Update color emoji font with latest images.

Change-Id: I0c11b4582929147cb938c8c0860bc297b8b587aa
Fixes: 37778978 fixes to blushing emoji
Fixes: 62065580 man/woman pouting looks like people with mustache
Fixes: 37276533 grinning face with smiling eyes does not convey correct emotion
Fixes: 62024261 "Pound" symbol incorrect - should have only one line across
Fixes: 62025932 Nerd face fixes
Fixes: 62024767 Monocle needs to look condescending
Fixes: 62031661 Holding hand emoji need more detail in arm and hands
Fixes: 62132164 Fixes to rabbit and rabbit face emoji
Fixes: 62082098 Key doesn't match keyhole
Test: visual inspection of images on web page
1 file changed