blob: b21ce2cc5bfdd8d8b45818fe324cb44a219e0d3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "cast/standalone_receiver/sdl_player_base.h"
namespace openscreen {
namespace cast {
// Consumes frames from a Receiver, decodes them, and renders them to an
// internally-owned SDL audio device.
class SDLAudioPlayer final : public SDLPlayerBase {
// |error_callback| is run only if a fatal error occurs, at which point the
// player has halted and set |error_status()|.
SDLAudioPlayer(ClockNowFunctionPtr now_function,
TaskRunner* task_runner,
Receiver* receiver,
AudioCodec codec,
std::function<void()> error_callback);
~SDLAudioPlayer() final;
// SDLPlayerBase implementation.
ErrorOr<Clock::time_point> RenderNextFrame(
const SDLPlayerBase::PresentableFrame& frame) final;
bool RenderWhileIdle(const SDLPlayerBase::PresentableFrame* frame) final;
void Present() final;
// Maps an AVSampleFormat enum to the SDL_AudioFormat equivalent.
static SDL_AudioFormat GetSDLAudioFormat(AVSampleFormat format);
// The audio format determined by the last call to RenderCurrentFrame().
SDL_AudioSpec pending_audio_spec_{};
// The amount of time before a target presentation time to call Present(), to
// account for audio buffering (the latency until samples reach the hardware).
Clock::duration approximate_lead_time_{};
// When the decoder provides planar data, this buffer is used for storing the
// interleaved conversion.
std::vector<uint8_t> interleaved_audio_buffer_;
// Points to the memory containing the next chunk of interleaved audio.
absl::Span<const uint8_t> pending_audio_;
// The currently-open SDL audio device (or zero, if not open).
SDL_AudioDeviceID device_ = 0;
// The audio format being used by the currently-open SDL audio device.
SDL_AudioSpec device_spec_{};
} // namespace cast
} // namespace openscreen