Update Roboto to upstream version 2.136

- Fixes clipping on some monotonic and polytonic Greek characters.
- Kerning rules changed back to old pre-open-source v2 values due to
- Adds some missing Greek and Cyrillic mark attachment rules
  (probably responsible for the ~1% size increase).
- GDEF version changed from 1.0 to 1.2; MarkGlyphSetsDef table added
  (incidental but should be harmless).

Test: make test-general; make test-exhaustive; make test-android
Test: notodiff -t [area,shape,gpos,gsub] --before [old] --after [new]

Bug: 26175267
Change-Id: Ieb320abca8495422bcca9bf68ee81db0750086b2
19 files changed