blob: 399b96f6120877e6f9516014e9d25cf1f8c430e4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "oscl_base.h"
#include "oscl_scheduler_ao.h"
#include "oscl_string.h"
#include "pvmf_format_type.h"
#include "pvmf_node_interface.h"
#include "pvmf_node_utils.h"
#include "pvmf_downloadmanager_defs.h"
#include "pvmf_data_source_playback_control.h"
#include "pvmf_meta_data_extension.h"
#include "pvmf_data_source_init_extension.h"
#include "pvmf_track_selection_extension.h"
#include "pvmf_media_presentation_info.h"
#include "pvmf_download_progress_interface.h"
#include "pvmf_format_progdownload_support_extension.h"
#include "pvmf_protocol_engine_node_extension.h"
#include "pvmf_filebufferdatastream_factory.h"
#include "pvmf_source_context_data.h"
#include "pvmf_recognizer_registry.h"
#include "pv_player_node_registry_interface.h"
#include "pvmi_config_and_capability.h"
// only include pvmf_downloadmanager_config.h if CML2 is NOT being used
#include "pvmf_downloadmanager_config.h"
#include "pvmf_memorybufferdatastream_factory.h"
#include "pvmf_cpmplugin_license_interface.h"
* Node command handling
typedef PVMFGenericNodeCommand<OsclMemAllocator> PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommandBase;
enum PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommandType
class PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand : public PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommandBase
//override the default implementation of "hipri" and add the "cancel get license"
//command to the list of hi-priority commands.
bool hipri()
return PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommandBase::hipri()
// Constructor and parser for GetNodeMetadataKey
void Construct(PVMFSessionId s, int32 cmd
, PVMFMetadataList& aKeyList
, uint32 aStartingIndex
, int32 aMaxEntries
, char* aQueryKey
, const OsclAny* aContext)
PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommandBase::Construct(s, cmd, aContext);
iParam1 = (OsclAny*) & aKeyList;
iParam2 = (OsclAny*)aStartingIndex;
iParam3 = (OsclAny*)aMaxEntries;
if (aQueryKey)
//allocate a copy of the query key string.
Oscl_TAlloc<OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator>, OsclMemAllocator> str;
iParam4 = str.ALLOC_AND_CONSTRUCT(aQueryKey);
void Parse(PVMFMetadataList*& MetaDataListPtr, uint32 &aStartingIndex, int32 &aMaxEntries, char*& aQueryKey)
MetaDataListPtr = (PVMFMetadataList*)iParam1;
aStartingIndex = (uint32)iParam2;
aMaxEntries = (int32)iParam3;
aQueryKey = NULL;
if (iParam4)
OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator>* keystring = (OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator>*)iParam4;
aQueryKey = keystring->get_str();
// Constructor and parser for GetNodeMetadataValue
void Construct(PVMFSessionId s, int32 cmd, PVMFMetadataList& aKeyList, Oscl_Vector<PvmiKvp, OsclMemAllocator>& aValueList, uint32 aStartIndex, int32 aMaxEntries, const OsclAny* aContext)
PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommandBase::Construct(s, cmd, aContext);
iParam1 = (OsclAny*) & aKeyList;
iParam2 = (OsclAny*) & aValueList;
iParam3 = (OsclAny*)aStartIndex;
iParam4 = (OsclAny*)aMaxEntries;
void Parse(PVMFMetadataList* &aKeyList, Oscl_Vector<PvmiKvp, OsclMemAllocator>* &aValueList, uint32 &aStartingIndex, int32 &aMaxEntries)
aKeyList = (PVMFMetadataList*)iParam1;
aValueList = (Oscl_Vector<PvmiKvp, OsclMemAllocator>*)iParam2;
aStartingIndex = (uint32)iParam3;
aMaxEntries = (int32)iParam4;
// Constructor and parser for SetDataSourcePosition
void Construct(PVMFSessionId s, int32 cmd, PVMFTimestamp aTargetNPT, PVMFTimestamp& aActualNPT, PVMFTimestamp& aActualMediaDataTS,
bool aSeekToSyncPoint, uint32 aStreamID, const OsclAny*aContext)
PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommandBase::Construct(s, cmd, aContext);
iParam1 = (OsclAny*)aTargetNPT;
iParam2 = (OsclAny*) & aActualNPT;
iParam3 = (OsclAny*) & aActualMediaDataTS;
iParam4 = (OsclAny*)aSeekToSyncPoint;
iParam5 = (OsclAny*)aStreamID;
void Parse(PVMFTimestamp& aTargetNPT, PVMFTimestamp*& aActualNPT, PVMFTimestamp*& aActualMediaDataTS, bool& aSeekToSyncPoint, uint32& aStreamID)
aTargetNPT = (PVMFTimestamp)iParam1;
aActualNPT = (PVMFTimestamp*)iParam2;
aActualMediaDataTS = (PVMFTimestamp*)iParam3;
aSeekToSyncPoint = (iParam4) ? true : false;
aStreamID = (uint32)iParam5;
// Constructor and parser for QueryDataSourcePosition
void Construct(PVMFSessionId s, int32 cmd, PVMFTimestamp aTargetNPT, PVMFTimestamp& aActualNPT,
bool aSeekToSyncPoint, const OsclAny*aContext)
PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommandBase::Construct(s, cmd, aContext);
iParam1 = (OsclAny*)aTargetNPT;
iParam2 = (OsclAny*) & aActualNPT;
iParam3 = (OsclAny*)aSeekToSyncPoint;
iParam4 = NULL;
iParam5 = NULL;
void Parse(PVMFTimestamp& aTargetNPT, PVMFTimestamp*& aActualNPT, bool& aSeekToSyncPoint)
aTargetNPT = (PVMFTimestamp)iParam1;
aActualNPT = (PVMFTimestamp*)iParam2;
aSeekToSyncPoint = (iParam3) ? true : false;
// Constructor and parser for SetDataSourceRate
void Construct(PVMFSessionId s, int32 cmd, int32 aRate, PVMFTimebase* aTimebase, const OsclAny*aContext)
PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommandBase::Construct(s, cmd, aContext);
iParam1 = (OsclAny*)aRate;
iParam2 = (OsclAny*)aTimebase;
iParam3 = NULL;
iParam4 = NULL;
iParam5 = NULL;
void Parse(int32& aRate, PVMFTimebase*& aTimebase)
aRate = (int32)iParam1;
aTimebase = (PVMFTimebase*)iParam2;
//need to overload the base Destroy routine to cleanup metadata key.
void Destroy()
switch (iCmd)
if (iParam4)
//cleanup the allocated string
Oscl_TAlloc<OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator>, OsclMemAllocator> str;
//need to overlaod the base Copy routine to copy metadata key.
void Copy(const PVMFGenericNodeCommand<OsclMemAllocator>& aCmd)
switch (aCmd.iCmd)
if (aCmd.iParam4)
//copy the allocated string
OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator>* aStr = (OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator>*)aCmd.iParam4;
Oscl_TAlloc<OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator>, OsclMemAllocator> str;
iParam4 = str.ALLOC_AND_CONSTRUCT(*aStr);
/* Constructor and parser for GetLicenseW */
void Construct(PVMFSessionId s,
int32 cmd,
OSCL_wString& aContentName,
OsclAny* aLicenseData,
uint32 aDataSize,
int32 aTimeoutMsec,
OsclAny* aContext)
PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommandBase::Construct(s, cmd, aContext);
iParam1 = (OsclAny*) & aContentName;
iParam2 = (OsclAny*)aLicenseData;
iParam3 = (OsclAny*)aDataSize;
iParam4 = (OsclAny*)aTimeoutMsec;
iParam5 = NULL;
void Parse(OSCL_wString*& aContentName,
OsclAny*& aLicenseData,
uint32& aDataSize,
int32& aTimeoutMsec)
aContentName = (OSCL_wString*)iParam1;
aLicenseData = (PVMFTimestamp*)iParam2;
aDataSize = (uint32)iParam3;
aTimeoutMsec = (int32)iParam4;
/* Constructor and parser for GetLicense */
void Construct(PVMFSessionId s,
int32 cmd,
OSCL_String& aContentName,
OsclAny* aLicenseData,
uint32 aDataSize,
int32 aTimeoutMsec,
OsclAny* aContext)
PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommandBase::Construct(s, cmd, aContext);
iParam1 = (OsclAny*) & aContentName;
iParam2 = (OsclAny*)aLicenseData;
iParam3 = (OsclAny*)aDataSize;
iParam4 = (OsclAny*)aTimeoutMsec;
iParam5 = NULL;
void Parse(OSCL_String*& aContentName,
OsclAny*& aLicenseData,
uint32& aDataSize,
int32& aTimeoutMsec)
aContentName = (OSCL_String*)iParam1;
aLicenseData = (PVMFTimestamp*)iParam2;
aDataSize = (uint32)iParam3;
aTimeoutMsec = (int32)iParam4;
typedef PVMFNodeCommandQueue<PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand, OsclMemAllocator> PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCmdQueue;
class PVMFDownloadManagerNode;
class PVLogger;
* Base for Containers for the protocol engine, socket, and parser nodes and CPM object
class PVMFDownloadManagerSubNodeContainerBase
* EFormatParser indicates the format parser node
* EProtocolEngine indicates the protocol engine node
* ESocket indicates the socket node
* ECPM is the CPM container
enum NodeType {EFormatParser, EProtocolEngine, ESocket, ECPM, ERecognizer};
void Construct(NodeType t, PVMFDownloadManagerNode* container);
// Each subnode has a pointer to its container, which is the DLMGR node
PVMFDownloadManagerNode* iContainer;
NodeType iType;
PVMFSessionId iSessionId;
//Node Command processing
PVMFCommandId iCmdId;
//License Command Processing
PVMFCommandId iCPMGetLicenseCmdId;
PVMFCommandId iCPMCancelGetLicenseCmdId;
enum CmdState
EIdle, // no command
EBusy // command issued to the sub-node, completion pending.
CmdState iCmdState;
enum CmdType
// common commands
ECleanup = 0
// node commands
, EQueryDataSourceInit = 1
, EQueryTrackSelection = 2
, EQueryMetadata = 3
, EQueryDataSourcePlayback = 4
, EQueryFFProgDownload = 5
, EQueryDownloadProgress = 6
, EQueryProtocolEngine = 7
, EQueryDatastreamUser = 8
, EInit = 9
, ERequestPort = 10
, EReleasePort = 11
, EPrepare = 12
, EStop = 13
, EStart = 14
, EPause = 15
, EFlush = 16
, EReset = 17
, EGetMetadataKey = 18
, EGetMetadataValue = 19
, ESetFFProgDownloadSupport = 20
, ESetDataSourcePosition = 21
, EQueryDataSourcePosition = 22
, EParserCreate = 23
//Recognizer module commands
, ERecognizerStart = 24
, ERecognizerClose = 25
//License commands.
, ECPMQueryLicenseInterface = 26
, ECPMGetLicense = 27
, ECPMGetLicenseW = 28
, ECPMCancelGetLicense = 29
int32 iCmd;
// The pure virtual method IssueCommand is called on a subnode container to request that the passed
// command be issued to the contained node (or object).
virtual PVMFStatus IssueCommand(int32) = 0;
// CommandDone is a base class method, which is called by the subnode container when a command that was issued completes.
// In this method we handle removing the completed subnode command from the subnode command vector, and then we call Run
// on our container (the DLMGR) so that the next subnode command will be run. If we see that there are no more subnode
// commands in the subnode command vector, we instead call CommandComplete on the DLMGR.
void CommandDone(PVMFStatus, PVInterface*, OsclAny*);
//for canceling commands.
virtual bool CancelPendingCommand() = 0;
PVMFCommandId iCancelCmdId;
CmdState iCancelCmdState;
void CancelCommandDone(PVMFStatus, PVInterface*, OsclAny*);
bool CmdPending()
return iCmdState != EIdle || iCancelCmdState != EIdle;
* Containers for the protocol, socket, and parser nodes (but not the cpm object and not the recognizer)
class PVMFDownloadManagerSubNodeContainer
: public PVMFDownloadManagerSubNodeContainerBase
, public PVMFNodeErrorEventObserver
, public PVMFNodeInfoEventObserver
, public PVMFNodeCmdStatusObserver
iDataSourceInit = NULL;
iProtocolEngineExtensionInt = NULL;
iDataSourcePlayback = NULL;
iTrackSelection = NULL;
iDatastreamUser = NULL;
iMetadata = NULL;
iFormatProgDownloadSupport = NULL;
iDownloadProgress = NULL;
iNode = NULL;
iLicenseInterface = NULL;
void Cleanup();
// pure virtuals from PVMFDownloadManagerSubNodeContainerBase
PVMFStatus IssueCommand(int32);
bool CancelPendingCommand();
// node
PVMFNodeInterface *iNode;
void Connect();
// Node data-- pointers to retrieved interfaces.
PVInterface* iDataSourceInit;
PVInterface* iProtocolEngineExtensionInt;
PVInterface* iTrackSelection;
PVInterface* iMetadata;
PVInterface* iFormatProgDownloadSupport; // The support interface provided by the format parser node
PVInterface* iDownloadProgress;
PVInterface* iDataSourcePlayback;
PVInterface* iDatastreamUser;
PVInterface* iLicenseInterface;
PVMFDataSourceInitializationExtensionInterface *DataSourceInit()
return (PVMFDataSourceInitializationExtensionInterface*)iDataSourceInit;
PVMFProtocolEngineNodeExtensionInterface* ProtocolEngineExtension()
return (PVMFProtocolEngineNodeExtensionInterface*)iProtocolEngineExtensionInt;
PVMFTrackSelectionExtensionInterface* TrackSelection()
return (PVMFTrackSelectionExtensionInterface*)iTrackSelection;
PVMIDatastreamuserInterface* DatastreamUser()
return (PVMIDatastreamuserInterface*)iDatastreamUser;
PVMFMetadataExtensionInterface *Metadata()
return (PVMFMetadataExtensionInterface*)iMetadata;
PVMFFormatProgDownloadSupportInterface *FormatProgDownloadSupport()
return (PVMFFormatProgDownloadSupportInterface*)iFormatProgDownloadSupport;
PVMFDownloadProgressInterface *DownloadProgress()
return (PVMFDownloadProgressInterface*)iDownloadProgress;
PvmfDataSourcePlaybackControlInterface *DataSourcePlayback()
return (PvmfDataSourcePlaybackControlInterface*)iDataSourcePlayback;
PVMFCPMPluginLicenseInterface* LicenseInterface()
return (PVMFCPMPluginLicenseInterface*)iLicenseInterface;
//Node event observers
void HandleNodeErrorEvent(const PVMFAsyncEvent& aEvent);
void HandleNodeInformationalEvent(const PVMFAsyncEvent& aEvent);
void NodeCommandCompleted(const PVMFCmdResp& aResponse);
/* Container for the recognizer
class PVMFDownloadManagerRecognizerContainer
: public PVMFDownloadManagerSubNodeContainerBase,
public PVMFRecognizerCommmandHandler
// Recognizer to use for determining mime type of downloaded data
// PVMFRecognizer iRecognizer;
iRecognizerSessionId = 0;
void Cleanup();
//pure virtuals from PVMFDownloadManagerSubNodeContainerBase
PVMFStatus IssueCommand(int32);
bool CancelPendingCommand();
void RecognizerCommandCompleted(const PVMFCmdResp& aResponse);
PVMFSessionId iRecognizerSessionId;
Oscl_Vector<PVMFRecognizerResult, OsclMemAllocator> iRecognizerResultVec;
* Download Manager Node.
* This node contains the protocol engine node, the socket node, and a format parser node.
* The format parser node is instantiated after using the recognizer to determine the
* format type of the data stream.
* The usage sequence is as follows:
* Create
* Connect
* ThreadLogon
* (All extension intefaces are available for query now.)
* QueryInterface
* SetSourceInitializationData
* Init (CPM authorization is done during this command)
* (Track selection is available now)
* GetMediaPresentationInfo
* SelectTracks
* Prepare
* (The Metadata is available now)
* (Ports are available now)
* RequestPort
* Configure & Connect ports
* (App should wait on PVMFInfoDataReady before calling Start, but
* it is not a strict requirement. If Start is called too soon,
* playback will likely underflow immediately.)
* Start
* (playback begins)
* This node does not create any ports. Port requests are passed directly
* to the format parser node.
class PVMFDownloadManagerNode
: public PVMFNodeInterface
, public OsclActiveObject
, public PvmiCapabilityAndConfig
//required extension interfaces for player source nodes.
, public PVMFDataSourceInitializationExtensionInterface
, public PVMFTrackSelectionExtensionInterface
, public PvmfDataSourcePlaybackControlInterface
, public PVMFMetadataExtensionInterface
, public PVMFDataSourceNodeRegistryInitInterface
, public PVMFCPMPluginLicenseInterface
// For observing the playback clock states
, public PVMFMediaClockStateObserver
PVMFDownloadManagerNode(int32 aPriority = OsclActiveObject::EPriorityNominal);
// From PVMFNodeInterface
PVMFStatus ThreadLogon();
PVMFStatus ThreadLogoff();
PVMFStatus GetCapability(PVMFNodeCapability& aNodeCapability);
PVMFPortIter* GetPorts(const PVMFPortFilter* aFilter = NULL);
PVMFCommandId QueryUUID(PVMFSessionId aSessionId,
const PvmfMimeString& aMimeType,
Oscl_Vector<PVUuid, OsclMemAllocator>& aUuids,
bool aExactUuidsOnly = false,
const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId QueryInterface(PVMFSessionId aSessionId,
const PVUuid& aUuid,
PVInterface*& aInterfacePtr,
const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId RequestPort(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, int32 aPortTag,
const PvmfMimeString* aPortConfig = NULL,
const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFStatus ReleasePort(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, PVMFPortInterface& aPort,
const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId Init(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId Prepare(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId Start(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId Stop(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId Flush(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId Pause(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId Reset(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, const OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId CancelAllCommands(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL);
PVMFCommandId CancelCommand(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, PVMFCommandId aCmdId, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL);
//From PVInterface
void addRef();
void removeRef();
bool queryInterface(const PVUuid& uuid, PVInterface*& iface);
//From PVMFDataSourceInitializationExtensionInterface
PVMFStatus SetSourceInitializationData(OSCL_wString& aSourceURL, PVMFFormatType& aSourceFormat, OsclAny* aSourceData);
PVMFStatus SetClientPlayBackClock(PVMFMediaClock* aClientClock);
PVMFStatus SetEstimatedServerClock(PVMFMediaClock* aClientClock);
//From PVMFTrackSelectionExtensionInterface
PVMFStatus GetMediaPresentationInfo(PVMFMediaPresentationInfo& aInfo);
PVMFStatus SelectTracks(PVMFMediaPresentationInfo& aInfo);
// From PVMFMetadataExtensionInterface
uint32 GetNumMetadataKeys(char* aQueryKeyString = NULL);
uint32 GetNumMetadataValues(PVMFMetadataList& aKeyList);
PVMFCommandId GetNodeMetadataKeys(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, PVMFMetadataList& aKeyList, uint32 aStartingKeyIndex, int32 aMaxKeyEntries,
char* aQueryKeyString = NULL, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL);
PVMFCommandId GetNodeMetadataValues(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, PVMFMetadataList& aKeyList,
Oscl_Vector<PvmiKvp, OsclMemAllocator>& aValueList, uint32 aStartingValueIndex, int32 aMaxValueEntries, const OsclAny* aContextData = NULL);
PVMFStatus ReleaseNodeMetadataKeys(PVMFMetadataList& aKeyList, uint32 aStartingKeyIndex, uint32 aEndKeyIndex);
PVMFStatus ReleaseNodeMetadataValues(Oscl_Vector<PvmiKvp, OsclMemAllocator>& aValueList, uint32 aStartingValueIndex, uint32 aEndValueIndex);
// From PvmfDataSourcePositioningControlInterface
PVMFCommandId SetDataSourcePosition(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, PVMFTimestamp aTargetNPT, PVMFTimestamp& aActualNPT,
PVMFTimestamp& aActualMediaDataTS, bool aSeekToSyncPoint = true, uint32 aStreamId = 0, OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId QueryDataSourcePosition(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, PVMFTimestamp aTargetNPT, PVMFTimestamp& aActualNPT,
bool aSeekToSyncPoint = true, OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
PVMFCommandId QueryDataSourcePosition(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, PVMFTimestamp aTargetNPT,
PVMFTimestamp& aSeekPointBeforeTargetNPT, PVMFTimestamp& aSeekPointAfterTargetNPT,
OsclAny* aContext = NULL, bool aSeekToSyncPoint = true);
PVMFCommandId SetDataSourceRate(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, int32 aRate, PVMFTimebase* aTimebase = NULL, OsclAny* aContext = NULL);
// From PVMFPortActivityHandler
void HandlePortActivity(const PVMFPortActivity& aActivity)
//From PVMFDataSourceNodeRegistryInitInterface
PVMFStatus SetPlayerNodeRegistry(PVPlayerNodeRegistryInterface* aRegistry);
void SetDebugMode()
iDebugMode = true;
//From capability and config interface
virtual void setObserver(PvmiConfigAndCapabilityCmdObserver* aObserver)
ciObserver = aObserver;
virtual PVMFStatus getParametersSync(PvmiMIOSession aSession,
PvmiKeyType aIdentifier,
PvmiKvp*& aParameters,
int& aNumParamElements,
PvmiCapabilityContext aContext);
virtual PVMFStatus releaseParameters(PvmiMIOSession aSession,
PvmiKvp* aParameters,
int num_elements);
virtual void createContext(PvmiMIOSession aSession, PvmiCapabilityContext& aContext);
virtual void setContextParameters(PvmiMIOSession aSession, PvmiCapabilityContext& aContext,
PvmiKvp* aParameters, int num_parameter_elements);
virtual void DeleteContext(PvmiMIOSession aSession,
PvmiCapabilityContext& aContext);
virtual void setParametersSync(PvmiMIOSession aSession, PvmiKvp* aParameters,
int num_elements, PvmiKvp * & aRet_kvp);
virtual PVMFCommandId setParametersAsync(PvmiMIOSession aSession,
PvmiKvp* aParameters,
int num_elements,
PvmiKvp*& aRet_kvp,
OsclAny* context = NULL);
virtual uint32 getCapabilityMetric(PvmiMIOSession aSession);
virtual PVMFStatus verifyParametersSync(PvmiMIOSession aSession,
PvmiKvp* aParameters,
int num_elements);
//from PVMFMediaClockStateObserver
void ClockStateUpdated();
void NotificationsInterfaceDestroyed();
/* From PVMFCPMPluginLicenseInterface */
PVMFStatus GetLicenseURL(PVMFSessionId aSessionId,
OSCL_wString& aContentName,
OSCL_wString& aLicenseURL)
//must use Async method.
return PVMFErrNotSupported;
PVMFStatus GetLicenseURL(PVMFSessionId aSessionId,
OSCL_String& aContentName,
OSCL_String& aLicenseURL)
//must use Async method.
return PVMFErrNotSupported;
PVMFCommandId GetLicense(PVMFSessionId aSessionId,
OSCL_wString& aContentName,
OsclAny* aData,
uint32 aDataSize,
int32 aTimeoutMsec,
OsclAny* aContextData) ;
PVMFCommandId GetLicense(PVMFSessionId aSessionId,
OSCL_String& aContentName,
OsclAny* aData,
uint32 aDataSize,
int32 aTimeoutMsec,
OsclAny* aContextData);
PVMFCommandId CancelGetLicense(PVMFSessionId aSessionId
, PVMFCommandId aCmdId
, OsclAny* aContextData);
bool iDebugMode;
void ConstructL();
// from OsclTimerObject
void Run();
//Command processing
//There are 3 command queues.
//iInputCommands is the input queue for the node. It is N deep and allows for high priority commands to go to the front of the list.
//iCurrentCommand is a 1-deep holding place for a command that has started executing but has asynchronous completion.
//iCancelCommand is a 1-deep holding place for a cancel command that has started executing but has asynchronous completion.
PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCmdQueue iInputCommands;
PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCmdQueue iCurrentCommand;
PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCmdQueue iCancelCommand;
PVMFCommandId QueueCommandL(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
void ProcessCommand();
void CommandComplete(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCmdQueue& aCmdQueue, PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd, PVMFStatus , PVInterface*, OsclAny*);
// Event reporting
void ReportErrorEvent(PVMFEventType aEventType, PVInterface*aExt = NULL, OsclAny* aEventData = NULL);
void ReportInfoEvent(PVMFAsyncEvent&);
void ChangeNodeState(TPVMFNodeInterfaceState aNewState);
// Node command handlers
PVMFStatus DoQueryUuid(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
PVMFStatus DoQueryInterface(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
PVMFStatus DoRequestPort(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
PVMFStatus DoReleasePort(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
PVMFStatus DoInitNode(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
PVMFStatus DoPrepareNode(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
PVMFStatus DoStartNode(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
PVMFStatus DoStopNode(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
PVMFStatus DoFlushNode(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
PVMFStatus DoPauseNode(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
PVMFStatus DoResetNode(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
PVMFStatus DoCancelAllCommands(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
PVMFStatus DoCancelCommand(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
// For metadata extention interface
PVMFStatus DoGetNodeMetadataKey(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
PVMFStatus DoGetNodeMetadataValue(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
// For data source position extension interface
PVMFStatus DoSetDataSourcePosition(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
PVMFStatus DoQueryDataSourcePosition(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
bool IsByteBasedDownloadProgress(OSCL_String &aDownloadProgressInfo);
bool GetHttpExtensionHeaderParams(PvmiKvp &aParameter,
OSCL_String &extensionHeaderKey,
OSCL_String &extensionHeaderValue,
HttpMethod &httpMethod,
bool &aPurgeOnRedirect);
bool IsHttpExtensionHeaderValid(PvmiKvp &aParameter);
// remove the ending ';', ',' or ' ' and calulate value length
uint32 getItemLen(char *ptrItemStart, char *ptrItemEnd);
bool IsDownloadExtensionHeaderValid(PvmiKvp &);
// MIME type of the downloaded data
OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator> iMimeType;
// playback mode
enum TDlMgrPlaybackMode
, EDownloadThenPlay
, EDownloadOnly
, EPlaybackOnly
TDlMgrPlaybackMode iPlaybackMode;
// Name of local file to store downloaded data
OSCL_wHeapString<OsclMemAllocator> iDownloadFileName;
// Format type of media
PVMFFormatType iFmt;
// The local data source info gleaned from the source data set via SetSourceInit interface
PVMFSourceContextDataCommon iLocalDataSource;
//Source data.
PVMFFormatType iSourceFormat;
OSCL_wHeapString<OsclMemAllocator> iSourceURL;
PVMFNodeCapability iCapability;
PVLogger* iLogger;
friend class PVMFDownloadManagerSubNodeContainerBase;
friend class PVMFDownloadManagerSubNodeContainer;
friend class PVMFDownloadManagerRecognizerContainer;
// Reference counter for extension
uint32 iExtensionRefCount;
PVMFDownloadManagerSubNodeContainer iFormatParserNode;
PVMFDownloadManagerSubNodeContainer iProtocolEngineNode;
PVMFDownloadManagerSubNodeContainer iSocketNode;
PVMFDownloadManagerSubNodeContainer& TrackSelectNode();
// Recognizer
PVMFDownloadManagerRecognizerContainer iRecognizerNode;
// Filebufferdatastream object
PVMFFileBufferDataStream* iFileBufferDatastreamFactory;
// MemoryBufferDataStream object
PVMFMemoryBufferDataStream* iMemoryBufferDatastreamFactory;
PVMFDataStreamFactory* iReadFactory;
PVMFDataStreamFactory* iWriteFactory;
void NotifyDownloadComplete()
if (EPlaybackOnly == iPlaybackMode)
if (iMemoryBufferDatastreamFactory != NULL)
if (iFileBufferDatastreamFactory != NULL)
bool iParserInit;//set when file parse sequence is initiated.
bool iDataReady;//set when initial data ready is received or generated.
bool iDownloadComplete;//set when DL is complete.
bool iMovieAtomComplete;//set when movie atom DL complete for fast-track.
bool iNoPETrackSelect;//set after deciding that PE cannot to track selection.
bool iParserInitAfterMovieAtom;
bool iParserPrepareAfterMovieAtom;
bool iRecognizerError;//set when recognizer fails.
PVMFStatus iRecognizerStartStatus;
bool iInitFailedLicenseRequired; //set when PVMFErrLicenseRequired failed
void ContinueInitAfterTrackSelectDecision();
void ContinueFromDownloadTrackSelectionPoint();
void ContinueAfterMovieAtom();
PVMFNodeInterface* CreateParser();
//event handling
void GenerateDataReadyEvent();
bool FilterPlaybackEventsFromSubNodes(const PVMFAsyncEvent& aEvent);
// Socket Config Info, for configuring socket node.
OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator> iServerAddr;
// Ports for the protocol node and the socket node
PVMFPortInterface* iProtocolEngineNodePort;
PVMFPortInterface* iSocketNodePort;
//The sub-node command vec contains all the sub-node commands needed for a single node command.
class CmdElem
PVMFDownloadManagerSubNodeContainerBase* iNC;
PVMFDownloadManagerSubNodeContainerBase::CmdType iCmd;
Oscl_Vector<CmdElem, OsclMemAllocator> iSubNodeCmdVec;
PVMFStatus ScheduleSubNodeCommands(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
void Push(PVMFDownloadManagerSubNodeContainerBase&, PVMFDownloadManagerSubNodeContainerBase::CmdType);
//Recognizer related
PVPlayerNodeRegistryInterface* iPlayerNodeRegistry;
//Vector to store the Uuids for the download manager nodes created throughout the playback
Oscl_Vector<PVUuid, OsclMemAllocator> iDNodeUuids;
//Count for Uuids
uint32 iDNodeUuidCount;
// playback clock which will be received form the engine.
PVMFMediaClock *iPlayBackClock;
PVMFMediaClockNotificationsInterface *iClockNotificationsInf;
// HTTP Content-Type header MIME string hint from the server
OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator> iContentTypeMIMEString;
PVMFStatus DoGetLicense(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd,
bool aWideCharVersion = false);
void CompleteGetLicense();
PVMFStatus DoCancelGetLicense(PVMFDownloadManagerNodeCommand& aCmd);
// Capability and config interface related constants and definitions
// - based on pv_player_engine.h
struct DownloadManagerKeyStringData
char iString[64];
PvmiKvpType iType;
PvmiKvpValueType iValueType;
// The number of characters to allocate for the key string
// Constants for setting up socket mem pool for progressive playback and shoutcast
// These constants are not tunables.