blob: 7bfa534f91f11216b2e2c784f9d266b60184def3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceArrayMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
* Builder to construct a "per position" representation of the debug information.
* This builder is relatively relaxed about the stream of build operations and should accept
* any stream from any input file we expect to process correctly.
public class DexDebugEntryBuilder {
private static class LocalEntry {
DebugLocalInfo current;
DebugLocalInfo last;
void set(DebugLocalInfo value) {
current = value;
last = value;
void unset() {
current = null;
void reset() {
current = last;
// The variables of the state machine.
private int currentPc = 0;
private int currentLine;
private DexString currentFile = null;
private boolean prologueEnd = false;
private boolean epilogueBegin = false;
private final Map<Integer, LocalEntry> locals = new HashMap<>();
private final Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> arguments = new Int2ReferenceArrayMap<>();
// Delayed construction of an entry. Is finalized once locals information has been collected.
private DexDebugEntry pending = null;
// Canonicalization of locals (the IR/Dex builders assume identity of locals).
private final Map<DebugLocalInfo, DebugLocalInfo> canonicalizedLocals = new HashMap<>();
// Resulting debug entries.
private List<DexDebugEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>();
public DexDebugEntryBuilder(int startLine) {
currentLine = startLine;
public DexDebugEntryBuilder(DexEncodedMethod method, DexItemFactory factory) {
DexCode code = method.getCode().asDexCode();
DexDebugInfo info = code.getDebugInfo();
int argumentRegister = code.registerSize - code.incomingRegisterSize;
if (!method.accessFlags.isStatic()) {
DexString name = factory.thisName;
DexType type = method.method.getHolder();
startArgument(argumentRegister, name, type);
argumentRegister += MoveType.fromDexType(type).requiredRegisters();
DexType[] types = method.method.proto.parameters.values;
DexString[] names = info.parameters;
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
// If null, the parameter has a parameterized type and the local is introduced in the stream.
if (names[i] != null) {
startArgument(argumentRegister, names[i], types[i]);
argumentRegister += MoveType.fromDexType(types[i]).requiredRegisters();
currentLine = info.startLine;
for (DexDebugEvent event : {
public Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> getArguments() {
return arguments;
public void setFile(DexString file) {
currentFile = file;
public void advancePC(int pcDelta) {
assert pcDelta >= 0;
currentPc += pcDelta;
public void advanceLine(int line) {
currentLine += line;
public void endPrologue() {
prologueEnd = true;
public void beginEpilogue() {
epilogueBegin = true;
public void startArgument(int register, DexString name, DexType type) {
DebugLocalInfo argument = canonicalize(name, type, null);
arguments.put(register, argument);
public void startLocal(int register, DexString name, DexType type, DexString signature) {
getEntry(register).set(canonicalize(name, type, signature));
public void endLocal(int register) {
public void restartLocal(int register) {
public void setPosition(int pcDelta, int lineDelta) {
assert pcDelta >= 0;
if (pending != null) {
// Local changes contribute to the pending position entry.
entries.add(new DexDebugEntry(
pending.address, pending.line, pending.sourceFile,
pending.prologueEnd, pending.epilogueBegin,
currentPc += pcDelta;
currentLine += lineDelta;
pending = new DexDebugEntry(
currentPc, currentLine, currentFile, prologueEnd, epilogueBegin, null);
prologueEnd = false;
epilogueBegin = false;
public List<DexDebugEntry> build() {
// Flush any pending entry.
if (pending != null) {
setPosition(0, 0);
pending = null;
List<DexDebugEntry> result = entries;
entries = null;
return result;
private DebugLocalInfo canonicalize(DexString name, DexType type, DexString signature) {
DebugLocalInfo local = new DebugLocalInfo(name, type, signature);
DebugLocalInfo canonical = canonicalizedLocals.putIfAbsent(local, local);
return canonical != null ? canonical : local;
private LocalEntry getEntry(int register) {
LocalEntry entry = locals.get(register);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new LocalEntry();
locals.put(register, entry);
return entry;
private ImmutableMap<Integer, DebugLocalInfo> getLocals() {
ImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, DebugLocalInfo> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (Entry<Integer, LocalEntry> mapEntry : locals.entrySet()) {
Integer register = mapEntry.getKey();
LocalEntry entry = mapEntry.getValue();
if (entry.current != null) {
builder.put(register, entry.current);