blob: 2c5237fb386ca5dc966dc7ea4cde1700b58e6561 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Amanieu d'Antras
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
//>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
use cloudabi as abi;
use core::{
mem::{self, MaybeUninit},
sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering},
use instant::Instant;
use std::{convert::TryFrom, thread};
extern "C" {
static __pthread_thread_id: abi::tid;
struct Lock {
lock: AtomicU32,
impl Lock {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Lock {
lock: AtomicU32::new(abi::LOCK_UNLOCKED.0),
/// # Safety
/// See `Lock::lock`.
unsafe fn try_lock(&self) -> Option<LockGuard> {
// Attempt to acquire the lock.
if let Err(old) = self.lock.compare_exchange(
__pthread_thread_id.0 | abi::LOCK_WRLOCKED.0,
) {
// Failure. Crash upon recursive acquisition.
old & !abi::LOCK_KERNEL_MANAGED.0,
__pthread_thread_id.0 | abi::LOCK_WRLOCKED.0,
"Attempted to recursive write-lock a lock",
} else {
Some(LockGuard { lock: &self.lock })
/// # Safety
/// This method is unsafe because the `LockGuard` has a raw pointer into this `Lock`
/// that it will access on drop to unlock the lock. So make sure the `LockGuard` goes
/// out of scope before the `Lock` it came from moves or goes out of scope.
pub unsafe fn lock(&self) -> LockGuard {
self.try_lock().unwrap_or_else(|| {
// Call into the kernel to acquire a write lock.
let subscription = abi::subscription {
r#type: abi::eventtype::LOCK_WRLOCK,
union: abi::subscription_union {
lock: abi::subscription_lock {
lock: self.ptr(),
lock_scope: abi::scope::PRIVATE,
let mut event = MaybeUninit::<abi::event>::uninit();
let mut nevents: usize = 0;
let ret = abi::poll(&subscription, event.as_mut_ptr(), 1, &mut nevents);
debug_assert_eq!(ret, abi::errno::SUCCESS);
debug_assert_eq!(event.assume_init().error, abi::errno::SUCCESS);
LockGuard { lock: &self.lock }
fn ptr(&self) -> *mut abi::lock {
&self.lock as *const AtomicU32 as *mut abi::lock
struct LockGuard {
lock: *const AtomicU32,
impl LockGuard {
fn ptr(&self) -> *mut abi::lock {
self.lock as *mut abi::lock
impl Drop for LockGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let lock = unsafe { &*self.lock };
lock.load(Ordering::Relaxed) & !abi::LOCK_KERNEL_MANAGED.0,
unsafe { __pthread_thread_id.0 } | abi::LOCK_WRLOCKED.0,
"This lock is not write-locked by this thread"
if !lock
unsafe { __pthread_thread_id.0 } | abi::LOCK_WRLOCKED.0,
// Lock is managed by kernelspace. Call into the kernel
// to unblock waiting threads.
let ret = unsafe { abi::lock_unlock(self.lock as *mut abi::lock, abi::scope::PRIVATE) };
debug_assert_eq!(ret, abi::errno::SUCCESS);
struct Condvar {
condvar: AtomicU32,
impl Condvar {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Condvar {
condvar: AtomicU32::new(abi::CONDVAR_HAS_NO_WAITERS.0),
pub fn wait(&self, lock: &LockGuard) {
unsafe {
let subscription = abi::subscription {
r#type: abi::eventtype::CONDVAR,
union: abi::subscription_union {
condvar: abi::subscription_condvar {
condvar: self.ptr(),
condvar_scope: abi::scope::PRIVATE,
lock: lock.ptr(),
lock_scope: abi::scope::PRIVATE,
let mut event = MaybeUninit::<abi::event>::uninit();
let mut nevents: usize = 0;
let ret = abi::poll(&subscription, event.as_mut_ptr(), 1, &mut nevents);
debug_assert_eq!(ret, abi::errno::SUCCESS);
debug_assert_eq!(event.assume_init().error, abi::errno::SUCCESS);
/// Waits for a signal on the condvar.
/// Returns false if it times out before anyone notified us.
pub fn wait_timeout(&self, lock: &LockGuard, timeout: abi::timestamp) -> bool {
unsafe {
let subscriptions = [
abi::subscription {
r#type: abi::eventtype::CONDVAR,
union: abi::subscription_union {
condvar: abi::subscription_condvar {
condvar: self.ptr(),
condvar_scope: abi::scope::PRIVATE,
lock: lock.ptr(),
lock_scope: abi::scope::PRIVATE,
abi::subscription {
r#type: abi::eventtype::CLOCK,
union: abi::subscription_union {
clock: abi::subscription_clock {
clock_id: abi::clockid::MONOTONIC,
let mut events = MaybeUninit::<[abi::event; 2]>::uninit();
let mut nevents: usize = 0;
let ret = abi::poll(
events.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _,
&mut nevents,
debug_assert_eq!(ret, abi::errno::SUCCESS);
let events = events.assume_init();
for i in 0..nevents {
debug_assert_eq!(events[i].error, abi::errno::SUCCESS);
if events[i].r#type == abi::eventtype::CONDVAR {
return true;
pub fn notify(&self) {
let ret = unsafe { abi::condvar_signal(self.ptr(), abi::scope::PRIVATE, 1) };
debug_assert_eq!(ret, abi::errno::SUCCESS);
fn ptr(&self) -> *mut abi::condvar {
&self.condvar as *const AtomicU32 as *mut abi::condvar
// Helper type for putting a thread to sleep until some other thread wakes it up
pub struct ThreadParker {
should_park: Cell<bool>,
lock: Lock,
condvar: Condvar,
impl super::ThreadParkerT for ThreadParker {
type UnparkHandle = UnparkHandle;
const IS_CHEAP_TO_CONSTRUCT: bool = true;
fn new() -> ThreadParker {
ThreadParker {
should_park: Cell::new(false),
lock: Lock::new(),
condvar: Condvar::new(),
unsafe fn prepare_park(&self) {
unsafe fn timed_out(&self) -> bool {
// We need to grab the lock here because another thread may be
// concurrently executing UnparkHandle::unpark, which is done without
// holding the queue lock.
let _guard = self.lock.lock();
unsafe fn park(&self) {
let guard = self.lock.lock();
while self.should_park.get() {
unsafe fn park_until(&self, timeout: Instant) -> bool {
let guard = self.lock.lock();
while self.should_park.get() {
if let Some(duration_left) = timeout.checked_duration_since(Instant::now()) {
if let Ok(nanos_left) = abi::timestamp::try_from(duration_left.as_nanos()) {
self.condvar.wait_timeout(&guard, nanos_left);
} else {
// remaining timeout overflows an abi::timestamp. Sleep indefinitely
} else {
// We timed out
return false;
unsafe fn unpark_lock(&self) -> UnparkHandle {
let _lock_guard = self.lock.lock();
UnparkHandle {
thread_parker: self,
pub struct UnparkHandle {
thread_parker: *const ThreadParker,
_lock_guard: LockGuard,
impl super::UnparkHandleT for UnparkHandle {
unsafe fn unpark(self) {
// We notify while holding the lock here to avoid races with the target
// thread. In particular, the thread could exit after we unlock the
// mutex, which would make the condvar access invalid memory.
pub fn thread_yield() {