Bug: 182952190

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  1. 72e08bb Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: a45f1d19a0 am: fc235e3b42 am: 4bcc020946 by Andrew Walbran · 6 months ago main master
  2. 4bcc020 Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: a45f1d19a0 am: fc235e3b42 by Andrew Walbran · 6 months ago
  3. 88d09a4 Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: a45f1d19a0 am: b351504a60 am: 7beff799bd by Andrew Walbran · 6 months ago
  4. 7beff79 Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: a45f1d19a0 am: b351504a60 by Andrew Walbran · 6 months ago
  5. fc235e3 Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: a45f1d19a0 by Andrew Walbran · 6 months ago


MAC address types for Rust

Latest Version Latest Version Build Status Coverage Status Minimum rustc version Apache 2.0 OR MIT licensed unsafe forbidden

This crate provides types for a MAC address identifiers, both in IEEE EUI-48 and EUI-64 formats.

It is like a std::net::SocketAddr enum with a std::net::SocketAddrV4 and std::net::SocketAddrV6 members, but for MAC addresses instead.

Obviously, MAC address can be represented as a [u8; 6] or [u8; 8], but it is error-prone and inconvenient, so here they are — MacAddr6 and MacAddr8 structs with helpful methods and standard Rust traits implementations, intended to be the first-class Rust objects.

And it is serde- and no_std-friendly also!


Add this to your Cargo.toml

macaddr = "1.0"


Check out the documentation for each type available, all of them have a plenty of examples.


Licensed under either of Apache License 2.0 or MIT license at your option.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.