Bug: 216214232

Clone this repo:
  1. 84460a8 Upgrade ciborium-io to 0.2.2 am: 5ac5c34823 by David Drysdale · 3 months ago main master
  2. 5ac5c34 Upgrade ciborium-io to 0.2.2 by David Drysdale · 3 months ago
  3. 5316f69 Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: 97bf312e35 am: 8a2cfe9363 am: a1d5764197 by Andrew Walbran · 5 months ago
  4. 1086148 Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: 97bf312e35 am: 8dab05e2bc am: ac049cdcd0 by Andrew Walbran · 5 months ago
  5. a1d5764 Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: 97bf312e35 am: 8a2cfe9363 by Andrew Walbran · 5 months ago

Workflow Status Average time to resolve an issue Percentage of issues still open Maintenance


Simple, Low-level I/O traits

This crate provides two simple traits: Read and Write. These traits mimic their counterparts in std::io, but are trimmed for simplicity and can be used in no_std and no_alloc environments. Since this crate contains only traits, inline functions and unit structs, it should be a zero-cost abstraction.

If the std feature is enabled, we provide blanket implementations for all std::io types. If the alloc feature is enabled, we provide implementations for Vec<u8>. In all cases, you get implementations for byte slices. You can, of course, implement the traits for your own types.

License: Apache-2.0