blob: 4293dd3a4ca05a11e01a9b59025abe47b59d3724 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import re
# Set to True to enable debugging.
DEBUG = False
def print_files(list_of_files, name):
"""Print a list of files."""
print "[ START %s ]" % name
for a_file in list_of_files:
print a_file
print "[ END %s ]" % name
def get_script_dir():
"""Return the current script's directory as an absolute path."""
return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
def get_src_top_dir():
"""Return the top-level QEMU1 source path, as an absolute path."""
script_dir = get_script_dir()
assert script_dir.endswith("android/scripts")
return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(script_dir))
def is_source_filename(name):
"""Returns true if |name| is a source or header filename."""
return any(name.endswith(ext) for ext in [".c", ".cpp", ".h", ".m", ".mm"])
def regex_escape(string):
"""Return an escaped version of |string| that can be used as an exact
match in a regular expression."""
return string.replace('"', '\\"').replace('.', '\\.')
RE_INCLUDE_BRACKETS = re.compile(r"^\s*#\s*include\s*<(.*)>")
RE_INCLUDE_QUOTES = re.compile(r"^\s*#\s*include\s*\"(.*)\"")
def get_source_includes(filename):
"""Return the list of source files included from |filename|."""
result = []
with open(filename, "rb") as lines:
for line in lines:
line = line.rstrip('\n')
match = RE_INCLUDE_BRACKETS.match(line)
if not match:
match = RE_INCLUDE_QUOTES.match(line)
if match:
return sorted(result)
QEMU_HEADERS = ["elf.h", "qemu-common.h", "trace.h"]
QEMU_SUBDIRS = ["block", "disas", "exec", "fpu", "hw", "migration",
"monitor", "net", "qapi", "qemu", "qom", "sysemu", "ui"]
def is_qemu_include(filepath):
"""Return True iff |filepath| is a QEMU header file name."""
if filepath in QEMU_HEADERS:
return True
return any(filepath.startswith(x + "/") for x in QEMU_SUBDIRS)
def main():
A script used to migrate source files that depend on QEMU declarations
from android/ to android-qemu1-glue/.
This works by:
1) Finding all source and header files under android/ that include
QEMU-specific headers (e.g. "qemu-common.h", "qemu/<something>")
2) Compute the closure of all other source files that include any of those
found during 1)
3) Move all such sources into android-qemu1-glue/, adjusting source and
build files accordingly.
src_subdir = "android"
dst_subdir = "android-qemu1-glue"
qemu_top_dir = get_src_top_dir()
android_dir = os.path.join(qemu_top_dir, src_subdir)
# Step A: Get all source files and their includes from android/
all_includes = {}
for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(qemu_top_dir):
for filename in [f for f in filenames if is_source_filename(f)]:
filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
all_includes[filepath] = get_source_includes(filepath)
android_sources = set([x for x in all_includes.keys() if \
sources = ["%s: %s" % (src, all_includes[src]) for src in \
print_files(sources, "Android source files")
# Step B: Determine which source files include QEMU-specific headers.
qemu_depends = set()
for filepath in android_sources:
for include in all_includes[filepath]:
if is_qemu_include(include):
print_files(sorted(qemu_depends), "First QEMU depends")
# Step C: Compute closure of all QEMU depends sources.
retry = True
while retry:
retry = False
for src in all_includes.keys():
if src in qemu_depends:
#print "? " + src
for include in get_source_includes(src):
if not include.startswith(src_subdir):
include_path = os.path.join(qemu_top_dir, include)
#print "?? %s -> %s" % (include, include_path)
if include_path in qemu_depends:
#print "\n! " + src
retry = True
qemu_depends = sorted(qemu_depends)
print_files(qemu_depends, "All QEMU depends")
# Step D: Print commands to move and rename files from src_dir into dst_dir
renames = {}
for filepath in qemu_depends:
if not filepath.startswith(android_dir):
src_subpath = filepath[len(android_dir) + 1:]
src_path = src_subdir + '/' + src_subpath
dst_path = dst_subdir + '/' + src_subpath
renames[src_path] = dst_path
dst_dirs = set()
for dst_path in renames.values():
for dst_dir in sorted(dst_dirs):
print "mkdir -p %s" % (dst_dir)
for key, value in renames.iteritems():
print "git mv %s %s" % (key, value)
for key, value in renames.iteritems():
print "git grep -l -F \"%s\" | xargs sed -i -e 's|%s|%s|g'" % \
(key, regex_escape(key), value)
if __name__ == "__main__":