v3.3: revert to v3.1

Reverts back to the v3.1 state. v3.3 and v3.1 are
bitwise identical.
Revert "Amalgamated source for v3.2"

This reverts commit e74213b02b99a05d2703a41d5543dffa45996d87.

Revert "Merge branch 'master' into releases/v3.x"

This reverts commits:
e74213b02b99a05d2703a41d5543dffa45996d87 - Amalgamated source for v3.2
246b14de886b982a465bd80a832f7d21d2b63866 - Merge branch 'master' into releases/v3.x

reversing changes made to 0b4ad4672bfeac29e8f76df47088ffce46e57071.

The up-revving should not have happened on the v3.x branch as this was
a major bump. Moving those changes to v4.x
1662 files changed
tree: 432299c2f024a81246ab849e34b8083bf5da3df8
  1. bazel/
  2. build_overrides/
  3. buildtools/
  4. debian/
  5. docs/
  6. gn/
  7. include/
  8. infra/
  9. protos/
  10. sdk/
  11. src/
  12. test/
  13. tools/
  14. ui/
  15. .clang-format
  16. .gitignore
  17. .gn
  18. .style.yapf
  19. Android.bp
  20. Android.bp.extras
  21. BUILD
  22. BUILD.extras
  23. BUILD.gn
  24. codereview.settings
  25. heapprofd.rc
  27. NOTICE
  28. OWNERS
  29. perfetto.rc
  30. PRESUBMIT.py
  31. README.chromium
  32. README.md

Perfetto - Performance instrumentation and tracing

Perfetto is an open-source project for performance instrumentation and tracing of Linux/Android/Chrome platforms and user-space apps.

See www.perfetto.dev for docs.


  • For bugs affecting Android or the tracing internals use the internal bug tracker (go/perfetto-bugs).
  • For bugs affecting Chrome use http://crbug.com, Component:Speed>Tracing label:Perfetto.


You can reach us on our Discord channel. If you prefer using IRC we have an experimental Discord <> IRC bridge synced with #perfetto-dev on Freenode.