Bug: 175869277

Clone this repo:
  1. 43c0b85 Update Android.bp by running cargo_embargo am: 34823e6b23 by James Farrell · 9 weeks ago main master
  2. 34823e6 Update Android.bp by running cargo_embargo by James Farrell · 9 weeks ago
  3. bc2339d Add rustc_1_57 feature to tinyvec am: fbe18b59cf am: 52793f032f am: 2c1fef0e97 by Maurice Lam · 7 months ago
  4. 2c1fef0 Add rustc_1_57 feature to tinyvec am: fbe18b59cf am: 52793f032f by Maurice Lam · 7 months ago
  5. 52793f0 Add rustc_1_57 feature to tinyvec am: fbe18b59cf by Maurice Lam · 7 months ago

License:Zlib Minimum Rust Version crates.io docs.rs



A 100% safe crate of vec-like types. #![forbid(unsafe_code)]

Main types are as follows:

  • ArrayVec is an array-backed vec-like data structure. It panics on overflow.
  • SliceVec is the same deal, but using a &mut [T].
  • TinyVec (alloc feature) is an enum that's either an Inline(ArrayVec) or a Heap(Vec). If a TinyVec is Inline and would overflow it automatically transitions to Heap and continues whatever it was doing.

To attain this “100% safe code” status there is one compromise: the element type of the vecs must implement Default.

For more details, please see the docs.rs documentation