blob: 1930697fe4c8bdba6898e986961e7a3b02e808e2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// There are no visible documentation elements in this module; the declarative
// macro is documented at the top level.
/// Matches a container whose elements in any order have a 1:1 correspondence
/// with the provided element matchers.
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_pass() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!(vec![3, 2, 1], unordered_elements_are![eq(1), ge(2), anything()])?; // Passes
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail_1() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!(vec![1], unordered_elements_are![eq(1), ge(2)])?; // Fails: container has wrong size
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail_2() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!(vec![3, 2, 1], unordered_elements_are![eq(1), ge(4), eq(2)])?; // Fails: second matcher not matched
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail_3() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!(vec![3, 2, 1], unordered_elements_are![ge(3), ge(3), ge(3)])?; // Fails: no 1:1 correspondence
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # should_pass().unwrap();
/// # should_fail_1().unwrap_err();
/// # should_fail_2().unwrap_err();
/// # should_fail_3().unwrap_err();
/// ```
/// The actual value must be a container implementing [`IntoIterator`]. This
/// includes standard containers, slices (when dereferenced) and arrays.
/// This can also match against [`HashMap`][std::collections::HashMap] and
/// similar collections. The arguments are a sequence of pairs of matchers
/// corresponding to the keys and their respective values.
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # use std::collections::HashMap;
/// let value: HashMap<u32, &'static str> =
/// HashMap::from_iter([(1, "One"), (2, "Two"), (3, "Three")]);
/// verify_that!(
/// value,
/// unordered_elements_are![(eq(2), eq("Two")), (eq(1), eq("One")), (eq(3), eq("Three"))]
/// )
/// # .unwrap();
/// ```
/// This can also be omitted in [`verify_that!`] macros and replaced with curly
/// brackets.
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// verify_that!(vec![1, 2], {eq(2), eq(1)})
/// # .unwrap();
/// ```
/// Note: This behavior is only possible in [`verify_that!`] macros. In any
/// other cases, it is still necessary to use the
/// [`unordered_elements_are!`][crate::unordered_elements_are] macro.
/// ```compile_fail
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// verify_that!(vec![vec![1,2], vec![3]], {{eq(2), eq(1)}, {eq(3)}})
/// # .unwrap();
/// ```
/// Use this instead:
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// verify_that!(vec![vec![1,2], vec![3]],
/// {unordered_elements_are![eq(2), eq(1)], unordered_elements_are![eq(3)]})
/// # .unwrap();
/// ```
/// This matcher does not support matching directly against an [`Iterator`]. To
/// match against an iterator, use [`Iterator::collect`] to build a [`Vec`].
/// The matcher proceeds in three stages:
/// 1. It first checks whether the actual value is of the right size to possibly
/// be matched by each of the given matchers. If not, then it immediately
/// fails explaining that the size is incorrect.
/// 2. It then checks whether each matcher matches at least one corresponding
/// element in the actual container and each element in the actual container
/// is matched by at least one matcher. If not, it fails with a message
/// indicating which matcher respectively container elements had no
/// counterparts.
/// 3. Finally, it checks whether the mapping of matchers to corresponding
/// actual elements is a 1-1 correspondence and fails if that is not the
/// case. The failure message then shows the best matching it could find,
/// including which matchers did not have corresponding unique elements in
/// the container and which container elements had no corresponding matchers.
/// [`IntoIterator`]: std::iter::IntoIterator
/// [`Iterator`]: std::iter::Iterator
/// [`Iterator::collect`]: std::iter::Iterator::collect
/// [`Vec`]: std::vec::Vec
macro_rules! unordered_elements_are {
($(,)?) => {{
use $crate::matchers::unordered_elements_are_matcher::internal::{
UnorderedElementsAreMatcher, Requirements
UnorderedElementsAreMatcher::new([], Requirements::PerfectMatch)
// TODO: Consider an alternative map-like syntax here similar to that used in
($(($key_matcher:expr, $value_matcher:expr)),* $(,)?) => {{
use $crate::matchers::unordered_elements_are_matcher::internal::{
UnorderedElementsOfMapAreMatcher, Requirements
[$((Box::new($key_matcher), Box::new($value_matcher))),*],
($($matcher:expr),* $(,)?) => {{
use $crate::matchers::unordered_elements_are_matcher::internal::{
UnorderedElementsAreMatcher, Requirements
UnorderedElementsAreMatcher::new([$(Box::new($matcher)),*], Requirements::PerfectMatch)
/// Matches a container containing elements matched by the given matchers.
/// To match, each given matcher must have a corresponding element in the
/// container which it matches. There must be a mapping uniquely matching each
/// matcher to a container element. The container can, however, contain
/// additional elements that don't correspond to any matcher.
/// Put another way, `contains_each!` matches if there is a subset of the actual
/// container which [`unordered_elements_are`] would match.
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_pass() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!(vec![3, 2, 1], contains_each![eq(2), ge(3)])?; // Passes
/// verify_that!(vec![3, 2, 1], contains_each![ge(2), ge(2)])?; // Passes
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail_1() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!(vec![1], contains_each![eq(1), ge(2)])?; // Fails: container too small
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail_2() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!(vec![3, 2, 1], contains_each![eq(1), ge(4)])?; // Fails: second matcher unmatched
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail_3() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!(vec![3, 2, 1], contains_each![ge(3), ge(3), ge(3)])?; // Fails: no matching
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # should_pass().unwrap();
/// # should_fail_1().unwrap_err();
/// # should_fail_2().unwrap_err();
/// # should_fail_3().unwrap_err();
/// ```
/// The actual value must be a container implementing [`IntoIterator`]. This
/// includes standard containers, slices (when dereferenced) and arrays.
/// This can also match against [`HashMap`][std::collections::HashMap] and
/// similar collections. The arguments are a sequence of pairs of matchers
/// corresponding to the keys and their respective values.
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # use std::collections::HashMap;
/// let value: HashMap<u32, &'static str> =
/// HashMap::from_iter([(1, "One"), (2, "Two"), (3, "Three")]);
/// verify_that!(value, contains_each![(eq(2), eq("Two")), (eq(1), eq("One"))])
/// # .unwrap();
/// ```
/// This matcher does not support matching directly against an [`Iterator`]. To
/// match against an iterator, use [`Iterator::collect`] to build a [`Vec`].
/// The matcher proceeds in three stages:
/// 1. It first checks whether the actual value is large enough to possibly be
/// matched by each of the given matchers. If not, then it immediately fails
/// explaining that the size is too small.
/// 2. It then checks whether each matcher matches at least one corresponding
/// element in the actual container and fails if that is not the case. The
/// failure message indicates which matcher had no corresponding element.
/// 3. Finally, it checks whether the mapping of matchers to corresponding
/// actual elements is 1-1 and fails if that is not the case. The failure
/// message then shows the best matching it could find, including which
/// matchers did not have corresponding unique elements in the container.
/// [`IntoIterator`]: std::iter::IntoIterator
/// [`Iterator`]: std::iter::Iterator
/// [`Iterator::collect`]: std::iter::Iterator::collect
/// [`Vec`]: std::vec::Vec
macro_rules! contains_each {
($(,)?) => {{
use $crate::matchers::unordered_elements_are_matcher::internal::{
UnorderedElementsAreMatcher, Requirements
UnorderedElementsAreMatcher::new([], Requirements::Superset)
// TODO: Consider an alternative map-like syntax here similar to that used in
($(($key_matcher:expr, $value_matcher:expr)),* $(,)?) => {{
use $crate::matchers::unordered_elements_are_matcher::internal::{
UnorderedElementsOfMapAreMatcher, Requirements
[$((Box::new($key_matcher), Box::new($value_matcher))),*],
($($matcher:expr),* $(,)?) => {{
use $crate::matchers::unordered_elements_are_matcher::internal::{
UnorderedElementsAreMatcher, Requirements
UnorderedElementsAreMatcher::new([$(Box::new($matcher)),*], Requirements::Superset)
/// Matches a container all of whose elements are matched by the given matchers.
/// To match, each element in the container must have a corresponding matcher
/// which matches it. There must be a 1-1 mapping from container elements to
/// matchers, so that no matcher has more than one corresponding element.
/// There may, however, be matchers not corresponding to any elements in the
/// container.
/// Put another way, `is_contained_in!` matches if there is a subset of the
/// matchers which would match with [`unordered_elements_are`].
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_pass() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!(vec![2, 1], is_contained_in![eq(1), ge(2)])?; // Passes
/// verify_that!(vec![2, 1], is_contained_in![ge(1), ge(1)])?; // Passes
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail_1() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!(vec![1, 2, 3], is_contained_in![eq(1), ge(2)])?; // Fails: container too large
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail_2() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!(vec![2, 1], is_contained_in![eq(1), ge(4)])?; // Fails: second matcher unmatched
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail_3() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!(vec![3, 1], is_contained_in![ge(3), ge(3), ge(3)])?; // Fails: no matching
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # should_pass().unwrap();
/// # should_fail_1().unwrap_err();
/// # should_fail_2().unwrap_err();
/// # should_fail_3().unwrap_err();
/// ```
/// The actual value must be a container implementing [`IntoIterator`]. This
/// includes standard containers, slices (when dereferenced) and arrays.
/// This can also match against [`HashMap`][std::collections::HashMap] and
/// similar collections. The arguments are a sequence of pairs of matchers
/// corresponding to the keys and their respective values.
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # use std::collections::HashMap;
/// let value: HashMap<u32, &'static str> = HashMap::from_iter([(1, "One"), (2, "Two")]);
/// verify_that!(
/// value,
/// is_contained_in![(eq(2), eq("Two")), (eq(1), eq("One")), (eq(3), eq("Three"))]
/// )
/// # .unwrap();
/// ```
/// This matcher does not support matching directly against an [`Iterator`]. To
/// match against an iterator, use [`Iterator::collect`] to build a [`Vec`].
/// The matcher proceeds in three stages:
/// 1. It first checks whether the actual value is too large to possibly be
/// matched by each of the given matchers. If so, it immediately fails
/// explaining that the size is too large.
/// 2. It then checks whether each actual container element is matched by at
/// least one matcher and fails if that is not the case. The failure message
/// indicates which element had no corresponding matcher.
/// 3. Finally, it checks whether the mapping of elements to corresponding
/// matchers is 1-1 and fails if that is not the case. The failure message
/// then shows the best matching it could find, including which container
/// elements did not have corresponding matchers.
/// [`IntoIterator`]: std::iter::IntoIterator
/// [`Iterator`]: std::iter::Iterator
/// [`Iterator::collect`]: std::iter::Iterator::collect
/// [`Vec`]: std::vec::Vec
macro_rules! is_contained_in {
($(,)?) => {{
use $crate::matchers::unordered_elements_are_matcher::internal::{
UnorderedElementsAreMatcher, Requirements
UnorderedElementsAreMatcher::new([], Requirements::Subset)
// TODO: Consider an alternative map-like syntax here similar to that used in
($(($key_matcher:expr, $value_matcher:expr)),* $(,)?) => {{
use $crate::matchers::unordered_elements_are_matcher::internal::{
UnorderedElementsOfMapAreMatcher, Requirements
[$((Box::new($key_matcher), Box::new($value_matcher))),*],
($($matcher:expr),* $(,)?) => {{
use $crate::matchers::unordered_elements_are_matcher::internal::{
UnorderedElementsAreMatcher, Requirements
UnorderedElementsAreMatcher::new([$(Box::new($matcher)),*], Requirements::Subset)
/// Module for use only by the macros in this module.
/// **For internal use only. API stablility is not guaranteed!**
pub mod internal {
use crate::matcher::{Matcher, MatcherResult};
use crate::matcher_support::count_elements::count_elements;
use crate::matcher_support::description::Description;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
/// This struct is meant to be used only through the
/// `unordered_elements_are![...]` macro.
/// **For internal use only. API stablility is not guaranteed!**
pub struct UnorderedElementsAreMatcher<'a, ContainerT: ?Sized, T: Debug, const N: usize> {
elements: [Box<dyn Matcher<ActualT = T> + 'a>; N],
requirements: Requirements,
phantom: PhantomData<ContainerT>,
impl<'a, ContainerT: ?Sized, T: Debug, const N: usize>
UnorderedElementsAreMatcher<'a, ContainerT, T, N>
pub fn new(
elements: [Box<dyn Matcher<ActualT = T> + 'a>; N],
requirements: Requirements,
) -> Self {
Self { elements, requirements, phantom: Default::default() }
// This matcher performs the checks in three different steps in both `matches`
// and `explain_match`. This is useful for performance but also to produce
// an actionable error message.
// 1. `UnorderedElementsAreMatcher` verifies that both collections have the same
// size
// 2. `UnorderedElementsAreMatcher` verifies that each actual element matches at
// least one expected element and vice versa.
// 3. `UnorderedElementsAreMatcher` verifies that a perfect matching exists
// using Ford-Fulkerson.
impl<'a, T: Debug, ContainerT: Debug + ?Sized, const N: usize> Matcher
for UnorderedElementsAreMatcher<'a, ContainerT, T, N>
for<'b> &'b ContainerT: IntoIterator<Item = &'b T>,
type ActualT = ContainerT;
fn matches(&self, actual: &ContainerT) -> MatcherResult {
let match_matrix = MatchMatrix::generate(actual, &self.elements);
fn explain_match(&self, actual: &ContainerT) -> String {
if let Some(size_mismatch_explanation) =
self.requirements.explain_size_mismatch(actual, N)
return size_mismatch_explanation;
let match_matrix = MatchMatrix::generate(actual, &self.elements);
if let Some(unmatchable_explanation) =
return unmatchable_explanation;
let best_match = match_matrix.find_best_match();
.get_explanation(actual, &self.elements, self.requirements)
.unwrap_or("whose elements all match".to_string())
fn describe(&self, matcher_result: MatcherResult) -> String {
"{} elements matching in any order:\n{}",
if matcher_result.into() { "contains" } else { "doesn't contain" },
.map(|matcher| matcher.describe(MatcherResult::Match))
type KeyValueMatcher<'a, KeyT, ValueT> =
(Box<dyn Matcher<ActualT = KeyT> + 'a>, Box<dyn Matcher<ActualT = ValueT> + 'a>);
/// This is the analogue to [UnorderedElementsAreMatcher] for maps and
/// map-like collections.
/// **For internal use only. API stablility is not guaranteed!**
pub struct UnorderedElementsOfMapAreMatcher<'a, ContainerT, KeyT, ValueT, const N: usize>
ContainerT: ?Sized,
KeyT: Debug,
ValueT: Debug,
elements: [KeyValueMatcher<'a, KeyT, ValueT>; N],
requirements: Requirements,
phantom: PhantomData<ContainerT>,
impl<'a, ContainerT, KeyT: Debug, ValueT: Debug, const N: usize>
UnorderedElementsOfMapAreMatcher<'a, ContainerT, KeyT, ValueT, N>
pub fn new(
elements: [KeyValueMatcher<'a, KeyT, ValueT>; N],
requirements: Requirements,
) -> Self {
Self { elements, requirements, phantom: Default::default() }
impl<'a, KeyT: Debug, ValueT: Debug, ContainerT: Debug + ?Sized, const N: usize> Matcher
for UnorderedElementsOfMapAreMatcher<'a, ContainerT, KeyT, ValueT, N>
for<'b> &'b ContainerT: IntoIterator<Item = (&'b KeyT, &'b ValueT)>,
type ActualT = ContainerT;
fn matches(&self, actual: &ContainerT) -> MatcherResult {
let match_matrix = MatchMatrix::generate_for_map(actual, &self.elements);
fn explain_match(&self, actual: &ContainerT) -> String {
if let Some(size_mismatch_explanation) =
self.requirements.explain_size_mismatch(actual, N)
return size_mismatch_explanation;
let match_matrix = MatchMatrix::generate_for_map(actual, &self.elements);
if let Some(unmatchable_explanation) =
return unmatchable_explanation;
let best_match = match_matrix.find_best_match();
.get_explanation_for_map(actual, &self.elements, self.requirements)
.unwrap_or("whose elements all match".to_string())
fn describe(&self, matcher_result: MatcherResult) -> String {
"{} elements matching in any order:\n{}",
if matcher_result.into() { "contains" } else { "doesn't contain" },
.map(|(key_matcher, value_matcher)| format!(
"{} => {}",
/// The requirements of the mapping between matchers and actual values by
/// which [`UnorderedElemetnsAre`] is deemed to match its input.
/// **For internal use only. API stablility is not guaranteed!**
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Requirements {
/// There must be a 1:1 correspondence between the actual values and the
/// matchers.
/// The mapping from matched actual values to their corresponding
/// matchers must be surjective.
/// The mapping from matchers to matched actual values must be
/// surjective.
impl Requirements {
fn explain_size_mismatch<ContainerT: ?Sized>(
actual: &ContainerT,
expected_size: usize,
) -> Option<String>
for<'b> &'b ContainerT: IntoIterator,
let actual_size = count_elements(actual);
match self {
Requirements::PerfectMatch if actual_size != expected_size => {
Some(format!("which has size {} (expected {})", actual_size, expected_size))
Requirements::Superset if actual_size < expected_size => Some(format!(
"which has size {} (expected at least {})",
actual_size, expected_size
Requirements::Subset if actual_size > expected_size => Some(format!(
"which has size {} (expected at most {})",
actual_size, expected_size
_ => None,
impl Display for Requirements {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Requirements::PerfectMatch => {
write!(f, "perfect")
Requirements::Superset => {
write!(f, "superset")
Requirements::Subset => {
write!(f, "subset")
/// The bipartite matching graph between actual and expected elements.
struct MatchMatrix<const N: usize>(Vec<[MatcherResult; N]>);
impl<const N: usize> MatchMatrix<N> {
fn generate<'a, T: Debug + 'a, ContainerT: Debug + ?Sized>(
actual: &ContainerT,
expected: &[Box<dyn Matcher<ActualT = T> + 'a>; N],
) -> Self
for<'b> &'b ContainerT: IntoIterator<Item = &'b T>,
let mut matrix = MatchMatrix(vec![[MatcherResult::NoMatch; N]; count_elements(actual)]);
for (actual_idx, actual) in actual.into_iter().enumerate() {
for (expected_idx, expected) in expected.iter().enumerate() {
matrix.0[actual_idx][expected_idx] = expected.matches(actual);
fn generate_for_map<'a, KeyT: Debug, ValueT: Debug, ContainerT: Debug + ?Sized>(
actual: &ContainerT,
expected: &[KeyValueMatcher<'a, KeyT, ValueT>; N],
) -> Self
for<'b> &'b ContainerT: IntoIterator<Item = (&'b KeyT, &'b ValueT)>,
let mut matrix = MatchMatrix(vec![[MatcherResult::NoMatch; N]; count_elements(actual)]);
for (actual_idx, (actual_key, actual_value)) in actual.into_iter().enumerate() {
for (expected_idx, (expected_key, expected_value)) in expected.iter().enumerate() {
matrix.0[actual_idx][expected_idx] = (expected_key.matches(actual_key).into()
&& expected_value.matches(actual_value).into())
fn is_match_for(&self, requirements: Requirements) -> bool {
match requirements {
Requirements::PerfectMatch => {
&& self.find_best_match().is_full_match()
Requirements::Superset => {
&& self.find_best_match().is_superset_match()
Requirements::Subset => {
&& self.find_best_match().is_subset_match()
fn explain_unmatchable(&self, requirements: Requirements) -> Option<String> {
let unmatchable_elements = match requirements {
Requirements::PerfectMatch => self.find_unmatchable_elements(),
Requirements::Superset => self.find_unmatched_expected(),
Requirements::Subset => self.find_unmatched_actual(),
// Verifies that each actual matches at least one expected and that
// each expected matches at least one actual.
// This is a necessary condition but not sufficient. But it is faster
// than `find_best_match()`.
fn find_unmatchable_elements(&self) -> UnmatchableElements<N> {
let unmatchable_actual =
self.0.iter().map(|row| row.iter().all(|&e| e.is_no_match())).collect();
let mut unmatchable_expected = [false; N];
for (col_idx, expected) in unmatchable_expected.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*expected = self.0.iter().map(|row| row[col_idx]).all(|e| e.is_no_match());
UnmatchableElements { unmatchable_actual, unmatchable_expected }
fn find_unmatched_expected(&self) -> UnmatchableElements<N> {
let mut unmatchable_expected = [false; N];
for (col_idx, expected) in unmatchable_expected.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*expected = self.0.iter().map(|row| row[col_idx]).all(|e| e.is_no_match());
UnmatchableElements { unmatchable_actual: vec![false; N], unmatchable_expected }
fn find_unmatched_actual(&self) -> UnmatchableElements<N> {
let unmatchable_actual =
self.0.iter().map(|row| row.iter().all(|e| e.is_no_match())).collect();
UnmatchableElements { unmatchable_actual, unmatchable_expected: [false; N] }
// Verifies that a full match exists.
// Uses the well-known Ford-Fulkerson max flow method to find a maximum
// bipartite matching. Flow is considered to be from actual to expected.
// There is an implicit source node that is connected to all of the actual
// nodes, and an implicit sink node that is connected to all of the
// expected nodes. All edges have unit capacity.
// Neither the flow graph nor the residual flow graph are represented
// explicitly. Instead, they are implied by the information in `self.0` and
// the local `actual_match : [Option<usize>; N]` whose elements are initialized
// to `None`. This represents the initial state of the algorithm,
// where the flow graph is empty, and the residual flow graph has the
// following edges:
// - An edge from source to each actual element node
// - An edge from each expected element node to sink
// - An edge from each actual element node to each expected element node, if
// the actual element matches the expected element, i.e.
// `matches!(self.0[actual_id][expected_id], Matches)`
// When the `try_augment(...)` method adds a flow, it sets `actual_match[l] =
// Some(r)` for some nodes l and r. This induces the following changes:
// - The edges (source, l), (l, r), and (r, sink) are added to the flow graph.
// - The same three edges are removed from the residual flow graph.
// - The reverse edges (l, source), (r, l), and (sink, r) are added to the
// residual flow graph, which is a directional graph representing unused
// flow capacity.
// When the method augments a flow (changing `actual_match[l]` from `Some(r1)`
// to `Some(r2)`), this can be thought of as "undoing" the above steps
// with respect to r1 and "redoing" them with respect to r2.
// It bears repeating that the flow graph and residual flow graph are
// never represented explicitly, but can be derived by looking at the
// information in 'self.0' and in `actual_match`.
// As an optimization, there is a second local `expected_match: [Option<usize>;
// N]` which does not provide any new information. Instead, it enables
// more efficient queries about edges entering or leaving the expected elements
// nodes of the flow or residual flow graphs. The following invariants
// are maintained:
// actual_match[a] == None or expected_match[actual_match[a].unwrap()] ==
// Some(a)
// expected_match[r] == None or actual_match[expected_match[e].unwrap()] ==
// Some(e)
// | [ source ] |
// | ||| |
// | ||| |
// | ||\-> actual_match[0]=Some(1) -\ expected_match[0]=None ---\ |
// | || | | |
// | |\--> actual_match[1]=None \-> expected_match[1]=Some(0) --\| |
// | | || |
// | \---> actual_match[2]=Some(2) --> expected_match[2]=Some(2) -\|| |
// | ||| |
// | elements matchers vvv |
// | [ sink ] |
// See Also:
// [1] Cormen, et al (2001). "Section 26.2: The Ford-Fulkerson method".
// "Introduction to Algorithms (Second ed.)", pp. 651-664.
// [2] "Ford-Fulkerson algorithm", Wikipedia,
// ''
fn find_best_match(&self) -> BestMatch<N> {
let mut actual_match = vec![None; self.0.len()];
let mut expected_match: [Option<usize>; N] = [None; N];
// Searches the residual flow graph for a path from each actual node to
// the sink in the residual flow graph, and if one is found, add this path
// to the graph.
// It's okay to search through the actual nodes once. The
// edge from the implicit source node to each previously-visited actual
// node will have flow if that actual node has any path to the sink
// whatsoever. Subsequent augmentations can only add flow to the
// network, and cannot take away that previous flow unit from the source.
// Since the source-to-actual edge can only carry one flow unit (or,
// each actual element can be matched to only one expected element), there is no
// need to visit the actual nodes more than once looking for
// augmented paths. The flow is known to be possible or impossible
// by looking at the node once.
for actual_idx in 0..self.0.len() {
let mut seen = [false; N];
self.try_augment(actual_idx, &mut seen, &mut actual_match, &mut expected_match);
// Perform a depth-first search from actual node `actual_idx` to the sink by
// searching for an unassigned expected node. If a path is found, flow
// is added to the network by linking the actual and expected vector elements
// corresponding each segment of the path. Returns true if a path to
// sink was found, which means that a unit of flow was added to the
// network. The 'seen' array elements correspond to expected nodes and are
// marked to eliminate cycles from the search.
// Actual nodes will only be explored at most once because they
// are accessible from at most one expected node in the residual flow
// graph.
// Note that `actual_match[actual_idx]` is the only element of `actual_match`
// that `try_augment(...)` will potentially transition from `None` to
// `Some(...)`. Any other `actual_match` element holding `None` before
// `try_augment(...)` will be holding it when `try_augment(...)`
// returns.
fn try_augment(
actual_idx: usize,
seen: &mut [bool; N],
actual_match: &mut [Option<usize>],
expected_match: &mut [Option<usize>; N],
) -> bool {
for expected_idx in 0..N {
if seen[expected_idx] {
if self.0[actual_idx][expected_idx].is_no_match() {
// There is an edge between `actual_idx` and `expected_idx`.
seen[expected_idx] = true;
// Next a search is performed to determine whether
// this edge is a dead end or leads to the sink.
// `expected_match[expected_idx].is_none()` means that there is residual flow
// from expected node at index expected_idx to the sink, so we
// can use that to finish this flow path and return success.
// Otherwise, we look for a residual flow starting from
// `expected_match[expected_idx].unwrap()` by calling
// ourselves recursively to see if this ultimately leads to
// sink.
if expected_match[expected_idx].is_none()
|| self.try_augment(
// We found a residual flow from source to sink. We thus need to add the new
// edge to the current flow.
// Note: this also remove the potential flow that existed by overwriting the
// value in the `expected_match` and `actual_match`.
expected_match[expected_idx] = Some(actual_idx);
actual_match[actual_idx] = Some(expected_idx);
return true;
/// The list of elements that do not match any element in the corresponding
/// set.
/// These lists are represented as fixed sized bit set to avoid
/// allocation.
/// TODO(bjacotg) Use BitArr!(for N) once generic_const_exprs is stable.
struct UnmatchableElements<const N: usize> {
unmatchable_actual: Vec<bool>,
unmatchable_expected: [bool; N],
impl<const N: usize> UnmatchableElements<N> {
fn has_unmatchable_elements(&self) -> bool {
self.unmatchable_actual.iter().any(|b| *b)
|| self.unmatchable_expected.iter().any(|b| *b)
fn get_explanation(&self) -> Option<String> {
let unmatchable_actual = self.unmatchable_actual();
let actual_idx = unmatchable_actual
.map(|idx| format!("#{}", idx))
.join(", ");
let unmatchable_expected = self.unmatchable_expected();
let expected_idx = unmatchable_expected
.map(|idx| format!("#{}", idx))
.join(", ");
match (unmatchable_actual.len(), unmatchable_expected.len()) {
(0, 0) => None,
(1, 0) => {
Some(format!("whose element {actual_idx} does not match any expected elements"))
(_, 0) => {
Some(format!("whose elements {actual_idx} do not match any expected elements",))
(0, 1) => Some(format!(
"which has no element matching the expected element {expected_idx}"
(0, _) => Some(format!(
"which has no elements matching the expected elements {expected_idx}"
(1, 1) => Some(format!(
"whose element {actual_idx} does not match any expected elements and no elements match the expected element {expected_idx}"
(_, 1) => Some(format!(
"whose elements {actual_idx} do not match any expected elements and no elements match the expected element {expected_idx}"
(1, _) => Some(format!(
"whose element {actual_idx} does not match any expected elements and no elements match the expected elements {expected_idx}"
(_, _) => Some(format!(
"whose elements {actual_idx} do not match any expected elements and no elements match the expected elements {expected_idx}"
fn unmatchable_actual(&self) -> Vec<usize> {
.filter_map(|(idx, b)| if *b { Some(idx) } else { None })
fn unmatchable_expected(&self) -> Vec<usize> {
.filter_map(|(idx, b)| if *b { Some(idx) } else { None })
/// The representation of a match between actual and expected.
/// The value at idx represents to which expected the actual at idx is
/// matched with. For example, `BestMatch([Some(0), None, Some(1)])`
/// means:
/// * The 0th element in actual matches the 0th element in expected.
/// * The 1st element in actual does not match.
/// * The 2nd element in actual matches the 1st element in expected.
struct BestMatch<const N: usize>(Vec<Option<usize>>);
impl<const N: usize> BestMatch<N> {
fn is_full_match(&self) -> bool {
self.0.iter().all(|o| o.is_some())
fn is_subset_match(&self) -> bool {
fn is_superset_match(&self) -> bool {
fn get_matches(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, usize)> + '_ {
self.0.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(actual_idx, maybe_expected_idx)| {|expected_idx| (actual_idx, expected_idx))
fn get_unmatched_actual(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = usize> + '_ {
.filter(|&(_, o)| o.is_none())
.map(|(actual_idx, _)| actual_idx)
fn get_unmatched_expected(&self) -> Vec<usize> {
let matched_expected: HashSet<_> = self.0.iter().flatten().collect();
(0..N).filter(|expected_idx| !matched_expected.contains(expected_idx)).collect()
fn get_explanation<'a, T: Debug, ContainerT: Debug + ?Sized>(
actual: &ContainerT,
expected: &[Box<dyn Matcher<ActualT = T> + 'a>; N],
requirements: Requirements,
) -> Option<String>
for<'b> &'b ContainerT: IntoIterator<Item = &'b T>,
let actual: Vec<_> = actual.into_iter().collect();
if self.is_full_match() {
return None;
let mut error_message =
format!("which does not have a {requirements} match with the expected elements.");
error_message.push_str("\n The best match found was: ");
let matches = self.get_matches().map(|(actual_idx, expected_idx)|{
"Actual element {:?} at index {actual_idx} matched expected element `{}` at index {expected_idx}.",
let unmatched_actual = self.get_unmatched_actual().map(|actual_idx| {
"Actual element {:#?} at index {actual_idx} did not match any remaining expected element.",
let unmatched_expected = self.get_unmatched_expected().into_iter().map(|expected_idx|{format!(
"Expected element `{}` at index {expected_idx} did not match any remaining actual element.",
let best_match = matches
"which does not have a {requirements} match with the expected elements. The best match found was:\n{best_match}"
fn get_explanation_for_map<'a, KeyT: Debug, ValueT: Debug, ContainerT: Debug + ?Sized>(
actual: &ContainerT,
expected: &[KeyValueMatcher<'a, KeyT, ValueT>; N],
requirements: Requirements,
) -> Option<String>
for<'b> &'b ContainerT: IntoIterator<Item = (&'b KeyT, &'b ValueT)>,
let actual: Vec<_> = actual.into_iter().collect();
if self.is_full_match() {
return None;
let mut error_message =
format!("which does not have a {requirements} match with the expected elements.");
error_message.push_str("\n The best match found was: ");
let matches = self.get_matches()
.map(|(actual_idx, expected_idx)| {
"Actual element {:?} => {:?} at index {actual_idx} matched expected element `{}` => `{}` at index {expected_idx}.",
let unmatched_actual = self.get_unmatched_actual()
.map(|actual_idx| {
"Actual element {:#?} => {:#?} at index {actual_idx} did not match any remaining expected element.",
let unmatched_expected = self.get_unmatched_expected()
.map(|expected_idx| {
"Expected element `{}` => `{}` at index {expected_idx} did not match any remaining actual element.",
let best_match = matches
"which does not have a {requirements} match with the expected elements. The best match found was:\n{best_match}"
mod tests {
use super::internal::UnorderedElementsOfMapAreMatcher;
use crate::matcher::{Matcher, MatcherResult};
use crate::prelude::*;
use indoc::indoc;
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn has_correct_description_for_map() -> Result<()> {
// UnorderedElementsAreMatcher maintains references to the matchers, so the
// constituent matchers must live longer. Inside a verify_that! macro, the
// compiler takes care of that, but when the matcher is created separately,
// we must create the constitute matchers separately so that they
// aren't dropped too early.
let matchers = ((eq(2), eq("Two")), (eq(1), eq("One")), (eq(3), eq("Three")));
let matcher: UnorderedElementsOfMapAreMatcher<HashMap<i32, &str>, _, _, 3> = unordered_elements_are![
(matchers.0.0, matchers.0.1),
(matchers.1.0, matchers.1.1),
(matchers.2.0, matchers.2.1)
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::Match),
contains elements matching in any order:
is equal to 2 => is equal to \"Two\"
is equal to 1 => is equal to \"One\"
is equal to 3 => is equal to \"Three\""
fn unordered_elements_are_description_no_full_match_with_map() -> Result<()> {
// UnorderedElementsAreMatcher maintains references to the matchers, so the
// constituent matchers must live longer. Inside a verify_that! macro, the
// compiler takes care of that, but when the matcher is created separately,
// we must create the constitute matchers separately so that they
// aren't dropped too early.
let matchers = ((anything(), eq(1)), (anything(), eq(2)), (anything(), eq(2)));
let matcher: UnorderedElementsOfMapAreMatcher<HashMap<u32, u32>, _, _, 3> = unordered_elements_are![
(matchers.0.0, matchers.0.1),
(matchers.1.0, matchers.1.1),
(matchers.2.0, matchers.2.1),
let value: HashMap<u32, u32> = HashMap::from_iter([(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 2)]);
"Actual element 2 => 2 at index [0-2] matched expected element `is anything` => `is equal to 2` at index [0-2]."
"Actual element [0-1] => [0-1] at index [0-2] did not match any remaining expected element."
"Expected element `is anything` => `is equal to 2` at index 2 did not match any remaining actual element."