blob: 6e5d660259df09f38e7d1d1c8860c3ed1c75727f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "metrics.h"
#include "util.h"
/// A hash table that allows for concurrent lookups and insertions.
/// Resizing the table isn't thread-safe; inserting items doesn't automatically
/// resize the table.
template <typename K, typename V>
class ConcurrentHashMap {
using key_type = K;
using mapped_type = V;
using value_type = std::pair<const K, V>;
using reference = value_type&;
using pointer = value_type*;
using const_reference = const value_type&;
using const_pointer = const value_type*;
struct Node;
struct NodeStub {
std::atomic<Node*> next { nullptr };
struct Node : NodeStub {
Node(size_t hash, const value_type& value) : hash(hash), value(value) {}
size_t hash = 0;
value_type value {};
/// Record the number of elements in the hash map. Assign each thread to a
/// separate index within the size table to avoid false sharing among CPUs.
std::atomic<ssize_t> size;
std::vector<SizeRecord> size_ { GetThreadSlotCount() };
void IncrementSize() {
thread_local size_t idx = GetThreadSlotIndex();
explicit ConcurrentHashMap(size_t size=1)
: table_(std::max<size_t>(size, 1)) {}
ConcurrentHashMap(const ConcurrentHashMap&) = delete;
ConcurrentHashMap& operator=(const ConcurrentHashMap&) = delete;
~ConcurrentHashMap() {
ForEachNode(table_, [](Node* node) {
delete node;
void swap(ConcurrentHashMap& other) {
/// Atomically lookup a key.
V* Lookup(const K& key) {
std::pair<NodeStub*, Node*> pos = Find(std::hash<K>()(key), key);
return pos.first ? nullptr : &pos.second->value.second;
/// Atomically lookup a key.
const V* Lookup(const K& key) const {
auto self = const_cast<ConcurrentHashMap*>(this);
std::pair<NodeStub*, Node*> pos = self->Find(std::hash<K>()(key), key);
return pos.first ? nullptr : &pos.second->value.second;
/// Atomically insert a (K, V) entry into the hash map if K isn't already in
/// the map. Does nothing if K is already in the map.
/// Returns the address of the V entry in the map, and a bool denoting whether
/// or not an insertion was performed.
/// This function avoids returning an iterator because insertion is
/// thread-safe while iteration isn't, so returning an iterator seemed
/// hazardous.
std::pair<V*, bool> insert(const value_type& value) {
size_t hash = std::hash<K>()(value.first);
std::unique_ptr<Node> node(new Node(hash, value));
std::pair<Node*, bool> result = InsertNode(std::move(node));
return { &result.first->value.second, result.second };
size_t size() const {
ssize_t result = 0;
for (const SizeRecord& rec : size_)
result += rec.size.load();
return result;
bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
size_t bucket_count() const { return table_.size(); }
/// Unlike insertion and lookup, rehashing is *not* thread-safe. This class
/// does not automatically rehash the table on insertion.
void rehash(size_t buckets) {
METRIC_RECORD("ConcurrentHashMap rehash");
std::vector<NodeStub> tmp_table(std::max<size_t>(buckets, 1));
ForEachNode(tmp_table, [this](Node* node) {
node->next = nullptr;
void reserve(size_t count) {
if (count < bucket_count())
template <typename Func>
void ForEachNode(const std::vector<NodeStub>& table, Func&& func) {
for (const NodeStub& stub : table) {
Node* node =;
while (node != nullptr) {
Node* next = node->next.load();
node = next;
/// Insert a node into the hash map if it isn't already there.
std::pair<Node*, bool> InsertNode(std::unique_ptr<Node> node) {
while (true) {
std::pair<NodeStub*, Node*> pos = Find(node->hash, node->value.first);
if (pos.first == nullptr)
return { pos.second, false };
node->next = pos.second;
Node* expected = pos.second;
if (pos.first->next.compare_exchange_weak(expected, node.get())) {
return { node.release(), true };
std::vector<NodeStub> table_;
/// Find either a matching node or the insertion point for the node. To ensure
/// deterministic behavior, the nodes are kept in ascending order, first by
/// the hash value, then by the key itself.
/// This function returns a pair of (stub, node):
/// - If the node is found, stub is null and node is non-null.
/// - If the node isn't found, stub is non-null, and node is the loaded value
/// of the stub, which should be used in the CAS to insert the node.
std::pair<NodeStub*, Node*> Find(size_t hash, const K& key) {
NodeStub* stub = &table_[hash % table_.size()];
while (true) {
Node* ptr = stub->next.load();
if (ptr == nullptr || hash < ptr->hash) {
return { stub, ptr };
if (hash == ptr->hash) {
// In the common case, when the hash and ptr->hash are equal, we expect
// the keys to be equal too, so compare for equality before comparing
// for less-than.
if (key == ptr->value.first) {
return { nullptr, ptr };
} else if (key < ptr->value.first) {
return { stub, ptr };
stub = ptr;
struct MutCfg { using ValueType = value_type; };
struct ConstCfg { using ValueType = const value_type; };
/// Something like a ForwardIterator. Iteration over the table isn't
/// thread-safe.
template <typename Cfg>
class iterator_impl {
iterator_impl(const ConcurrentHashMap* container) : container_(container) {}
iterator_impl(const ConcurrentHashMap* container, size_t bucket, Node* node)
: container_(container),
node_(node) {}
const ConcurrentHashMap* container_ = nullptr;
size_t bucket_ = SIZE_MAX;
Node* node_ = nullptr;
/// This constructor is a copy constructor for const_iterator and an
/// implicit conversion for const_iterator -> iterator.
iterator_impl(const iterator_impl<ConstCfg>& other)
: container_(other.container_),
node_(other.node_) {}
typename Cfg::ValueType& operator*() { return node_->value; }
typename Cfg::ValueType* operator->() { return &node_->value; }
iterator_impl<Cfg>& operator++() {
node_ = node_->next.load();
if (node_ == nullptr)
*this = container_->FindNextOccupiedBucket(bucket_ + 1);
return *this;
bool operator==(const iterator_impl<Cfg>& other) const {
return node_ == other.node_;
bool operator!=(const iterator_impl<Cfg>& other) const {
return node_ != other.node_;
friend class ConcurrentHashMap;
using iterator = iterator_impl<MutCfg>;
using const_iterator = iterator_impl<ConstCfg>;
iterator begin() { return FindNextOccupiedBucket(0); }
iterator end() { return iterator { this }; }
const_iterator begin() const { return FindNextOccupiedBucket(0); }
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator { this }; }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return FindNextOccupiedBucket(0); }
const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator { this }; }
const_iterator FindNextOccupiedBucket(size_t idx) const {
while (idx < table_.size()) {
Node* node = table_[idx].next.load();
if (node != nullptr) {
return const_iterator { this, idx, node };
return end();