Android Emulator MacOS Development

This guide will help you set up and build the Android Emulator on your Mac for development.

What You Need

  • Xcode: Version 10.1 or newer. (Recommended: Xcode 13.4 Build version 13F17a with SDK version 12.3)
  • MacOS SDK: Version 10.15 or later.

Getting Xcode

  1. Download: Get Xcode from the App Store.

  2. Install: Open the downloaded file, move Xcode to your “Applications” folder.

  3. Accept License & Install Tools:

    sudo xcodebuild -license accept && sudo xcode-select --install
  4. Verify Installation:

    xcodebuild -version

Getting the Source Code

  1. Install Repo:

    mkdir $HOME/bin
    curl > $HOME/bin/repo
    chmod 700 $HOME/bin/repo
    export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin

    Add export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin to your .bashrc or .zshrc file.

  2. Initialize Repo:

    mkdir -p $HOME/emu-master-dev && cd $HOME/emu-master-dev
    repo init -u -b emu-master-dev
  3. Download Code:

    repo sync -j 8

Building the Emulator

  1. Build:

    cd external/qemu && android/
  2. List Available Virtual Devices:

    ./objs/emulator -list-avds

Additional Notes

  • Incremental Builds:

    export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/emu-master-dev/prebuilts/ninja/darwin-x86/
    ninja -C objs
  • Configuring the build:

    You can get additional information on how to configure the build by running:

    android/ --help

    For example ./android/ --task CTest will run all the unit tests

  • Running unit tests:

    We use ctest to run unit tests. You can run them in the objs directory

    cd objs; ctest -j 10

Downloading Pre-built Emulators

You can obtain the latest build of the emulator from our build servers. Look for the sdk-repo-{architecture}-emulator-{buildid}.zip artifact.

You might need to remove a quarantine flag before running them:

xattr -dr /path/to/my/unzipped/emulator

Sending patches

Here you can find details on submitting patches.