(async {
let _ = UnixStream::from_std(std_stream);
// The panic location should be in this file
assert_eq!(&panic_location_file.unwrap(), file!());
fn unix_datagram_from_std_panic_caller() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram as StdUDS;
use tokio::net::UnixDatagram;
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let sock_path = dir.path().join("socket");
// Bind the socket to a filesystem path
// /let socket_path = tmp.path().join("socket");
let std_socket = StdUDS::bind(&sock_path).unwrap();
let panic_location_file = test_panic(move || {
let rt = runtime_without_io();
rt.block_on(async {
let _ = UnixDatagram::from_std(std_socket);
// The panic location should be in this file
assert_eq!(&panic_location_file.unwrap(), file!());
fn server_options_max_instances_panic_caller() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
use tokio::net::windows::named_pipe::ServerOptions;
let panic_location_file = test_panic(move || {
let rt = runtime_without_io();
rt.block_on(async {
let mut options = ServerOptions::new();
// The panic location should be in this file
assert_eq!(&panic_location_file.unwrap(), file!());
// Runtime without `enable_io` so it has no IO driver set.
fn runtime_without_io() -> Runtime {