
Avatar aims to provide a scalable multi-platform Bluetooth testing tool capable of running any Bluetooth test cases virtually and physically. It aims to complete PTS-bot in the Pandora testing suite.


git submodule update --init
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate.fish # or any other shell
pip install [-e] bt-test-interfaces/python
pip install [-e] third-party/bumble
pip install [-e] .

Rebuild gRPC Bluetooth test interfaces

pip install grpcio-tools==1.46.3


python examples/example.py -c examples/simulated_bumble_android.yml --verbose


  1. Make sure to have a root-canal instance running somewhere.
  1. Run the example using Bumble vs Bumble config file. The default 6402 HCI port of root-canal may be changed in this config file.
python examples/example.py -c examples/simulated_bumble_bumble.yml --verbose