blob: d714c888878c258cffc03754451db57b473ce9a1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use crate::matcher::{Matcher, MatcherResult};
use std::{fmt::Debug, marker::PhantomData};
/// Matches an iterable type whose elements contain a value matched by `inner`.
/// By default, this matches a container with any number of elements matched
/// by `inner`. Use the method [`ContainsMatcher::times`] to constrain the
/// matched containers to a specific number of matching elements.
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_pass() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!(["Some value"], contains(eq("Some value")))?; // Passes
/// verify_that!(vec!["Some value"], contains(eq("Some value")))?; // Passes
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail_1() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!([] as [String; 0], contains(eq("Some value")))?; // Fails
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail_2() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!(["Some value"], contains(eq("Some other value")))?; // Fails
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # should_pass().unwrap();
/// # should_fail_1().unwrap_err();
/// # should_fail_2().unwrap_err();
/// ```
pub fn contains<T, InnerMatcherT>(inner: InnerMatcherT) -> ContainsMatcher<T, InnerMatcherT> {
ContainsMatcher { inner, count: None, phantom: Default::default() }
/// A matcher which matches a container containing one or more elements a given
/// inner [`Matcher`] matches.
pub struct ContainsMatcher<T, InnerMatcherT> {
inner: InnerMatcherT,
count: Option<Box<dyn Matcher<ActualT = usize>>>,
phantom: PhantomData<T>,
impl<T, InnerMatcherT> ContainsMatcher<T, InnerMatcherT> {
/// Configures this instance to match containers which contain a number of
/// matching items matched by `count`.
/// For example, to assert that exactly three matching items must be
/// present, use:
/// ```ignore
/// contains(...).times(eq(3))
/// ```
/// One can also use `times(eq(0))` to test for the *absence* of an item
/// matching the expected value.
pub fn times(mut self, count: impl Matcher<ActualT = usize> + 'static) -> Self {
self.count = Some(Box::new(count));
// TODO(hovinen): Revisit the trait bounds to see whether this can be made more
// flexible. Namely, the following doesn't compile currently:
// let matcher = contains(eq(&42));
// let val = 42;
// let _ = matcher.matches(&vec![&val]);
// because val is dropped before matcher but the trait bound requires that
// the argument to matches outlive the matcher. It works fine if one defines
// val before matcher.
impl<T: Debug, InnerMatcherT: Matcher<ActualT = T>, ContainerT: Debug> Matcher
for ContainsMatcher<ContainerT, InnerMatcherT>
for<'a> &'a ContainerT: IntoIterator<Item = &'a T>,
type ActualT = ContainerT;
fn matches(&self, actual: &Self::ActualT) -> MatcherResult {
if let Some(count) = &self.count {
} else {
for v in actual.into_iter() {
if self.inner.matches(v).into() {
return MatcherResult::Match;
fn explain_match(&self, actual: &Self::ActualT) -> String {
let count = self.count_matches(actual);
match (count, &self.count) {
(_, Some(_)) => format!("which contains {} matching elements", count),
(0, None) => "which does not contain a matching element".to_string(),
(_, None) => "which contains a matching element".to_string(),
fn describe(&self, matcher_result: MatcherResult) -> String {
match (matcher_result, &self.count) {
(MatcherResult::Match, Some(count)) => format!(
"contains n elements which {}\n where n {}",
(MatcherResult::NoMatch, Some(count)) => format!(
"doesn't contain n elements which {}\n where n {}",
(MatcherResult::Match, None) => format!(
"contains at least one element which {}",
(MatcherResult::NoMatch, None) => {
format!("contains no element which {}", self.inner.describe(MatcherResult::Match))
impl<ActualT, InnerMatcherT> ContainsMatcher<ActualT, InnerMatcherT> {
fn count_matches<T: Debug, ContainerT>(&self, actual: &ContainerT) -> usize
for<'b> &'b ContainerT: IntoIterator<Item = &'b T>,
InnerMatcherT: Matcher<ActualT = T>,
let mut count = 0;
for v in actual.into_iter() {
if self.inner.matches(v).into() {
count += 1;
mod tests {
use super::{contains, ContainsMatcher};
use crate::matcher::{Matcher, MatcherResult};
use crate::prelude::*;
fn contains_matches_singleton_slice_with_value() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = contains(eq(1));
let result = matcher.matches(&vec![1]);
verify_that!(result, eq(MatcherResult::Match))
fn contains_matches_singleton_vec_with_value() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = contains(eq(1));
let result = matcher.matches(&vec![1]);
verify_that!(result, eq(MatcherResult::Match))
fn contains_matches_two_element_slice_with_value() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = contains(eq(1));
let result = matcher.matches(&[0, 1]);
verify_that!(result, eq(MatcherResult::Match))
fn contains_does_not_match_singleton_slice_with_wrong_value() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = contains(eq(1));
let result = matcher.matches(&[0]);
verify_that!(result, eq(MatcherResult::NoMatch))
fn contains_does_not_match_empty_slice() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = contains(eq(1));
let result = matcher.matches(&[]);
verify_that!(result, eq(MatcherResult::NoMatch))
fn contains_matches_slice_with_repeated_value() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = contains(eq(1)).times(eq(2));
let result = matcher.matches(&[1, 1]);
verify_that!(result, eq(MatcherResult::Match))
fn contains_does_not_match_slice_with_too_few_of_value() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = contains(eq(1)).times(eq(2));
let result = matcher.matches(&[0, 1]);
verify_that!(result, eq(MatcherResult::NoMatch))
fn contains_does_not_match_slice_with_too_many_of_value() -> Result<()> {
let matcher = contains(eq(1)).times(eq(1));
let result = matcher.matches(&[1, 1]);
verify_that!(result, eq(MatcherResult::NoMatch))
fn contains_formats_without_multiplicity_by_default() -> Result<()> {
let matcher: ContainsMatcher<Vec<i32>, _> = contains(eq(1));
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::Match),
eq("contains at least one element which is equal to 1")
fn contains_formats_with_multiplicity_when_specified() -> Result<()> {
let matcher: ContainsMatcher<Vec<i32>, _> = contains(eq(1)).times(eq(2));
Matcher::describe(&matcher, MatcherResult::Match),
eq("contains n elements which is equal to 1\n where n is equal to 2")
fn contains_mismatch_shows_number_of_times_element_was_found() -> Result<()> {
contains(eq(3)).times(eq(1)).explain_match(&vec![1, 2, 3, 3]),
displays_as(eq("which contains 2 matching elements"))
fn contains_mismatch_shows_when_matches() -> Result<()> {
contains(eq(3)).explain_match(&vec![1, 2, 3, 3]),
displays_as(eq("which contains a matching element"))
fn contains_mismatch_shows_when_no_matches() -> Result<()> {
contains(eq(3)).explain_match(&vec![1, 2]),
displays_as(eq("which does not contain a matching element"))