blob: bc10e08d2ca2e7688fda7ff148c8098c94dca08e [file] [log] [blame]
Jinja 1.0 Syntax
{% for char in my_string|upper|replace(" ", "") %}
<li>{{ loop.index }} - {{ char|e }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{{ variable|strip(" ")|escape|replace("a", "b") }}
{% if item == 42 %}
{% endif %}
{% if item|odd? %}
applies the odd? filter which returns true if the
item in is odd.
{% endif %}
{{ item|e(true) }} -- escape the variable for attributes
{% for item in seq %}
<li>{{ item.current|e }}
{% if item.items %}<ul>{% recurse item.items %}</ul>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
How a Filter Looks Like
def replace(search, repl):
def wrapped(env, value):
return env.to_unicode(value).replace(search, repl)
return wrapped
def escape(attr=False):
def wrapped(env, value):
return cgi.escape(env.to_unicode(value), attr)
return wrapped
def odd():
return lambda env, value: value % 2 == 1
odd.__name__ = 'odd?'
def replace(value, search, repl):
return value.replace(search, repl)
def stringfilter(f):
def decorator(*args):
def wrapped(env, value):
return f(env.to_unicode(value), *args)
return wrapped
return decorator