blob: cc959c7978f34bb3bb73f3dd27fbb719dabcb84c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// There are no visible documentation elements in this module; the declarative
// macro is documented at the top level.
/// Matches a value which all of the given matchers match.
/// Each argument is a [`Matcher`][crate::matcher::Matcher] which matches
/// against the actual value.
/// For example:
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_pass() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("A string", all!(starts_with("A"), ends_with("string")))?; // Passes
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn should_fail() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!("A string", all!(starts_with("A"), ends_with("not a string")))?; // Fails
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # should_pass().unwrap();
/// # should_fail().unwrap_err();
/// ```
/// Using this macro is equivalent to using the
/// [`and`][crate::matcher::Matcher::and] method:
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_pass() -> Result<()> {
/// verify_that!(10, gt(9).and(lt(11)))?; // Also passes
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # should_pass().unwrap();
/// ```
/// Assertion failure messages are not guaranteed to be identical, however.
macro_rules! all {
($($matcher:expr),* $(,)?) => {{
use $crate::matchers::all_matcher::internal::AllMatcher;
/// Functionality needed by the [`all`] macro.
/// For internal use only. API stablility is not guaranteed!
pub mod internal {
use crate::matcher::{Matcher, MatcherResult};
use crate::matcher_support::description::Description;
use crate::matchers::anything;
use std::fmt::Debug;
/// A matcher which matches an input value matched by all matchers in the
/// array `components`.
/// For internal use only. API stablility is not guaranteed!
pub struct AllMatcher<'a, T: Debug + ?Sized, const N: usize> {
components: [Box<dyn Matcher<ActualT = T> + 'a>; N],
impl<'a, T: Debug + ?Sized, const N: usize> AllMatcher<'a, T, N> {
/// Constructs an [`AllMatcher`] with the given component matchers.
/// Intended for use only by the [`all`] macro.
pub fn new(components: [Box<dyn Matcher<ActualT = T> + 'a>; N]) -> Self {
Self { components }
impl<'a, T: Debug + ?Sized, const N: usize> Matcher for AllMatcher<'a, T, N> {
type ActualT = T;
fn matches(&self, actual: &Self::ActualT) -> MatcherResult {
for component in &self.components {
match component.matches(actual) {
MatcherResult::NoMatch => {
return MatcherResult::NoMatch;
MatcherResult::Match => {}
fn explain_match(&self, actual: &Self::ActualT) -> String {
match N {
0 => anything::<T>().explain_match(actual),
1 => self.components[0].explain_match(actual),
_ => {
let failures = self
.filter(|component| component.matches(actual).is_no_match())
.map(|component| component.explain_match(actual))
if failures.len() == 1 {
format!("{}", failures)
} else {
format!("{}", failures.bullet_list().indent_except_first_line())
fn describe(&self, matcher_result: MatcherResult) -> String {
match N {
0 => anything::<T>().describe(matcher_result),
1 => self.components[0].describe(matcher_result),
_ => {
let properties = self
.map(|m| m.describe(matcher_result))
if matcher_result.into() {
"has all the following properties"
} else {
"has at least one of the following properties"
mod tests {
use super::internal;
use crate::matcher::{Matcher, MatcherResult};
use crate::prelude::*;
use indoc::indoc;
fn description_shows_more_than_one_matcher() -> Result<()> {
let first_matcher = starts_with("A");
let second_matcher = ends_with("string");
let matcher: internal::AllMatcher<String, 2> = all!(first_matcher, second_matcher);
has all the following properties:
* starts with prefix \"A\"
* ends with suffix \"string\""
fn description_shows_one_matcher_directly() -> Result<()> {
let first_matcher = starts_with("A");
let matcher: internal::AllMatcher<String, 1> = all!(first_matcher);
verify_that!(matcher.describe(MatcherResult::Match), eq("starts with prefix \"A\""))
fn mismatch_description_shows_which_matcher_failed_if_more_than_one_constituent() -> Result<()>
let first_matcher = starts_with("Another");
let second_matcher = ends_with("string");
let matcher: internal::AllMatcher<str, 2> = all!(first_matcher, second_matcher);
matcher.explain_match("A string"),
displays_as(eq("which does not start with \"Another\""))
fn mismatch_description_is_simple_when_only_one_consistuent() -> Result<()> {
let first_matcher = starts_with("Another");
let matcher: internal::AllMatcher<str, 1> = all!(first_matcher);
matcher.explain_match("A string"),
displays_as(eq("which does not start with \"Another\""))