blob: 7c839aba44497c3e243dfda6eac20421654e3b0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#pragma once
#include <QDoubleValidator>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QIntValidator>
#include <QWidget>
// This is a widget for specifying angle values.
// It has two input modes - decimal and sexagesimal.
// In decimal mode, it allows the user to specify a single
// decimal value in degrees, i.e. 10.5 degrees
// In sexagesimal mode, it allows the user to specify the value
// in terms of degrees, minutes and seconds, i.e. 10 degrees and
// 30 minutes.
// The widget limits the input values to a certain range. The
// default range is [-180; +180].
class AngleInputWidget : public QWidget
Q_PROPERTY(double value READ value NOTIFY valueChanged USER true);
enum class InputMode {
explicit AngleInputWidget(QWidget* parent = nullptr);
// For setting the value programmatically.
// The value will be clipped to the current value range.
// This will NOT trigger a valueChanged signal.
void setValue(double value);
// Returns the decimal measure of the angle, in degrees.
double value() const { return mDecimalValue; }
// Indicates which input mode the widget is currently in.
InputMode currentMode() const { return mCurrentInputMode; }
// Modify the range of input values allowed by the widget by
// setting the minimum allowed value.
// If the provided argument is greater than the current max value,
// the range is not modified.
// If at the time of the call, the current value is less than the
// provided argument, it is set to the provided argument.
void setMinValue(double value);
// Modify the range of input values allowed by the widget by
// setting the maximum allowed value.
// If the provided argument is less than the current min value,
// the range is not modified.
// If at the time of the call, the current value is greater than
// the provided argument, it is set to the provided argument.
void setMaxValue(double value);
// Get the current minimum value allowed by the widget.
double minValue() const { return mMinValue; }
// Get the current maximum value allowed by the widget.
double maxValue() const { return mMaxValue; }
// This function reads the latest Lat/Lon input from the user.
// If a number is valid, it is used. If it is invalid, the
// previous valid number is re-displayed.
// This way, the user sees the Lat/Lon that is actually sent
// to the AVD.
void forceUpdate();
public slots:
// Sets the widget's current input mode to either decimal or sexagesimal.
void setInputMode(InputMode);
// Emitted when the user changes the value.
// Regardless of the current input mode, new_value will always be a decimal
// value specified in degrees, i.e. 10.5 degrees.
void valueChanged(double new_value);
private slots:
// Updates the internal value based on the decimal editor.
void updateValueFromDecimalInput();
// Updates the internal value based on the sexagesimal editor.
void updateValueFromSexagesimalInput();
// Checks that the provided argument fits into the range permitted
// by the widget. If it does, updates the internal value and emits
// the appropriate signal.
void validateAndUpdateValue(double new_value);
// Updates the currently displayed set of widgets (depending on the
// input mode) to correctly display the current value.
void updateView();
QFrame mDecimalModeFrame;
QFrame mSexagesimalModeFrame;
QHBoxLayout mDecimalFrameLayout;
QHBoxLayout mSexagesimalFrameLayout;
QLineEdit mDecimalValueEditor;
QLineEdit mDegreesValueEditor;
QLineEdit mMinutesValueEditor;
QLineEdit mSecondsValueEditor;
QLabel mDegreesLabel;
QLabel mMinutesLabel;
QLabel mSecondsLabel;
QDoubleValidator mDecimalDegreeValidator;
QIntValidator mIntegerDegreeValidator;
QIntValidator mMinValidator;
QDoubleValidator mSecValidator;
QHBoxLayout mLayout;
QDoubleValidator* mValueValidator;
double mMinValue;
double mMaxValue;
double mDecimalValue;
InputMode mCurrentInputMode;