blob: df466f7bc575ed0a81a24f873b4ce39601946ddb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
import "protos/perfetto/common/perf_events.proto";
import "protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/profile_common.proto";
package perfetto.protos;
// This file contains a mixture of messages emitted by various sampling
// profilers:
// Memory allocator profiling
// ----------------
// ProfilePacket:
// The packet emitted by heapprofd, which started off as a native heap
// (malloc/free) profiler, but now supports custom allocators as well. Each
// packet contains a preaggregated state of the heap at snapshot time, which
// report the total allocated/free bytes per callstack (plus other info such
// as the number of samples).
// StreamingAllocation/StreamingFree:
// Emitted by heapprofd when configured in streaming mode (i.e. when
// stream_allocations = true). This is only for local testing, and doesn't
// report callstacks (only address time and size of each alloc/free). It can
// lead to enormous traces, as it contains the stream of each alloc/free call.
// Callstack sampling
// ------------------
// StreamingProfilePacket:
// The packet emitted by the chromium in-process sampling profiler, which is
// based on periodically sending a signal to itself, and unwinding the stack
// in the signal handler. Each packet contains a series of individual stack
// samples for a Chromium thread.
// Callstack and performance counter sampling
// ---------------------
// PerfSample:
// The packet emitted by traced_perf sampling performance profiler based on
// the perf_event_open syscall. Each packet represents an individual sample
// of a performance counter (which might be a timer), and optionally a
// callstack of the process that was scheduled at the time of the sample.
// The packet emitted by heapprofd for each heap snapshot. A snapshot can
// involve more than one ProfilePacket if the snapshot is big (when |continued|
// is true). The cardinality and grouping is as follows:
// A ProfilePacket contains:
// - 1+ per-process heap snapshots (ProcessHeapSamples). Normally there is only
// one heap per process (the main malloc/free heap), but there can be more if
// the process is using the heapprofd API to profile custom allocators.
// - Globally interned strings, mappings and frames (to allow de-duplicating
// frames/mapping in common between different processes).
// A ProcessHeapSamples contains:
// - The process and heap identifier.
// - A number of HeapSample, one for each callsite that had some alloc/frees.
// - Statistics about heapprofd internals (e.g., sampling/unwinding timings).
// A HeapSample contains statistics about callsites:
// - Total number of bytes allocated and freed from that callsite.
// - Total number of alloc/free calls sampled.
// - Stats at the local maximum when dump_at_max = true.
// See for more.
message ProfilePacket {
// The following interning tables are only used in Android version Q.
// In newer versions, these tables are in InternedData
// (see protos/perfetto/trace/interned_data) and are shared across
// multiple ProfilePackets.
// For backwards compatibility, consumers need to first look up interned
// data in the tables within the ProfilePacket, and then, if they are empty,
// look up in the InternedData instead.
repeated InternedString strings = 1;
repeated Mapping mappings = 4;
repeated Frame frames = 2;
repeated Callstack callstacks = 3;
// Next ID: 9
message HeapSample {
optional uint64 callstack_id = 1;
// bytes allocated at this callstack.
optional uint64 self_allocated = 2;
// bytes allocated at this callstack that have been freed.
optional uint64 self_freed = 3;
// deprecated self_idle.
reserved 7;
// Bytes allocated by this callstack but not freed at the time the malloc
// heap usage of this process was maximal. This is only set if dump_at_max
// is true in HeapprofdConfig. In that case, self_allocated, self_freed and
// self_idle will not be set.
optional uint64 self_max = 8;
// Number of allocations that were sampled at this callstack but not freed
// at the time the malloc heap usage of this process was maximal. This is
// only set if dump_at_max is true in HeapprofdConfig. In that case,
// self_allocated, self_freed and self_idle will not be set.
optional uint64 self_max_count = 9;
// timestamp [opt]
optional uint64 timestamp = 4;
// Number of allocations that were sampled at this callstack.
optional uint64 alloc_count = 5;
// Number of allocations that were sampled at this callstack that have been
// freed.
optional uint64 free_count = 6;
message Histogram {
message Bucket {
// This bucket counts values from the previous bucket's (or -infinity if
// this is the first bucket) upper_limit (inclusive) to this upper_limit
// (exclusive).
optional uint64 upper_limit = 1;
// This is the highest bucket. This is set instead of the upper_limit. Any
// values larger or equal to the previous bucket's upper_limit are counted
// in this bucket.
optional bool max_bucket = 2;
// Number of values that fall into this range.
optional uint64 count = 3;
repeated Bucket buckets = 1;
message ProcessStats {
optional uint64 unwinding_errors = 1;
optional uint64 heap_samples = 2;
optional uint64 map_reparses = 3;
optional Histogram unwinding_time_us = 4;
optional uint64 total_unwinding_time_us = 5;
optional uint64 client_spinlock_blocked_us = 6;
repeated ProcessHeapSamples process_dumps = 5;
message ProcessHeapSamples {
enum ClientError {
optional uint64 pid = 1;
// This process was profiled from startup.
// If false, this process was already running when profiling started.
optional bool from_startup = 3;
// This process was not profiled because a concurrent session was active.
// If this is true, samples will be empty.
optional bool rejected_concurrent = 4;
// This process disconnected while it was profiled.
// If false, the process outlived the profiling session.
optional bool disconnected = 6;
// If disconnected, this disconnect was caused by the client overrunning
// the buffer.
// Equivalent to client_error == CLIENT_ERROR_HIT_TIMEOUT
// on new S builds.
optional bool buffer_overran = 7;
optional ClientError client_error = 14;
// If disconnected, this disconnected was caused by the shared memory
// buffer being corrupted. THIS IS ALWAYS A BUG IN HEAPPROFD OR CLIENT
optional bool buffer_corrupted = 8;
// If disconnected, this disconnect was caused by heapprofd exceeding
// guardrails during this profiling session.
optional bool hit_guardrail = 10;
optional string heap_name = 11;
optional uint64 sampling_interval_bytes = 12;
optional uint64 orig_sampling_interval_bytes = 13;
// Timestamp of the state of the target process that this dump represents.
// This can be different to the timestamp of the TracePackets for various
// reasons:
// * If disconnected is set above, this is the timestamp of last state
// heapprofd had of the process before it disconnected.
// * Otherwise, if the rate of events produced by the process is high,
// heapprofd might be behind.
// TODO(fmayer): This is MONOTONIC_COARSE. Refactor ClockSnapshot::Clock
// to have a type enum that we can reuse here.
optional uint64 timestamp = 9;
// Metadata about heapprofd.
optional ProcessStats stats = 5;
repeated HeapSample samples = 2;
// If this is true, the next ProfilePacket in this package_sequence_id is a
// continuation of this one.
// To get all samples for a process, accummulate its
// ProcessHeapSamples.samples until you see continued=false.
optional bool continued = 6;
// Index of this ProfilePacket on its package_sequence_id. Can be used
// to detect dropped data.
// Verify these are consecutive.
optional uint64 index = 7;
// Packet emitted by heapprofd when stream_allocations = true. Only for local
// testing. Doesn't report the callsite.
message StreamingAllocation {
// TODO(fmayer): Add callstack.
repeated uint64 address = 1;
repeated uint64 size = 2;
repeated uint64 sample_size = 3;
repeated uint64 clock_monotonic_coarse_timestamp = 4;
repeated uint32 heap_id = 5;
repeated uint64 sequence_number = 6;
// Packet emitted by heapprofd when stream_allocations = true. Only for local
// testing. Doesn't report the callsite.
message StreamingFree {
// TODO(fmayer): Add callstack.
repeated uint64 address = 1;
repeated uint32 heap_id = 2;
repeated uint64 sequence_number = 3;
// Packet emitted by the chromium in-process signal-based callstack sampler.
// Represents a series of individual stack samples (sampled at discrete points
// in time), rather than aggregated over an interval.
message StreamingProfilePacket {
// Index into InternedData.callstacks
repeated uint64 callstack_iid = 1;
// TODO(eseckler): ThreadDescriptor-based timestamps are deprecated. Replace
// this with ClockSnapshot-based delta encoding instead.
repeated int64 timestamp_delta_us = 2;
optional int32 process_priority = 3;
// Namespace for the contained enums.
message Profiling {
enum CpuMode {
// The following values aren't expected, but included for completeness:
// Enumeration of libunwindstack's error codes.
// NB: the integral representations of the two enums are different.
enum StackUnwindError {
// Packet emitted by the traced_perf sampling performance profiler, which
// gathers data via the perf_event_open syscall. Each packet contains an
// individual sample with a counter value, and optionally a
// callstack.
// Timestamps are within the root packet. The config can specify the clock, or
// the implementation will default to CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW. Within the Android R
// timeframe, the default was CLOCK_BOOTTIME.
// There are several distinct views of this message:
// * indication of kernel buffer data loss (kernel_records_lost set)
// * indication of skipped samples (sample_skipped_reason set)
// * notable event in the sampling implementation (producer_event set)
// * normal sample (timebase_count set, typically also callstack_iid)
message PerfSample {
optional uint32 cpu = 1;
optional uint32 pid = 2;
optional uint32 tid = 3;
// Execution state that the process was sampled at.
optional Profiling.CpuMode cpu_mode = 5;
// Value of the timebase counter (since the event was configured, no deltas).
optional uint64 timebase_count = 6;
// Unwound callstack. Might be partial, in which case a synthetic "error"
// frame is appended, and |unwind_error| is set accordingly.
optional uint64 callstack_iid = 4;
// If set, stack unwinding was incomplete due to an error.
// Unset values should be treated as UNWIND_ERROR_NONE.
oneof optional_unwind_error { Profiling.StackUnwindError unwind_error = 16; };
// If set, indicates that this message is not a sample, but rather an
// indication of data loss in the ring buffer allocated for |cpu|. Such data
// loss occurs when the kernel has insufficient ring buffer capacity to write
// a record (which gets discarded). A record in this context is an individual
// ring buffer entry, and counts more than just sample records.
// The |timestamp| of the packet corresponds to the time that the producer
// wrote the packet for trace-sorting purposes alone, and should not be
// interpreted relative to the sample timestamps. This field is sufficient to
// detect that *some* kernel data loss happened within the trace, but not the
// specific time bounds of that loss (which would require tracking precedessor
// & successor timestamps, which is not deemed necessary at the moment).
optional uint64 kernel_records_lost = 17;
// If set, indicates that the profiler encountered a sample that was relevant,
// but was skipped.
enum SampleSkipReason {
oneof optional_sample_skipped_reason {
SampleSkipReason sample_skipped_reason = 18;
// A notable event within the sampling implementation.
message ProducerEvent {
enum DataSourceStopReason {
oneof optional_source_stop_reason {
DataSourceStopReason source_stop_reason = 1;
optional ProducerEvent producer_event = 19;
// Submessage for TracePacketDefaults.
message PerfSampleDefaults {
// The sampling timebase. Might not be identical to the data source config if
// the implementation decided to default/override some parameters.
optional PerfEvents.Timebase timebase = 1;
// If the config requested process sharding, report back the count and which
// of those bins was selected. Never changes for the duration of a trace.
optional uint32 process_shard_count = 2;
optional uint32 chosen_process_shard = 3;