blob: 2a11e44c42beec3e1814261a3c5ecaafe23be257 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "osp/public/service_info.h"
#include "osp/public/timestamp.h"
#include "platform/base/macros.h"
namespace openscreen {
namespace osp {
// Used to report an error from a ServiceListener implementation.
struct ServiceListenerError {
// TODO(mfoltz): Add additional error types, as implementations progress.
enum class Code {
kNone = 0,
ServiceListenerError(Code error, const std::string& message);
ServiceListenerError(const ServiceListenerError& other);
ServiceListenerError& operator=(const ServiceListenerError& other);
Code error;
std::string message;
class ServiceListener {
enum class State {
kStopped = 0,
// Holds a set of metrics, captured over a specific range of time, about the
// behavior of a ServiceListener instance.
struct Metrics {
// The range of time over which the metrics were collected; end_timestamp >
// start_timestamp
timestamp_t start_timestamp = 0;
timestamp_t end_timestamp = 0;
// The number of packets and bytes sent over the timestamp range.
uint64_t num_packets_sent = 0;
uint64_t num_bytes_sent = 0;
// The number of packets and bytes received over the timestamp range.
uint64_t num_packets_received = 0;
uint64_t num_bytes_received = 0;
// The maximum number of receivers discovered over the timestamp range. The
// latter two fields break this down by receivers advertising ipv4 and ipv6
// endpoints.
size_t num_receivers = 0;
size_t num_ipv4_receivers = 0;
size_t num_ipv6_receivers = 0;
class Observer {
virtual ~Observer() = default;
// Called when the state becomes kRunning.
virtual void OnStarted() = 0;
// Called when the state becomes kStopped.
virtual void OnStopped() = 0;
// Called when the state becomes kSuspended.
virtual void OnSuspended() = 0;
// Called when the state becomes kSearching.
virtual void OnSearching() = 0;
// Notifications to changes to the listener's receiver list.
virtual void OnReceiverAdded(const ServiceInfo&) = 0;
virtual void OnReceiverChanged(const ServiceInfo&) = 0;
virtual void OnReceiverRemoved(const ServiceInfo&) = 0;
// Called if all receivers are no longer available, e.g. all network
// interfaces have been disabled.
virtual void OnAllReceiversRemoved() = 0;
// Reports an error.
virtual void OnError(ServiceListenerError) = 0;
// Reports metrics.
virtual void OnMetrics(Metrics) = 0;
virtual ~ServiceListener();
// Starts listening for receivers using the config object.
// Returns true if state() == kStopped and the service will be started, false
// otherwise.
virtual bool Start() = 0;
// Starts the listener in kSuspended mode. This could be used to enable
// immediate search via SearchNow() in the future.
// Returns true if state() == kStopped and the service will be started, false
// otherwise.
virtual bool StartAndSuspend() = 0;
// Stops listening and cancels any search in progress.
// Returns true if state() != (kStopped|kStopping).
virtual bool Stop() = 0;
// Suspends background listening. For example, the tab wanting receiver
// availability might go in the background, meaning we can suspend listening
// to save power.
// Returns true if state() == (kRunning|kSearching|kStarting), meaning the
// suspension will take effect.
virtual bool Suspend() = 0;
// Resumes listening. Returns true if state() == (kSuspended|kSearching).
virtual bool Resume() = 0;
// Asks the listener to search for receivers now, even if the listener is
// is currently suspended. If a background search is already in
// progress, this has no effect. Returns true if state() ==
// (kRunning|kSuspended).
virtual bool SearchNow() = 0;
virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
// Returns the current state of the listener.
State state() const { return state_; }
// Returns the last error reported by this listener.
const ServiceListenerError& last_error() const { return last_error_; }
// Returns the current list of receivers known to the ServiceListener.
virtual const std::vector<ServiceInfo>& GetReceivers() const = 0;
State state_;
ServiceListenerError last_error_;
std::vector<Observer*> observers_;
} // namespace osp
} // namespace openscreen