blob: 154090585b75f8fbc73fcfd8aca2a6953a5f5707 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use crate::{
matcher::{Matcher, MatcherResult},
matcher_support::{edit_distance, summarize_diff::create_diff},
use std::{fmt::Debug, marker::PhantomData, ops::Deref};
/// Matches a value equal (in the sense of `==`) to the dereferenced value of
/// `expected`.
/// This is similar to [`eq`][crate::matchers::eq] but takes a reference or
/// smart pointer to the expected value rather than consuming it. This is useful
/// when:
/// * one has only a reference to the expected value, and
/// * the expected value cannot or should not be copied or cloned to create an
/// owned value from it.
/// ```
/// # use googletest::{matchers::eq_deref_of, verify_that};
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct NonCloneableStruct(i32);
/// let expected = NonCloneableStruct(123);
/// verify_that!(NonCloneableStruct(123), eq_deref_of(&expected))
/// # .unwrap()
/// ```
/// **Note**: while one can use `eq_deref_of` with the configuration methods of
/// [`StrMatcherConfigurator`][crate::matchers::str_matcher::StrMatcherConfigurator]
/// to configure string equality, it is not possible to do so when the input is
/// a smart pointer to a string.
/// ```compile_fail
/// # use googletest::{matchers::{eq_deref_of, str_matcher::StrMatcherConfigurator}, verify_that};
/// verify_that!("A string", eq_deref_of(Box::new("A STRING")).ignoring_ascii_case()) // Does not compile
/// # .unwrap()
/// ```
/// Otherwise, this has the same behaviour as [`eq`][crate::matchers::eq].
pub fn eq_deref_of<ActualT: ?Sized, ExpectedRefT>(
expected: ExpectedRefT,
) -> EqDerefOfMatcher<ActualT, ExpectedRefT> {
EqDerefOfMatcher { expected, phantom: Default::default() }
/// A matcher which matches a value equal to the derefenced value of `expected`.
/// See [`eq_deref_of`].
pub struct EqDerefOfMatcher<ActualT: ?Sized, ExpectedRefT> {
pub(crate) expected: ExpectedRefT,
phantom: PhantomData<ActualT>,
impl<ActualT, ExpectedRefT, ExpectedT> Matcher for EqDerefOfMatcher<ActualT, ExpectedRefT>
ActualT: Debug + ?Sized,
ExpectedRefT: Deref<Target = ExpectedT> + Debug,
ExpectedT: PartialEq<ActualT> + Debug,
type ActualT = ActualT;
fn matches(&self, actual: &ActualT) -> MatcherResult {
(self.expected.deref() == actual).into()
fn describe(&self, matcher_result: MatcherResult) -> String {
match matcher_result {
MatcherResult::Match => format!("is equal to {:?}", self.expected),
MatcherResult::NoMatch => format!("isn't equal to {:?}", self.expected),
fn explain_match(&self, actual: &ActualT) -> String {
"which {}{}",
&format!("{:#?}", actual),
&format!("{:#?}", self.expected.deref()),
mod tests {
use super::eq_deref_of;
use crate::prelude::*;
use indoc::indoc;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct NonCloneNonCopyStruct(i32);
fn matches_value_with_ref_to_equal_value() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!(NonCloneNonCopyStruct(123), eq_deref_of(&NonCloneNonCopyStruct(123)))
fn matches_value_with_box_of_equal_value() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!(NonCloneNonCopyStruct(123), eq_deref_of(Box::new(NonCloneNonCopyStruct(123))))
fn does_not_match_value_with_non_equal_value() -> Result<()> {
verify_that!(NonCloneNonCopyStruct(123), not(eq_deref_of(&NonCloneNonCopyStruct(234))))
fn shows_structured_diff() -> Result<()> {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Strukt {
int: i32,
string: String,
let result = verify_that!(
Strukt { int: 123, string: "something".into() },
eq_deref_of(Box::new(Strukt { int: 321, string: "someone".into() }))
err(displays_as(contains_substring(indoc! {
Actual: Strukt { int: 123, string: \"something\" },
which isn't equal to Strukt { int: 321, string: \"someone\" }
Difference(-actual / +expected):
Strukt {
- int: 123,
+ int: 321,
- string: \"something\",
+ string: \"someone\",