blob: 3a4e2e9987cc319f4a817cf597e0b4c2046cb127 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use crate::{
matcher::{Matcher, MatcherResult},
summarize_diff::{create_diff, create_diff_reversed},
matchers::{eq_deref_of_matcher::EqDerefOfMatcher, eq_matcher::EqMatcher},
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops::Deref;
/// Matches a string containing a given substring.
/// Both the actual value and the expected substring may be either a `String` or
/// a string reference.
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_pass_1() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("Some value", contains_substring("Some"))?; // Passes
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("Another value", contains_substring("Some"))?; // Fails
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_pass_2() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("Some value".to_string(), contains_substring("value"))?; // Passes
/// verify_that!("Some value", contains_substring("value".to_string()))?; // Passes
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # should_pass_1().unwrap();
/// # should_fail().unwrap_err();
/// # should_pass_2().unwrap();
/// ```
/// See the [`StrMatcherConfigurator`] extension trait for more options on how
/// the string is matched.
/// > Note on memory use: In most cases, this matcher does not allocate memory
/// > when matching strings. However, it must allocate copies of both the actual
/// > and expected values when matching strings while
/// > [`ignoring_ascii_case`][StrMatcherConfigurator::ignoring_ascii_case] is
/// > set.
pub fn contains_substring<A: ?Sized, T>(expected: T) -> StrMatcher<A, T> {
StrMatcher {
configuration: Configuration { mode: MatchMode::Contains, ..Default::default() },
phantom: Default::default(),
/// Matches a string which starts with the given prefix.
/// Both the actual value and the expected prefix may be either a `String` or
/// a string reference.
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_pass_1() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("Some value", starts_with("Some"))?; // Passes
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail_1() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("Another value", starts_with("Some"))?; // Fails
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail_2() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("Some value", starts_with("value"))?; // Fails
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_pass_2() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("Some value".to_string(), starts_with("Some"))?; // Passes
/// verify_that!("Some value", starts_with("Some".to_string()))?; // Passes
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # should_pass_1().unwrap();
/// # should_fail_1().unwrap_err();
/// # should_fail_2().unwrap_err();
/// # should_pass_2().unwrap();
/// ```
/// See the [`StrMatcherConfigurator`] extension trait for more options on how
/// the string is matched.
pub fn starts_with<A: ?Sized, T>(expected: T) -> StrMatcher<A, T> {
StrMatcher {
configuration: Configuration { mode: MatchMode::StartsWith, ..Default::default() },
phantom: Default::default(),
/// Matches a string which ends with the given suffix.
/// Both the actual value and the expected suffix may be either a `String` or
/// a string reference.
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_pass_1() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("Some value", ends_with("value"))?; // Passes
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail_1() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("Some value", ends_with("other value"))?; // Fails
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail_2() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("Some value", ends_with("Some"))?; // Fails
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_pass_2() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("Some value".to_string(), ends_with("value"))?; // Passes
/// verify_that!("Some value", ends_with("value".to_string()))?; // Passes
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # should_pass_1().unwrap();
/// # should_fail_1().unwrap_err();
/// # should_fail_2().unwrap_err();
/// # should_pass_2().unwrap();
/// ```
/// See the [`StrMatcherConfigurator`] extension trait for more options on how
/// the string is matched.
pub fn ends_with<A: ?Sized, T>(expected: T) -> StrMatcher<A, T> {
StrMatcher {
configuration: Configuration { mode: MatchMode::EndsWith, ..Default::default() },
phantom: Default::default(),
/// Extension trait to configure [`StrMatcher`].
/// Matchers which match against string values and, through configuration,
/// specialise to [`StrMatcher`] implement this trait. That includes
/// [`EqMatcher`] and [`StrMatcher`].
pub trait StrMatcherConfigurator<ActualT: ?Sized, ExpectedT> {
/// Configures the matcher to ignore any leading whitespace in either the
/// actual or the expected value.
/// Whitespace is defined as in [`str::trim_start`].
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_pass() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("A string", eq(" A string").ignoring_leading_whitespace())?; // Passes
/// verify_that!(" A string", eq("A string").ignoring_leading_whitespace())?; // Passes
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # should_pass().unwrap();
/// ```
/// When all other configuration options are left as the defaults, this is
/// equivalent to invoking [`str::trim_start`] on both the expected and
/// actual value.
fn ignoring_leading_whitespace(self) -> StrMatcher<ActualT, ExpectedT>;
/// Configures the matcher to ignore any trailing whitespace in either the
/// actual or the expected value.
/// Whitespace is defined as in [`str::trim_end`].
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_pass() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("A string", eq("A string ").ignoring_trailing_whitespace())?; // Passes
/// verify_that!("A string ", eq("A string").ignoring_trailing_whitespace())?; // Passes
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # should_pass().unwrap();
/// ```
/// When all other configuration options are left as the defaults, this is
/// equivalent to invoking [`str::trim_end`] on both the expected and
/// actual value.
fn ignoring_trailing_whitespace(self) -> StrMatcher<ActualT, ExpectedT>;
/// Configures the matcher to ignore both leading and trailing whitespace in
/// either the actual or the expected value.
/// Whitespace is defined as in [`str::trim`].
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_pass() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("A string", eq(" A string ").ignoring_outer_whitespace())?; // Passes
/// verify_that!(" A string ", eq("A string").ignoring_outer_whitespace())?; // Passes
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # should_pass().unwrap();
/// ```
/// This is equivalent to invoking both
/// [`ignoring_leading_whitespace`][StrMatcherConfigurator::ignoring_leading_whitespace] and
/// [`ignoring_trailing_whitespace`][StrMatcherConfigurator::ignoring_trailing_whitespace].
/// When all other configuration options are left as the defaults, this is
/// equivalent to invoking [`str::trim`] on both the expected and actual
/// value.
fn ignoring_outer_whitespace(self) -> StrMatcher<ActualT, ExpectedT>;
/// Configures the matcher to ignore ASCII case when comparing values.
/// This uses the same rules for case as [`str::eq_ignore_ascii_case`].
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_pass() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("Some value", eq("SOME VALUE").ignoring_ascii_case())?; // Passes
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("Another value", eq("Some value").ignoring_ascii_case())?; // Fails
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # should_pass().unwrap();
/// # should_fail().unwrap_err();
/// ```
/// This is **not guaranteed** to match strings with differing upper/lower
/// case characters outside of the codepoints 0-127 covered by ASCII.
fn ignoring_ascii_case(self) -> StrMatcher<ActualT, ExpectedT>;
/// Configures the matcher to match only strings which otherwise satisfy the
/// conditions a number times matched by the matcher `times`.
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_pass() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("Some value\nSome value", contains_substring("value").times(eq(2)))?; // Passes
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("Some value", contains_substring("value").times(eq(2)))?; // Fails
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # should_pass().unwrap();
/// # should_fail().unwrap_err();
/// ```
/// The matched substrings must be disjoint from one another to be counted.
/// For example:
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_fail() -> Result<()> {
/// // Fails: substrings distinct but not disjoint!
/// verify_that!("ababab", contains_substring("abab").times(eq(2)))?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # should_fail().unwrap_err();
/// ```
/// This is only meaningful when the matcher was constructed with
/// [`contains_substring`]. This method will panic when it is used with any
/// other matcher construction.
fn times(
times: impl Matcher<ActualT = usize> + 'static,
) -> StrMatcher<ActualT, ExpectedT>;
/// A matcher which matches equality or containment of a string-like value in a
/// configurable way.
/// The following matcher methods instantiate this:
/// * [`eq`][crate::matchers::eq_matcher::eq],
/// * [`contains_substring`],
/// * [`starts_with`],
/// * [`ends_with`].
pub struct StrMatcher<ActualT: ?Sized, ExpectedT> {
expected: ExpectedT,
configuration: Configuration,
phantom: PhantomData<ActualT>,
impl<ExpectedT, ActualT> Matcher for StrMatcher<ActualT, ExpectedT>
ExpectedT: Deref<Target = str> + Debug,
ActualT: AsRef<str> + Debug + ?Sized,
type ActualT = ActualT;
fn matches(&self, actual: &ActualT) -> MatcherResult {
self.configuration.do_strings_match(self.expected.deref(), actual.as_ref()).into()
fn describe(&self, matcher_result: MatcherResult) -> String {
self.configuration.describe(matcher_result, self.expected.deref())
fn explain_match(&self, actual: &ActualT) -> String {
self.configuration.explain_match(self.expected.deref(), actual.as_ref())
impl<ActualT: ?Sized, ExpectedT, MatcherT: Into<StrMatcher<ActualT, ExpectedT>>>
StrMatcherConfigurator<ActualT, ExpectedT> for MatcherT
fn ignoring_leading_whitespace(self) -> StrMatcher<ActualT, ExpectedT> {
let existing = self.into();
StrMatcher {
configuration: existing.configuration.ignoring_leading_whitespace(),
fn ignoring_trailing_whitespace(self) -> StrMatcher<ActualT, ExpectedT> {
let existing = self.into();
StrMatcher {
configuration: existing.configuration.ignoring_trailing_whitespace(),
fn ignoring_outer_whitespace(self) -> StrMatcher<ActualT, ExpectedT> {
let existing = self.into();
StrMatcher { configuration: existing.configuration.ignoring_outer_whitespace(), ..existing }
fn ignoring_ascii_case(self) -> StrMatcher<ActualT, ExpectedT> {
let existing = self.into();
StrMatcher { configuration: existing.configuration.ignoring_ascii_case(), ..existing }
fn times(
times: impl Matcher<ActualT = usize> + 'static,
) -> StrMatcher<ActualT, ExpectedT> {
let existing = self.into();
if !matches!(existing.configuration.mode, MatchMode::Contains) {
panic!("The times() configurator is only meaningful with contains_substring().");
StrMatcher { configuration: existing.configuration.times(times), ..existing }
impl<A: ?Sized, T: Deref<Target = str>> From<EqMatcher<A, T>> for StrMatcher<A, T> {
fn from(value: EqMatcher<A, T>) -> Self {
impl<A: ?Sized, T: Deref<Target = str>> From<EqDerefOfMatcher<A, T>> for StrMatcher<A, T> {
fn from(value: EqDerefOfMatcher<A, T>) -> Self {
impl<A: ?Sized, T> StrMatcher<A, T> {
/// Returns a [`StrMatcher`] with a default configuration to match against
/// the given expected value.
/// This default configuration is sensitive to whitespace and case.
fn with_default_config(expected: T) -> Self {
Self { expected, configuration: Default::default(), phantom: Default::default() }
// Holds all the information on how the expected and actual strings are to be
// compared. Its associated functions perform the actual matching operations
// on string references. The struct and comparison methods therefore need not be
// parameterised, saving compilation time and binary size on monomorphisation.
// The default value represents exact equality of the strings.
struct Configuration {
mode: MatchMode,
ignore_leading_whitespace: bool,
ignore_trailing_whitespace: bool,
case_policy: CasePolicy,
times: Option<Box<dyn Matcher<ActualT = usize>>>,
enum MatchMode {
impl MatchMode {
fn to_diff_mode(&self) -> edit_distance::Mode {
match self {
MatchMode::StartsWith | MatchMode::EndsWith => edit_distance::Mode::Prefix,
MatchMode::Contains => edit_distance::Mode::Contains,
MatchMode::Equals => edit_distance::Mode::Exact,
enum CasePolicy {
impl Configuration {
// The entry point for all string matching. StrMatcher::matches redirects
// immediately to this function.
fn do_strings_match(&self, expected: &str, actual: &str) -> bool {
let (expected, actual) =
match (self.ignore_leading_whitespace, self.ignore_trailing_whitespace) {
(true, true) => (expected.trim(), actual.trim()),
(true, false) => (expected.trim_start(), actual.trim_start()),
(false, true) => (expected.trim_end(), actual.trim_end()),
(false, false) => (expected, actual),
match self.mode {
MatchMode::Equals => match self.case_policy {
CasePolicy::Respect => expected == actual,
CasePolicy::IgnoreAscii => expected.eq_ignore_ascii_case(actual),
MatchMode::Contains => match self.case_policy {
CasePolicy::Respect => self.does_containment_match(actual, expected),
CasePolicy::IgnoreAscii => self.does_containment_match(
MatchMode::StartsWith => match self.case_policy {
CasePolicy::Respect => actual.starts_with(expected),
CasePolicy::IgnoreAscii => {
actual.len() >= expected.len()
&& actual[..expected.len()].eq_ignore_ascii_case(expected)
MatchMode::EndsWith => match self.case_policy {
CasePolicy::Respect => actual.ends_with(expected),
CasePolicy::IgnoreAscii => {
actual.len() >= expected.len()
&& actual[actual.len() - expected.len()..].eq_ignore_ascii_case(expected)
// Returns whether actual contains expected a number of times matched by the
// matcher self.times. Does not take other configuration into account.
fn does_containment_match(&self, actual: &str, expected: &str) -> bool {
if let Some(times) = self.times.as_ref() {
// Split returns an iterator over the "boundaries" left and right of the
// substring to be matched, of which there is one more than the number of
// substrings.
matches!(times.matches(&(actual.split(expected).count() - 1)), MatcherResult::Match)
} else {
// StrMatcher::describe redirects immediately to this function.
fn describe(&self, matcher_result: MatcherResult, expected: &str) -> String {
let mut addenda: Vec<Cow<'static, str>> = Vec::with_capacity(3);
match (self.ignore_leading_whitespace, self.ignore_trailing_whitespace) {
(true, true) => addenda.push("ignoring leading and trailing whitespace".into()),
(true, false) => addenda.push("ignoring leading whitespace".into()),
(false, true) => addenda.push("ignoring trailing whitespace".into()),
(false, false) => {}
match self.case_policy {
CasePolicy::Respect => {}
CasePolicy::IgnoreAscii => addenda.push("ignoring ASCII case".into()),
if let Some(times) = self.times.as_ref() {
addenda.push(format!("count {}", times.describe(matcher_result)).into());
let extra =
if !addenda.is_empty() { format!(" ({})", addenda.join(", ")) } else { "".into() };
let match_mode_description = match self.mode {
MatchMode::Equals => match matcher_result {
MatcherResult::Match => "is equal to",
MatcherResult::NoMatch => "isn't equal to",
MatchMode::Contains => match matcher_result {
MatcherResult::Match => "contains a substring",
MatcherResult::NoMatch => "does not contain a substring",
MatchMode::StartsWith => match matcher_result {
MatcherResult::Match => "starts with prefix",
MatcherResult::NoMatch => "does not start with",
MatchMode::EndsWith => match matcher_result {
MatcherResult::Match => "ends with suffix",
MatcherResult::NoMatch => "does not end with",
format!("{match_mode_description} {expected:?}{extra}")
fn explain_match(&self, expected: &str, actual: &str) -> String {
let default_explanation = format!(
"which {}",
self.describe(self.do_strings_match(expected, actual).into(), expected)
if !expected.contains('\n') || !actual.contains('\n') {
return default_explanation;
if self.ignore_leading_whitespace {
// TODO - b/283448414 : Support StrMatcher with ignore_leading_whitespace.
return default_explanation;
if self.ignore_trailing_whitespace {
// TODO - b/283448414 : Support StrMatcher with ignore_trailing_whitespace.
return default_explanation;
if self.times.is_some() {
// TODO - b/283448414 : Support StrMatcher with times.
return default_explanation;
if matches!(self.case_policy, CasePolicy::IgnoreAscii) {
// TODO - b/283448414 : Support StrMatcher with ignore ascii case policy.
return default_explanation;
if self.do_strings_match(expected, actual) {
// TODO - b/283448414 : Consider supporting debug difference if the
// strings match. This can be useful when a small contains is found
// in a long string.
return default_explanation;
let diff = match self.mode {
MatchMode::Equals | MatchMode::StartsWith | MatchMode::Contains => {
// TODO(b/287632452): Also consider improving the output in MatchMode::Contains
// when the substring begins or ends in the middle of a line of the actual
// value.
create_diff(actual, expected, self.mode.to_diff_mode())
MatchMode::EndsWith => create_diff_reversed(actual, expected, self.mode.to_diff_mode()),
fn ignoring_leading_whitespace(self) -> Self {
Self { ignore_leading_whitespace: true, ..self }
fn ignoring_trailing_whitespace(self) -> Self {
Self { ignore_trailing_whitespace: true, ..self }
fn ignoring_outer_whitespace(self) -> Self {
Self { ignore_leading_whitespace: true, ignore_trailing_whitespace: true, ..self }
fn ignoring_ascii_case(self) -> Self {
Self { case_policy: CasePolicy::IgnoreAscii, ..self }
fn times(self, times: impl Matcher<ActualT = usize> + 'static) -> Self {
Self { times: Some(Box::new(times)), ..self }
impl Default for Configuration {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
mode: MatchMode::Equals,
ignore_leading_whitespace: false,
ignore_trailing_whitespace: false,
case_policy: CasePolicy::Respect,
times: None,
mod tests {
use super::{contains_substring, ends_with, starts_with, StrMatcher, StrMatcherConfigurator};
use crate::matcher::{Matcher, MatcherResult};
use crate::prelude::*;
use indoc::indoc;
fn matches_string_reference_with_equal_string_reference() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string");
verify_that!("A string", matcher)
fn does_not_match_string_reference_with_non_equal_string_reference() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = StrMatcher::with_default_config("Another string");
verify_that!("A string", not(matcher))
fn matches_owned_string_with_string_reference() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string");
let value = "A string".to_string();
verify_that!(value, matcher)
fn matches_owned_string_reference_with_string_reference() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string");
let value = "A string".to_string();
verify_that!(&value, matcher)
fn ignores_leading_whitespace_in_expected_when_requested() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = StrMatcher::with_default_config(" \n\tA string");
verify_that!("A string", matcher.ignoring_leading_whitespace())
fn ignores_leading_whitespace_in_actual_when_requested() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string");
verify_that!(" \n\tA string", matcher.ignoring_leading_whitespace())
fn does_not_match_unequal_remaining_string_when_ignoring_leading_whitespace() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = StrMatcher::with_default_config(" \n\tAnother string");
verify_that!("A string", not(matcher.ignoring_leading_whitespace()))
fn remains_sensitive_to_trailing_whitespace_when_ignoring_leading_whitespace() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string \n\t");
verify_that!("A string", not(matcher.ignoring_leading_whitespace()))
fn ignores_trailing_whitespace_in_expected_when_requested() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string \n\t");
verify_that!("A string", matcher.ignoring_trailing_whitespace())
fn ignores_trailing_whitespace_in_actual_when_requested() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string");
verify_that!("A string \n\t", matcher.ignoring_trailing_whitespace())
fn does_not_match_unequal_remaining_string_when_ignoring_trailing_whitespace() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = StrMatcher::with_default_config("Another string \n\t");
verify_that!("A string", not(matcher.ignoring_trailing_whitespace()))
fn remains_sensitive_to_leading_whitespace_when_ignoring_trailing_whitespace() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = StrMatcher::with_default_config(" \n\tA string");
verify_that!("A string", not(matcher.ignoring_trailing_whitespace()))
fn ignores_leading_and_trailing_whitespace_in_expected_when_requested() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = StrMatcher::with_default_config(" \n\tA string \n\t");
verify_that!("A string", matcher.ignoring_outer_whitespace())
fn ignores_leading_and_trailing_whitespace_in_actual_when_requested() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string");
verify_that!(" \n\tA string \n\t", matcher.ignoring_outer_whitespace())
fn respects_ascii_case_by_default() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string");
verify_that!("A STRING", not(matcher))
fn ignores_ascii_case_when_requested() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string");
verify_that!("A STRING", matcher.ignoring_ascii_case())
fn allows_ignoring_leading_whitespace_from_eq() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("A string", eq(" \n\tA string").ignoring_leading_whitespace())
fn allows_ignoring_trailing_whitespace_from_eq() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("A string", eq("A string \n\t").ignoring_trailing_whitespace())
fn allows_ignoring_outer_whitespace_from_eq() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("A string", eq(" \n\tA string \n\t").ignoring_outer_whitespace())
fn allows_ignoring_ascii_case_from_eq() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("A string", eq("A STRING").ignoring_ascii_case())
fn allows_ignoring_ascii_case_from_eq_deref_of_str_slice() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("A string", eq_deref_of("A STRING").ignoring_ascii_case())
fn allows_ignoring_ascii_case_from_eq_deref_of_owned_string() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("A string", eq_deref_of("A STRING".to_string()).ignoring_ascii_case())
fn matches_string_containing_expected_value_in_contains_mode() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("Some string", contains_substring("str"))
fn matches_string_containing_expected_value_in_contains_mode_while_ignoring_ascii_case()
-> Result<()> {
verify_that!("Some string", contains_substring("STR").ignoring_ascii_case())
fn contains_substring_matches_correct_number_of_substrings() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("Some string", contains_substring("str").times(eq(1)))
fn contains_substring_does_not_match_incorrect_number_of_substrings() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("Some string\nSome string", not(contains_substring("string").times(eq(1))))
fn contains_substring_does_not_match_when_substrings_overlap() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("ababab", not(contains_substring("abab").times(eq(2))))
fn starts_with_matches_string_reference_with_prefix() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("Some value", starts_with("Some"))
fn starts_with_matches_string_reference_with_prefix_ignoring_ascii_case() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("Some value", starts_with("SOME").ignoring_ascii_case())
fn starts_with_does_not_match_wrong_prefix_ignoring_ascii_case() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("Some value", not(starts_with("OTHER").ignoring_ascii_case()))
fn ends_with_does_not_match_short_string_ignoring_ascii_case() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("Some", not(starts_with("OTHER").ignoring_ascii_case()))
fn starts_with_does_not_match_string_without_prefix() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("Some value", not(starts_with("Another")))
fn starts_with_does_not_match_string_with_substring_not_at_beginning() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("Some value", not(starts_with("value")))
fn ends_with_matches_string_reference_with_suffix() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("Some value", ends_with("value"))
fn ends_with_matches_string_reference_with_suffix_ignoring_ascii_case() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("Some value", ends_with("VALUE").ignoring_ascii_case())
fn ends_with_does_not_match_wrong_suffix_ignoring_ascii_case() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("Some value", not(ends_with("OTHER").ignoring_ascii_case()))
fn ends_with_does_not_match_too_short_string_ignoring_ascii_case() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("Some", not(ends_with("OTHER").ignoring_ascii_case()))
fn ends_with_does_not_match_string_without_suffix() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("Some value", not(ends_with("other value")))
fn ends_with_does_not_match_string_with_substring_not_at_end() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!("Some value", not(ends_with("Some")))
fn describes_itself_for_matching_result() -> Result<()> {
let matcher: StrMatcher<&str, _> = StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string");
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::Match),
eq("is equal to \"A string\"")
fn describes_itself_for_non_matching_result() -> Result<()> {
let matcher: StrMatcher<&str, _> = StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string");
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::NoMatch),
eq("isn't equal to \"A string\"")
fn describes_itself_for_matching_result_ignoring_leading_whitespace() -> Result<()> {
let matcher: StrMatcher<&str, _> =
StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string").ignoring_leading_whitespace();
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::Match),
eq("is equal to \"A string\" (ignoring leading whitespace)")
fn describes_itself_for_non_matching_result_ignoring_leading_whitespace() -> Result<()> {
let matcher: StrMatcher<&str, _> =
StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string").ignoring_leading_whitespace();
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::NoMatch),
eq("isn't equal to \"A string\" (ignoring leading whitespace)")
fn describes_itself_for_matching_result_ignoring_trailing_whitespace() -> Result<()> {
let matcher: StrMatcher<&str, _> =
StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string").ignoring_trailing_whitespace();
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::Match),
eq("is equal to \"A string\" (ignoring trailing whitespace)")
fn describes_itself_for_matching_result_ignoring_leading_and_trailing_whitespace() -> Result<()>
let matcher: StrMatcher<&str, _> =
StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string").ignoring_outer_whitespace();
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::Match),
eq("is equal to \"A string\" (ignoring leading and trailing whitespace)")
fn describes_itself_for_matching_result_ignoring_ascii_case() -> Result<()> {
let matcher: StrMatcher<&str, _> =
StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string").ignoring_ascii_case();
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::Match),
eq("is equal to \"A string\" (ignoring ASCII case)")
fn describes_itself_for_matching_result_ignoring_ascii_case_and_leading_whitespace()
-> Result<()> {
let matcher: StrMatcher<&str, _> = StrMatcher::with_default_config("A string")
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::Match),
eq("is equal to \"A string\" (ignoring leading whitespace, ignoring ASCII case)")
fn describes_itself_for_matching_result_in_contains_mode() -> Result<()> {
let matcher: StrMatcher<&str, _> = contains_substring("A string");
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::Match),
eq("contains a substring \"A string\"")
fn describes_itself_for_non_matching_result_in_contains_mode() -> Result<()> {
let matcher: StrMatcher<&str, _> = contains_substring("A string");
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::NoMatch),
eq("does not contain a substring \"A string\"")
fn describes_itself_with_count_number() -> Result<()> {
let matcher: StrMatcher<&str, _> = contains_substring("A string").times(gt(2));
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::Match),
eq("contains a substring \"A string\" (count is greater than 2)")
fn describes_itself_for_matching_result_in_starts_with_mode() -> Result<()> {
let matcher: StrMatcher<&str, _> = starts_with("A string");
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::Match),
eq("starts with prefix \"A string\"")
fn describes_itself_for_non_matching_result_in_starts_with_mode() -> Result<()> {
let matcher: StrMatcher<&str, _> = starts_with("A string");
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::NoMatch),
eq("does not start with \"A string\"")
fn describes_itself_for_matching_result_in_ends_with_mode() -> Result<()> {
let matcher: StrMatcher<&str, _> = ends_with("A string");
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::Match),
eq("ends with suffix \"A string\"")
fn describes_itself_for_non_matching_result_in_ends_with_mode() -> Result<()> {
let matcher: StrMatcher<&str, _> = ends_with("A string");
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::NoMatch),
eq("does not end with \"A string\"")
fn match_explanation_contains_diff_of_strings_if_more_than_one_line() -> Result<()> {
let result = verify_that!(
First line
Second line
Third line
First line
Second lines
Third line
First line
-Second line
+Second lines
Third line
fn match_explanation_for_starts_with_ignores_trailing_lines_in_actual_string() -> Result<()> {
let result = verify_that!(
First line
Second line
Third line
Fourth line
First line
Second lines
Third line
First line
-Second line
+Second lines
Third line
<---- remaining lines omitted ---->
fn match_explanation_for_starts_with_includes_both_versions_of_differing_last_line()
-> Result<()> {
let result = verify_that!(
First line
Second line
Third line
First line
Second lines
First line
-Second line
+Second lines
<---- remaining lines omitted ---->
fn match_explanation_for_ends_with_ignores_leading_lines_in_actual_string() -> Result<()> {
let result = verify_that!(
First line
Second line
Third line
Fourth line
Second line
Third lines
Fourth line
Difference(-actual / +expected):
<---- remaining lines omitted ---->
Second line
+Third lines
-Third line
Fourth line
fn match_explanation_for_contains_substring_ignores_outer_lines_in_actual_string() -> Result<()>
let result = verify_that!(
First line
Second line
Third line
Fourth line
Fifth line
Second line
Third lines
Fourth line
Difference(-actual / +expected):
<---- remaining lines omitted ---->
Second line
+Third lines
-Third line
Fourth line
<---- remaining lines omitted ---->"
fn match_explanation_for_contains_substring_shows_diff_when_first_and_last_line_are_incomplete()
-> Result<()> {
let result = verify_that!(
First line
Second line
Third line
Fourth line
Fifth line
Third line
Foorth line
Difference(-actual / +expected):
<---- remaining lines omitted ---->
-Second line
Third line
+Foorth line
-Fourth line
-Fifth line
<---- remaining lines omitted ---->
fn match_explanation_for_eq_does_not_ignore_trailing_lines_in_actual_string() -> Result<()> {
let result = verify_that!(
First line
Second line
Third line
Fourth line
First line
Second lines
Third line
First line
-Second line
+Second lines
Third line
-Fourth line
fn match_explanation_does_not_show_diff_if_actual_value_is_single_line() -> Result<()> {
let result = verify_that!(
"First line",
Second line
Third line
err(displays_as(not(contains_substring("Difference(-actual / +expected):"))))
fn match_explanation_does_not_show_diff_if_expected_value_is_single_line() -> Result<()> {
let result = verify_that!(
First line
Second line
Third line
starts_with("Second line")
err(displays_as(not(contains_substring("Difference(-actual / +expected):"))))