Handle @null values in string-arrays

 - when a string-array resource has a value @null, robolectric
   crashes on processing it. It redundantly removes "@" from
   resource id which leaves only "null" value for string resource
   loader and leads to NPE.

problem xml content addressed by this cl:

<string-array name="some_name">

Change-Id: I744a7f0b9e0cb3c6fc255a16159cd63a43bf975e
(cherry picked from commit ee8ff43810b93e386dd96f5d0dab7e8501c0b9f4)
1 file changed
tree: 617b2ba63bc1f2d57470e89c7b08f059bd948cbb
  1. .idea/
  2. lib/
  3. src/
  4. .gitignore
  5. .pairs
  6. .travis.yml
  7. Android.mk
  8. build.gradle
  9. build.properties
  10. build.xml
  11. find-android.bat
  12. find-android.sh
  13. LICENSE.txt
  14. pom.xml
  15. README.md
  16. update-downloads.rb


An Android Testing Framework

Robolectric can be built using either Maven or Ant. Both Eclipse (with the M2Eclipse plug-in) and IntelliJ can import the pom.xml file and will automatically generate their project files from it.

For more information about how to use Robolectric on your project, extend its functionality, and join the community of contributors, please see: http://pivotal.github.com/robolectric/index.html

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