tree: a889411dc2db5dce648b7b4af382f61453953dae [path history] [tgz]
  1. java/
  2. python/

Emulator over gRPC Examples

Most of the samples have moved over to the public container repository that you can find here.

The samples are well documented and run against the publicly released emulator binaries.

Controlling the emulator with Python

In the python directory you will find two examples:

  • An example that aks the emulator about the vm configuration after which it will send a series of key events with a 2ms delay. After building you can run this with python -m sample.keystrokes

  • An example that uses the streaming interface to retrieve the logcat. After building you can run this with python -m sample.logcat

Before we can access the emulator we must launch it with the gRPC server enabled.

  $ emulator @my_avd -grpc 5556 [..other options...]

Once the emulator is launched you can build the samples as follows:

  $ make deps && make protoc

Note that the samples are currently developed against Python2.