[automerger skipped] mockftpserver: drop .classpath files and update README.txt am: 7a7323460c am: dfa2060ad0 am: ec64f179b5 am: dfae9b3ae7 am: ecccd08d3a am: 306569f045 am: 7b6075ff83 am: 1c07929602 -s ours am: 722ec238ec -s ours am: 900e33125f -s ours am: d7f8a7c4c9 -s ours

am skip reason: Merged-In Iff60241aec3b9fa685969e18f41c48e87165c396 with SHA-1 7a7323460c is already in history

Original change: https://googleplex-android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/external/mockftpserver/+/16495238

Change-Id: If0ff1d25647926c8fb1503af30414bc81fae430c