[utils] adding `HistoryTracker` module (#6807)

This commit adds History Tracker feature and its CLI support. This
feature records history of different events as the Thread network
operates (e.g., history of RX and TX IPv6 messages or network info

Recorded entries are timestamped. When the history list is read, the
timestamps are given as the entry age relative to the time the list
is being read. For example in CLI a timestamp can be shown as
`02:31:50.628 ago` indicating the entry was recorded 2 hours, 31 min,
50 sec, and 628 msec ago. Number of days is added for events that are
older than 24 hours, e.g., `31 days 03:00:23.931 ago`. Timestamps use
millisecond accuracy and are tacked up to 49 days. If an event is
older than 49 days, the entry is still tracked in the list but the
timestamp is shown as old or `more than 49 days ago`.

The `HistoryTracker` currently maintains 3 lists. The Network Info
history tracks changes to Device Role, Mode, RLOC16 and Partition ID.
The RX/TX history list records information about the received/sent
IPv6 messages:
- Message type (UDP, TCP, ICMP6 (and its subtype), etc.)
- Source and destination IPv6 addresses and port numbers
- IPv6 payload length
- The message checksum (for UDP, TCP, or ICMP6).
- Whether or not the link-layer security was used
- Message priority: low, norm, high, net (for control messages)
- Short address (RLOC16) of neighbor who send/received the msg
- Received Signal Strength (in dBm) for RX only
- Radio link info (15.4/TREL) on which msg was sent/received
  (useful when `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_MULTI_RADIO` is enabled)

to configure `HistoryTracker` to exclude Thread Control message
(e.g., MLE, TMF) from TX and RX history.

The number of entries recorded for each history list is configurable
through a set of OpenThread config options, e.g., number of entries
in Network Info history list is specified by OpenThread config option
`HistoryTracker` will keep the most recent entries overwriting oldest
ones when the list gets full.

This commit also adds support for `HistoryTracker` in CLI. The CLI
commands provide two style for printing the history information: A
table format (more human-readable) and list style (better suited for
parsing by machine/code). `README_HISTORY.md` is added to document
the commands and the info provided by each history list entry.

This commit also adds `test_history_tracker.py` test-case which
covers the behavior of `HistoryTracker`.
51 files changed
tree: 7f970bbcc31317193a10742f0d0fd55589c30f1a
  1. .github/
  2. doc/
  3. etc/
  4. examples/
  5. include/
  6. script/
  7. src/
  8. tests/
  9. third_party/
  10. tools/
  11. .clang-format
  12. .codecov.yml
  13. .default-version
  14. .gitattributes
  15. .gitignore
  16. .gn
  17. .lgtm.yml
  18. .prettierrc
  19. Android.mk
  21. bootstrap
  22. BUILD.gn
  23. CMakeLists.txt
  25. configure.ac
  28. Makefile.am
  29. NOTICE
  30. README.md
  31. STYLE_GUIDE.md

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What is OpenThread?

OpenThread released by Google is...

...an open-source implementation of the Thread networking protocol. Google Nest has released OpenThread to make the technology used in Nest products more broadly available to developers to accelerate the development of products for the connected home.

...OS and platform agnostic, with a narrow platform abstraction layer and a small memory footprint, making it highly portable. It supports both system-on-chip (SoC) and network co-processor (NCP) designs.

...a Thread Certified Component, implementing all features defined in the Thread 1.1.1 specification, including all Thread networking layers (IPv6, 6LoWPAN, IEEE 802.15.4 with MAC security, Mesh Link Establishment, Mesh Routing) and device roles, as well as Border Router support.

More information about Thread can be found at threadgroup.org. Thread is a registered trademark of the Thread Group, Inc.

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Note: For users in China, end-user documentation is available at openthread.google.cn.

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OpenThread follows the Semantic Versioning guidelines for release cycle transparency and to maintain backwards compatibility. OpenThread's versioning is independent of the Thread protocol specification version but will clearly indicate which version of the specification it currently supports.


OpenThread is released under the BSD 3-Clause license. See the LICENSE file for more information.

Please only use the OpenThread name and marks when accurately referencing this software distribution. Do not use the marks in a way that suggests you are endorsed by or otherwise affiliated with Nest, Google, or The Thread Group.

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