blob: 1957c30c902c39e5b58dd99b0669695bdf44f039 [file] [log] [blame]
## Steps for updating this crate
1. In order to run cargo2android, for this crate, the BoringSSL rust bindings first needs to be
built. Copy `googletest` to `boringssl`, which is needed to build the rust bindings
$ cp -r external/googletest/googletest external/boringssl/src/third_party/
2. Build the rust bindings (More information at
$ cd external/boringssl
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. -DRUST_BINDINGS=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
$ make
3. Run `tools/external_updater/ update rust/crates/openssl`. Cargo errors causing the
command to fail are expected (since the boringSSL crate is outside of the `openssl` directory,
redshell is not able to access it).
4. The repository should now be in a `tmp_auto_upgrade` branch, and the Android.bp will contain
some error message.
5. Run cargo2android
$ --config ./cargo2android.json
6. Clean up the changes in external/boringssl repository, and double check that the resulting
Android.bp builds correctly by running `m libopenssl`.
7. Commit the changes and upload the CL.
8. `external/rust/crates/openssl-macros` should also be updated at the same time.
## Generating patch files
If you make changes to this repo that is not in upstream `rust-openssl` yet, please generate a
patch file to keep track of those changes.
1. Commit your changes
2. Create the patch file: `git diff -u HEAD~ > <XXXX-topic>.diff` where XXXX is the number to track
the order of the patches to apply.
3. Amend the patch file into your CL `git add -A && git commit --amend`