blob: e12d42619a5cb44638f1521661dce15bbc85c3d7 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 The Android Open Source Project
** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "android/utils/cbuffer.h"
#include "android/utils/debug.h"
#include "qemu/osdep.h"
#include "chardev/char-fe.h"
#define DEBUG 0
#define CPR(ptr) \
if (!(ptr)) \
goto Error;
#include <stdio.h>
#include "android/utils/misc.h"
#define D(...) (fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__), fprintf(stderr, "\n"))
#define D(...) ((void)0)
/* we want to implement a bi-directionnal communication channel
* between two QEMU character drivers that merge well into the
* QEMU event loop.
* each half of the channel has its own object and buffer, and
* we implement communication through charpipe_poll() which
* must be called by the main event loop after its call to select()
#define BIP_BUFFER_SIZE 512
typedef struct BipBuffer {
struct BipBuffer* next;
CBuffer cb[1];
char buff[BIP_BUFFER_SIZE];
} BipBuffer;
static BipBuffer* _free_bip_buffers;
static BipBuffer* bip_buffer_alloc(void) {
BipBuffer* bip = _free_bip_buffers;
if (bip != NULL) {
_free_bip_buffers = bip->next;
} else {
bip = malloc(sizeof(*bip));
if (bip == NULL) {
derror("%s: not enough memory", __FUNCTION__);
bip->next = NULL;
cbuffer_reset(bip->cb, bip->buff, sizeof(bip->buff));
return bip;
static void bip_buffer_free(BipBuffer* bip) {
bip->next = _free_bip_buffers;
_free_bip_buffers = bip;
/* this models each half of the charpipe */
typedef struct PipeChardev {
Chardev parent;
BipBuffer* bip_first;
BipBuffer* bip_last;
struct PipeChardev* peer; /* NULL if closed */
QLIST_ENTRY(PipeChardev) entry;
} PipeChardev;
/** This models a charbuffer, an object used to buffer
** the data that is sent to a given endpoint Chardev
** object.
** On the other hand, any can_read() / read() request performed
** by the endpoint will be passed to the BufferChardev's corresponding
** handlers.
typedef struct BufferChardev {
Chardev parent;
BipBuffer* bip_first;
BipBuffer* bip_last;
Chardev* endpoint; /* NULL if closed */
QLIST_ENTRY(BufferChardev) entry;
} BufferChardev;
#define TYPE_CHARDEV_BUFFER "chardev-buffer"
#define BUFFER_CHARDEV(obj) \
#define TYPE_CHARDEV_ANDROID_PIPE "chardev-android-pipe"
static int charpipehalf_write(Chardev* dev, const uint8_t* buf, int len) {
PipeChardev* ph = ANDROID_PIPE_CHARDEV(dev);
PipeChardev* peer = ph->peer;
BipBuffer* bip = ph->bip_last;
int ret = 0;
D("%s: writing %d bytes to %p: '%s'", __FUNCTION__, len, ph,
quote_bytes((const char*)buf, len));
if (bip == NULL && peer != NULL && peer->>chr_read != NULL) {
/* no buffered data, try to write directly to the peer */
while (len > 0) {
int size;
if (peer->>chr_can_read) {
size = qemu_chr_be_can_write(&peer->parent);
if (size == 0)
if (size > len)
size = len;
} else
size = len;
qemu_chr_be_write(&peer->parent, (uint8_t*)buf, size);
buf += size;
len -= size;
ret += size;
if (len == 0)
return ret;
/* buffer the remaining data */
if (bip == NULL) {
bip = bip_buffer_alloc();
ph->bip_first = ph->bip_last = bip;
while (len > 0) {
int len2 = cbuffer_write(bip->cb, buf, len);
buf += len2;
ret += len2;
len -= len2;
if (len == 0)
/* ok, we need another buffer */
ph->bip_last = bip_buffer_alloc();
bip->next = ph->bip_last;
bip = ph->bip_last;
return ret;
static void charpipehalf_poll(PipeChardev* dev) {
PipeChardev* peer = dev->peer;
int size;
if (peer == NULL || peer->>chr_read == NULL)
while (1) {
BipBuffer* bip = dev->bip_first;
uint8_t* base;
int avail;
if (bip == NULL)
size = cbuffer_read_avail(bip->cb);
if (size == 0) {
dev->bip_first = bip->next;
if (dev->bip_first == NULL)
dev->bip_last = NULL;
if (dev->>chr_can_read) {
int size2 = qemu_chr_be_can_write(&peer->parent);
if (size2 == 0)
if (size > size2)
size = size2;
avail = cbuffer_read_peek(bip->cb, &base);
if (avail > size)
avail = size;
D("%s: sending %d bytes from %p: '%s'", __FUNCTION__, avail, dev,
quote_bytes((const char*)base, avail));
qemu_chr_be_write(&peer->parent, base, avail);
cbuffer_read_step(bip->cb, avail);
static QLIST_HEAD(, PipeChardev) s_pipes = QLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(s_pipes);
static bool s_pipe_poll = false;
int qemu_chr_open_charpipe(Chardev** pfirst, Chardev** psecond) {
Error* ignored_error = NULL;
*pfirst = NULL;
*psecond = NULL;
Chardev* first = NULL;
Chardev* second = NULL;
PipeChardev* a = NULL;
PipeChardev* b = NULL;
first = qemu_chardev_new(NULL, TYPE_CHARDEV_ANDROID_PIPE, NULL,
second = qemu_chardev_new(NULL, TYPE_CHARDEV_ANDROID_PIPE, NULL,
// Link and register the chardevs.
a->peer = b;
b->peer = a;
// Note that only the entry of a will be set and
// will occur in the list, b will not occur in this list
QLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&s_pipes, a, entry);
*pfirst = first;
*psecond = second;
D("%s: created pipe between %p <--> %p", __FUNCTION__, *pfirst, *psecond);
return 0;
return -1;
static int charbuffer_write(Chardev* dev, const uint8_t* buf, int len) {
BufferChardev* cbuf = BUFFER_CHARDEV(dev);
Chardev* peer = cbuf->endpoint;
BipBuffer* bip = cbuf->bip_last;
int ret = 0;
D("%s: writing %d bytes from %p to %p: '%s'", __FUNCTION__, len, dev, peer,
quote_bytes((const char*)buf, len));
if (bip == NULL && peer != NULL) {
/* no buffered data, try to write directly to the peer */
int size = qemu_chr_fe_write(peer->be, buf, len);
if (size < 0) /* just to be safe */
size = 0;
else if (size > len)
size = len;
buf += size;
ret += size;
len -= size;
if (len == 0)
return ret;
/* buffer the remaining data */
if (bip == NULL) {
bip = bip_buffer_alloc();
cbuf->bip_first = cbuf->bip_last = bip;
while (len > 0) {
int len2 = cbuffer_write(bip->cb, buf, len);
buf += len2;
ret += len2;
len -= len2;
if (len == 0)
/* ok, we need another buffer */
cbuf->bip_last = bip_buffer_alloc();
bip->next = cbuf->bip_last;
bip = cbuf->bip_last;
return ret;
static void charbuffer_poll(BufferChardev* cbuf) {
Chardev* peer = cbuf->endpoint;
if (peer == NULL)
while (1) {
BipBuffer* bip = cbuf->bip_first;
uint8_t* base;
int avail;
int size;
if (bip == NULL)
avail = cbuffer_read_peek(bip->cb, &base);
if (avail == 0) {
cbuf->bip_first = bip->next;
if (cbuf->bip_first == NULL)
cbuf->bip_last = NULL;
size = qemu_chr_fe_write(peer->be, base, avail);
if (size < 0) /* just to be safe */
size = 0;
else if (size > avail)
size = avail;
cbuffer_read_step(bip->cb, size);
if (size < avail)
static QLIST_HEAD(, BufferChardev)
s_charbuffers = QLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(s_charbuffers);
Chardev* qemu_chr_open_buffer(Chardev* endpoint) {
Error* error = NULL;
Chardev* dev = qemu_chardev_new(NULL, TYPE_CHARDEV_BUFFER, NULL, &error);
if (!dev) {
return NULL;
BufferChardev* buffer = BUFFER_CHARDEV(dev);
buffer->endpoint = endpoint;
QLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&s_charbuffers, buffer, entry);
D("%s: created buffered chardev %p with endpoint: %p", __FUNCTION__, dev,
return dev;
void qemu_charpipe_poll(void) {
* Look ma! No locks.
* There are 2 cases where locking is needed:
* - We are introducing new devices when this loop is active
* - This does not happen in the case of android emulator.
* All the devices are constructed before the execution of
* qemu main_loop. So new elements will not be added to
* any of the lists that we iterate over.
* - We are removing devices when this loop is active:
* - QEMU does not decrease the refcount of any of its created devices
* (yet). Because of this finalize is never called on any of the
* objects, and hence we will never decrease the refcount to the point
* where we will have to remove a device while this loops is active.
PipeChardev* cps;
BufferChardev* bc;
// Polling loop has been activated. If you need support for dynamically
// adding/removing of devices you will need to turn this into a mutex.
s_pipe_poll = true;
/* poll the charpipes */
QLIST_FOREACH(cps, &s_pipes, entry) {
/* poll the buffers */
QLIST_FOREACH(bc, &s_charbuffers, entry) { charbuffer_poll(bc); }
static void charbuffer_finalize(Object* obj) {
// We don't support deletion of devices once we started
// the polling loop, as we don't have locks around our list
// access
BufferChardev* cbuf = BUFFER_CHARDEV(obj);
while (cbuf->bip_first) {
BipBuffer* bip = cbuf->bip_first;
cbuf->bip_first = bip->next;
cbuf->bip_last = NULL;
cbuf->endpoint = NULL;
if (cbuf->endpoint != NULL) {
cbuf->endpoint = NULL;
QLIST_REMOVE(cbuf, entry);
static void charbuffer_class_init(ObjectClass* oc, void* data) {
ChardevClass* cc = CHARDEV_CLASS(oc);
cc->chr_write = charbuffer_write;
static const TypeInfo charbuffer_type_info = {
.parent = TYPE_CHARDEV,
.instance_size = sizeof(BufferChardev),
.instance_finalize = charbuffer_finalize,
.class_init = charbuffer_class_init,
static void charpipe_finalize(Object* obj) {
// We don't support deletion of devices once we started
// the polling loop, as we don't have locks around our list
// access
PipeChardev* ph = ANDROID_PIPE_CHARDEV(obj);
while (ph->bip_first) {
BipBuffer* bip = ph->bip_first;
ph->bip_first = bip->next;
ph->bip_last = NULL;
ph->peer = NULL;
QLIST_REMOVE(ph, entry);
static void charpipe_class_init(ObjectClass* oc, void* data) {
ChardevClass* cc = CHARDEV_CLASS(oc);
cc->chr_write = charpipehalf_write;
static const TypeInfo charpipe_type_info = {
.parent = TYPE_CHARDEV,
.instance_size = sizeof(PipeChardev),
.instance_finalize = charpipe_finalize,
.class_init = charpipe_class_init,
static void register_types(void) {
// Note that this is a static constructor that gets called upon
// loading of this library. This only works if one function in this
// file gets actually linked into the final executable. Two cases:
// 1. This does not get linked in:
// -- This is fine as the devices registered are only referenced
// in this file.
// 2. This does get linked in:
// -- The qemu types will be registered and therefore available.