blob: db8cf668dc3c1d632ef49b902cd62e1e478bf570 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <openssl/x509.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "cast/common/channel/cast_socket_message_port.h"
#include "cast/common/channel/virtual_connection_manager.h"
#include "cast/common/channel/virtual_connection_router.h"
#include "cast/common/public/cast_socket.h"
#include "cast/receiver/channel/device_auth_namespace_handler.h"
#include "cast/receiver/channel/static_credentials.h"
#include "cast/receiver/public/receiver_socket_factory.h"
#include "cast/standalone_receiver/streaming_playback_controller.h"
#include "cast/streaming/environment.h"
#include "cast/streaming/receiver_session.h"
#include "platform/api/scoped_wake_lock.h"
#include "platform/api/serial_delete_ptr.h"
#include "platform/base/error.h"
#include "platform/base/interface_info.h"
#include "platform/base/tls_credentials.h"
#include "platform/impl/task_runner.h"
namespace openscreen {
namespace cast {
// This class manages sender connections, starting with listening over TLS for
// connection attempts, constructing ReceiverSessions when OFFER messages are
// received, and linking Receivers to the output decoder and SDL visualizer.
// Consumers of this class are expected to provide a single threaded task runner
// implementation, a network interface information struct that will be used
// both for TLS listening and UDP messaging, and a credentials provider used
// for TLS listening.
class CastAgent final : public ReceiverSocketFactory::Client,
public VirtualConnectionRouter::SocketErrorHandler,
public ReceiverSession::Client,
public StreamingPlaybackController::Client {
TaskRunner* task_runner,
const InterfaceInfo& interface,
DeviceAuthNamespaceHandler::CredentialsProvider* credentials_provider,
TlsCredentials tls_credentials);
// Initialization occurs as part of construction, however to actually bind
// for discovery and listening over TLS, the CastAgent must be started.
Error Start();
Error Stop();
// ReceiverSocketFactory::Client overrides.
void OnConnected(ReceiverSocketFactory* factory,
const IPEndpoint& endpoint,
std::unique_ptr<CastSocket> socket) override;
void OnError(ReceiverSocketFactory* factory, Error error) override;
// VirtualConnectionRouter::SocketErrorHandler overrides.
void OnClose(CastSocket* cast_socket) override;
void OnError(CastSocket* socket, Error error) override;
// ReceiverSession::Client overrides.
void OnNegotiated(const ReceiverSession* session,
ReceiverSession::ConfiguredReceivers receivers) override;
void OnReceiversDestroying(const ReceiverSession* session,
ReceiversDestroyingReason reason) override;
void OnError(const ReceiverSession* session, Error error) override;
// StreamingPlaybackController::Client overrides
void OnPlaybackError(StreamingPlaybackController* controller,
Error error) override;
// Helper for stopping the current session. This is useful for when we don't
// want to completely stop (e.g. an issue with a specific Sender) but need
// to terminate the current connection.
void StopCurrentSession();
// Member variables set as part of construction.
std::unique_ptr<Environment> environment_;
TaskRunner* const task_runner_;
IPEndpoint receive_endpoint_;
DeviceAuthNamespaceHandler::CredentialsProvider* credentials_provider_;
TlsCredentials tls_credentials_;
// Member variables set as part of starting up.
SerialDeletePtr<DeviceAuthNamespaceHandler> auth_handler_;
SerialDeletePtr<TlsConnectionFactory> connection_factory_;
VirtualConnectionManager connection_manager_;
SerialDeletePtr<VirtualConnectionRouter> router_;
SerialDeletePtr<CastSocketMessagePort> message_port_;
SerialDeletePtr<ReceiverSocketFactory> socket_factory_;
SerialDeletePtr<ScopedWakeLock> wake_lock_;
// Member variables set as part of a sender connection.
// NOTE: currently we only support a single sender connection and a
// single streaming session.
std::unique_ptr<ReceiverSession> current_session_;
std::unique_ptr<StreamingPlaybackController> controller_;
} // namespace cast
} // namespace openscreen