tree: 4d974c34fa50e692660913e53c93228bbf391185 [path history] [tgz]
  1. cast_core/
  2. common/
  3. receiver/
  4. sender/
  5. standalone_receiver/
  6. standalone_sender/
  7. streaming/
  8. test/
  9. third_party/
  10. .gitignore
  11. DEPS


libcast is an open source implementation of the Cast procotol supporting Cast applications and streaming to Cast-compatible devices.

Using the standalone implementations

To run the standalone sender and receivers together, first you need to install the following dependencies: FFMPEG, LibVPX, LibOpus, LibSDL2, as well as their headers (frequently in a seperate -dev package). From here, you need to generate a RSA private key and create a self signed certificate with that key.

From there, after building Open Screen the cast_sender and cast_receiver executables should be ready to use:

  $ /path/to/out/Default/cast_sender -s <certificate> <path/to/video>
  $ /path/to/out/Default/cast_receiver <interface> -p <private_key> -s <certificate>

When running on Mac OS X, also pass the -x flag to the cast receiver to disable DNS-SD/mDNS, since Open Screen does not currently integrate with Bonjour.

When connecting to a receiver that's not running on the loopback interface (typically lo or lo0), pass the -r <receiver IP endpoint> flag to the cast_sender binary.

An archive containing test running scripts, a video, and a generated RSA key and certificate is available from google storage. Note that it may require modification to work on your specific work environment: