Collection of examples “how to use structopt

Help on the bottom

How to append a postscript to the help message generated.

At least N

How to require presence of at least N values, like val1 val2 ... valN ... valM.


A basic example how to use structopt.

Deny missing docs

This is not an example but a test, it should be moved to tests folder as soon as this is fixed (if ever).

Doc comments

How to use doc comments in place of help/long_help.

Enums as arguments

How to use arg_enum! with StructOpt.

Arguments of subcommands in separate struct

How to extract subcommands' args into external structs.

Environment variables

How to use environment variable fallback and how it interacts with default_value.


Somewhat complex example of usage of structopt.


How to use #[structopt(flatten)]

bash completions

Generating bash completions with structopt.


Pseudo-git example, shows how to use subcommands and how to document them.


Using clap::Arg::group with structopt.

key=value pairs

How to parse key=value pairs.

--no-* flags

How to add no-thing flag which is true by default and false if passed.

No version

How to completely remove version.

Rename all

How #[structopt(rename_all)] works.

Required If

How to use #[structopt(required_if)].


How to use #[structopt(skip)].


How to use aliases

true or false

How to express ""true" or "false" argument.