blob: 4d1c80c82e89622a9d754c945efd40c9c31f3b84 [file] [log] [blame]
/* This file was generated by upbc (the upb compiler) from the input
* file:
* envoy/api/v2/srds.proto
* Do not edit -- your changes will be discarded when the file is
* regenerated. */
#include "upb/generated_util.h"
#include "upb/msg.h"
#include "upb/decode.h"
#include "upb/encode.h"
/* Public Imports. */
#include "envoy/api/v2/scoped_route.upb.h"
#include "upb/"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct envoy_api_v2_SrdsDummy;
typedef struct envoy_api_v2_SrdsDummy envoy_api_v2_SrdsDummy;
extern const upb_msglayout envoy_api_v2_SrdsDummy_msginit;
/* envoy.api.v2.SrdsDummy */
UPB_INLINE envoy_api_v2_SrdsDummy *envoy_api_v2_SrdsDummy_new(upb_arena *arena) {
return (envoy_api_v2_SrdsDummy *)upb_msg_new(&envoy_api_v2_SrdsDummy_msginit, arena);
UPB_INLINE envoy_api_v2_SrdsDummy *envoy_api_v2_SrdsDummy_parse(const char *buf, size_t size,
upb_arena *arena) {
envoy_api_v2_SrdsDummy *ret = envoy_api_v2_SrdsDummy_new(arena);
return (ret && upb_decode(buf, size, ret, &envoy_api_v2_SrdsDummy_msginit, arena)) ? ret : NULL;
UPB_INLINE char *envoy_api_v2_SrdsDummy_serialize(const envoy_api_v2_SrdsDummy *msg, upb_arena *arena, size_t *len) {
return upb_encode(msg, &envoy_api_v2_SrdsDummy_msginit, arena, len);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#include "upb/"